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The 6 Best Yoga Moves for Relieving Lower Back Pain

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By Healthy Lifestyle the storyPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
The 6 Best Yoga Moves for Relieving Lower Back Pain
Photo by Maryjoy Caballero on Unsplash

Contrary to popular belief, there are ways to deal with back pain that don’t involve medications or invasive surgery. You can use simple yoga moves, such as these 6 best yoga moves for relieving lower back pain, to keep your muscles flexible and relieve the pressure on your back, leaving you feeling comfortable and healthy all day long.

1) Downward Facing Dog

Asking your back to bear weight while pushing against a hard surface puts stress on its ligaments, tendons, and muscles. This is why many people who suffer from lower back pain gravitate toward activities like yoga, which encourages you to strengthen your core while alleviating pressure on your spine. Yoga may be one of the best back pain solutions out there since it helps reduce stress while improving muscle flexibility in your back and neck. The Downward Facing Dog is a common posture that opens up your chest as well as stretches out your shoulders, arms, and legs—so it’s an ideal way to start when building a routine around poses that target various body parts.

2) Plank Pose

This pose is a great way to relieve back pain, says Tom Mackenzie, an international yoga trainer. It stretches and strengthens your entire body, including your lower back. Start in plank position, with hands shoulder-width apart and flat on either side of your chest.

3) Child's Pose

Here's a classic move you can use to relieve back pain. Try it: Kneel on your mat, sit on your heels, and stretch your arms out in front of you (be sure to check with a doctor first if you have any health conditions or injuries that would make certain poses unsafe). Rest your chest and forehead on your hands and breathe deeply into the pose. The child position can help release tension in your neck, shoulders, lower back, and hips.

4) Next up are spinal twists,

These gently stretch and flex your spine, helping to relieve back pain by releasing tension and improving circulation. A common mistake that beginners make is to twist too far; if you stick with gentle twists and breathe deeply while twisting, they can be very effective. A good way to practice spinal twists at home is to sit upright in a chair with both feet firmly planted on the floor. Your knees should be bent, with both hands placed behind you on either side of your hips. Now tilt your torso slightly toward one side and twist as far as you comfortably can, then return to center and repeat on another side until you feel a gentle stretching sensation in your lower back.

5) Backbends may feel great

It's impossible to ignore your body's natural craving to stretch when you're in pain. Backbends, which open up and lengthen your spine, can feel exhilarating in times of back discomfort. However, any yoga pose that encourages the full extension of your back is potentially problematic—so if you suffer from back pain, avoid poses like bakasana (crow), baddha konasana (bound angle), and utthita hasta padangusthasana (extended hand-to-big toe pose). Forward folds and twists are great because they relieve pressure on your lower back, explains Beth Shaw, owner of Beth Shaw Yoga in Tucson, Arizona.

6) Plow poses, inversions, and shoulder stands may also be risky

While many yoga poses can help relieve back pain, some poses can be harmful, says Judith Hanson Lasater, Ph.D., PTA. In particular, she cautions against a plow pose (also known as a tabletop), which may cause compression of your vertebrae and is one of five moves experts recommend people avoid to prevent spine injury. She also warns against inversions (such as headstands and shoulder stands) because they put pressure on an area that's rich with nerves; if you have problems with your balance or suffer from dizziness, it's best to steer clear of these too. It's important to note that some variations of these poses are safe; check with a yoga instructor or physical therapist before trying them at home.

Talk to your doctor before you start a new yoga routine

If you have lower back pain and are thinking about starting a yoga routine, talk to your doctor first. Before trying yoga to relieve back pain, discuss it with your primary care physician or surgeon first. They may have other suggestions that can help you relieve your pain, such as physical therapy or steroid injections. Be sure they know if you also have existing back problems like osteoporosis or rheumatoid arthritis. It's best to build a foundation of healthy habits now before pursuing yoga as a lower back pain solution; it may help in relieving stress, which could contribute to additional back problems in the future.

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