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Storage Ideas for the Kitchen

Actionable advice on how to use the kitchen space more efficiently

By Cameron RobertsonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Storage Ideas for the Kitchen
Photo by Dane Deaner on Unsplash

If you've just moved from a studio to a two-room apartment, you're probably wondering, "Where have we kept all this stuff so far?" storage space is probably a problem, even in that seemingly happy situation.

The truth is that the more space you have, the more things you buy, the more you cling to the old ones and the more you scatter them all, managing to fill spaces that seemed more than enough at first. This is why you will rarely find empty cabinets and shelves in a house and "too much storage space" in general.

From this point of view, the kitchen is the most problematic room because it is where the most and most diverse things find their place and there is the greatest need for creative ideas for storage and organization. If you have a small kitchen or simply need more storage space, you need to keep a few general rules in mind.

Pay attention to the type of furniture chosen!

Kitchen furniture can make the difference between a well-organized space and an overcrowded one. Before choosing a model, make an inventory of all the things you have and those you intend to buy and write down on a piece of paper how many shelves you need and what size.

If you want to store, for example, the blender in a cupboard, it needs to be either high enough or deep enough that you can store the blender lying down. Take into account the space for the microwave oven, the shelf for spoons and forks, ask yourself where you will store the cooking utensils, how many you have and how much space would be needed.

If you have a small kitchen, do not choose massive furniture, but opt ​​for a slender one. Also, pay attention to how the cabinets will open! Think about all these details before buying the furniture because, once you have installed it, you will have a few options to change something.

Extend vertically!

The most unbearable thing in a kitchen is to hit yourself at every step of something. To save as much space as possible and to gain "room for movement", use as much space as possible from the vertical - hanging cabinets, spice racks, paper kitchen towel hangers, and even an extensible wall table.

Just make sure you take into account the height of everyone in the house to avoid small accidents.

Whenever possible, use shelves!

Most space in a kitchen is lost in the space above the stored things. If, for example, you have a very high cupboard and you only store sugar, salt, rice, and other foods in it, most likely the space above them remains completely unusable.

All you have to do is mount a shelf immediately above them and you have gained precious space in one go.

Opt for smart furniture!

Chairs and benches with storage space are ideal for small kitchens. Even under the table, you can hang baskets in which to keep bread, for example and kitchen towels.

Be very organized!

Arrange the objects according to how often you use them - put the ones you use rarely back as far as possible, and place the ones you need daily in front. It may sound trivial, but you will be surprised how much this type of organization will help you. In the same idea, but the tallest glasses in the back and the lowest ones in the front, so that you can have easy access to everything.

Nice ideas for storage and organization for the kitchen

Dedicate a shelf for storing fruits and vegetables and buy wicker baskets to avoid the appearance of mold. You can go in two or three rows, depending on how much space and what your needs are.

Store spices smart! Avoid round containers and opt for straight-edged ones instead of "joining" them together as efficiently as possible. labels.

If you have a set of plates of different sizes, but not a special space created to store them, all you have to do is stick some separating wood between them to delimit the space for each type and to avoid chipping when opening the shelf. It's a simple but very helpful idea, which you can implement in just a few minutes and with a minimal investment.

The space around the kitchen sink is almost always loaded with sponges and other cleaning utensils. If you store them all in a special place for them, you create the feeling of "airy" space in the area of ​​the sink and the kitchen worktop. The DIY stores offer you countless solutions in this regard.

Wherever you have a little space and the need to organize it, opt for slim metal shelves because they are easy to install. You can use them to store sauces, jams, or soft juices.

If you have a pantry, no matter how small, organize it with the help of shelves! You will be amazed at how much space you can save and how much kitchen stuff can be moved there.

Special kitchen organizers are very useful. You can buy them as such or you can make them yourself, using materials from DIY stores. You will save valuable space, especially when it comes to storing bottles.

 I was saying that one of the basic rules of efficient organization of the small space in the kitchen is the vertical extension. If you opt for shelves, you need to be very organized to maintain a pleasant appearance.

If, on the other hand, you prefer to keep your things away from prying eyes, opt for drawers. They can optimize even the smallest space if you use them intelligently.

Get inspired by these ideas for storage and organization for the kitchen and enjoy more space and more fun in the kitchen!

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    CRWritten by Cameron Robertson

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