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The Benefits of Meditation Are in the Daily Practice

Keeping meditation on my schedule is an act of self-love.

By Zada KentPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Meditating on Beach created with Canva

During my first few attempts at meditation, my mind spent the entire time jumping from one thought to another. If I succeeded in pushing away whatever random idea I caught myself contemplating, some other nonsense would pop inside my head a few seconds later, distracting me once again.

In the beginning, I thought meditation was the same as relaxation. I thought the benefit of closing my eyes while sitting on a mat with my legs crossed was relaxed muscles and a calmer mind than before I sat down. And while meditation does help me relax, I’ve learned that its main purpose is something much more valuable. It’s the lifelong practice of self-love.

Now, ten months after my meditation practice began, it has become my daily exercise of self-love. I’m glad I didn’t give up. Although I’m far from an expert, I feel like I continue to make progress. There are several benefits I’ve noticed since I began my journey.

I feel focused throughout the day.

I used to rely on an additional mug of coffee in the early afternoon to get me through the rest of my workday. But that caffeine-induced energy boost does not promote mental clarity. That extra cup was nothing more than a failed attempt at adding focus to my day.

Meditating first thing each morning gives me the mental acuity for the day’s tasks. I now get to savor my coffee as I get ready for work rather than guzzle it down as an unreliable fix.

Little moments fill me with gratitude.

Sometimes it’s just the bright color of a flower I notice. Sometimes the sunlight streaming through my office window spreads a warmth over my skin that is impossible to ignore. Moments that used to go unnoticed — trivial, insignificant moments — I now find joy and gratitude in.

“Gratitude is one of the strongest and most transformative states of being. It shifts your perspective from lack to abundance and allows you to focus on the good in your life, which in turn pulls more goodness into your reality.” — Jen Sincero

My life no longer feels overwhelming.

Before the rewards of meditation, most of my days were filled with reacting to whatever fire needed extinguished. I would scramble around driving kids to work, delivering lunch to my husband, writing my next article, or tackling whatever housework needed the most attention — always in an anxiety-fueled rush.

Now, the whirlwind of chaos that used to lash out at me simply doesn’t exist. I’m no longer overwhelmed and drowning in my personal sea of life. And as of a few months ago, my suffocating moments of anxiety have ceased.

I accept that things happen when they need to, and I deal with them accordingly.

Meditation is now a non-negotiable appointment on my daily schedule. I’ve experienced too many significant benefits since implementing it in my life to not continue its practice.

We all get the same 24-hour day. Sometimes it can feel impossible to add another appointment to our schedules. But the benefits of meditation are worth the time. I am worth the time. There are three easy ways I keep meditation on my daily schedule.

I get up early.

With two dogs, two cats, two kids, and one spouse, I don’t get much time to myself. So I’ve carved out some designated me-time by getting up early. This is crucial because, for me, practicing meditation requires solitude. It’s much easier to get into a meditative state when I’m not interrupted by a family member — especially one with four legs and fur.

I keep my meditation space clean and uncluttered.

For me, a cluttered space equals a cluttered mind. My surrounding meditation space needs to be clean and well-organized otherwise the mess makes it impossible for my mind to stay quiet. I’ll sit there constantly thinking about how I need to get off my bum and clean up the chaos instead of focusing on my own breath.

Keeping this space pristine creates a welcoming spot to meditate. I look forward to my early mornings in such a calm, relaxing environment. My well-being is worth the effort I’ve put into making this space special.

I use apps like Insight Timer.

I’ve used other free apps in the past, but Insight Timer is the best by far. (Note: This is not an affiliate link, only my enthusiastic recommendation.) I only recently started using it thanks to the recommendation by a friend) to help keep me on a daily meditation practice.

Some days it’s easier for me to use a guide while meditating so this app is great for that. I can pop my earbuds in and listen to a soothing voice tell me to simply breathe naturally and not make any effort to control my breath (a bad habit I still struggle with on occasion).

I especially like Insight Timer because I can create my own meditation audio with the timer section. It allows me to set the amount of time I desire and add in bells at different intervals along with more than a dozen ambient sounds to fill my allotted time.

There are many different approaches to meditation. One size does not fit all here. I’ve learned what works for me by trial and error. And I’m committed to continuing my practice because life is better when I love myself enough to put my well-being first.

If you’re trying to start your own meditation practice, remember that we’re all individuals with individual needs. What works for me might help you on your own journey, or my habits might provide you with insight into what doesn’t work best for you.

Meditation is the ultimate gift of self-love. By choosing to meditate we acknowledge our importance in the universe. No one on this earth is exactly like another. We are all unique and worthy of the attention we give ourselves to improve as human beings.

Meditation is part of a fat-and-sassy life. Sign up here to learn more.


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Zada Kent

Education | Advocacy | Allyship


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