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Stop Surprises: Solar Panel Bird Proofing

Keep your solar panels clean and birds happy: bird proofing solutions

By Duane PintaPublished 2 days ago 4 min read

Ever check your solar panels and see, well, not exactly what you were hoping for? Those little birdies we love having around can sometimes leave presents on our panels. Birds are awesome, but they can get a little messy on solar panels, making them work less efficiently. No worries though, there are ways to keep your panels clean and protect these cool wildlife residents. Let's explore some solar panel bird-proofing options to prevent bird damage now and keep your solar system running smoothly.

This blog post will break down some cool ways to keep birds away from your solar panels. We'll cover everything from shields to shiny stuff that birds hate (but we don't even notice). We'll also throw in some tips to pick the perfect solution for your setup, so your panels and your feathered neighbors can both stay happy.

Why birdproof your solar panels?

Hey, those cute birds hanging out in your yard? Turns out, they might not be so keen on your solar panels. They love the space under them for building a cosy nest, but guess what? All that nesting stuff and, well, bird poop, can kinda block the sunlight from reaching the panels. That means they don't work as well and don't make as much energy. Not cool!

Also, that bird poop is, well, not good for the panels. It's acidic and can mess up the electrical parts over time. That could mean spending money on repairs or even replacing the whole thing. So, looking out for ways to keep the birds away is a good idea for your wallet and your solar panels. In some cases, applying a durable roof paint specifically designed for solar panels can also help minimise the impact of droppings.

Common solutions

Alright, so how do we keep the birdies away from the solar panels? Here are a few awesome tricks:

  • Mesh magic: Picture a super fine screen, practically invisible, that goes under your panels. This stops birds from sneaking in and making a nest. Mesh is popular because it's tough and lasts a long time.
  • Skirt it out: This is like putting a tiny fence along the bottom edge of your panels. It discourages birds from squeezing under there. Skirting can be metal or plastic, and some people like it because it's an easy DIY project.
  • Spiky no-landing zone: Ever seen those spiky strips on building ledges? Those are exclusion devices, and they can work on solar panels too. They make it uncomfortable for birds to land. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and some even target specific bird types.

Choosing the right solution

There's no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to birdproofing. The best solution for you will depend on a few things:

  • Your budget: Mesh barriers tend to be a bit more expensive upfront than skirting or exclusion devices, but they might last longer.
  • Your roof type: If you have a tricky roof design, installing mesh or skirting might be a bit more complex.
  • The local birdlife: Different birds can be more or less persistent. Those spiky things might work great for some smaller birds, but bigger ones might need something more heavy-duty. Pigeons, for example, can be super determined, so it might be worth chatting with a pro about the best way to keep those birds off your panels.

Consulting a solar professional (optional)

Feeling stumped on which bird blocker to pick? No worries! Solar installers or technicians (the solar experts) are always happy to chat. They can stop by and eyeball your panels to see what's going on with the birds. They can then recommend the best choice based on your roof, what you can afford, and the types of birds that like to chill in your area. These solar pros have seen it all and can help you keep your panels working great and your feathered friends safe at the same time.

Additional tips

So mesh, skirting, and those spiky things are the main ways to keep birds away from your solar panels. But there are a few other creative options you can try too:

  • Shine on: Put up some reflective tape or hang some owl decorations. Birds might not be fans of the flashing lights or the creepy stares and decide to find another spot to hang out.
  • Secret sounds: There are special gadgets that make high-pitched noises birds hate, but that humans can't hear. Pretty sneaky, huh?

Remember: No matter what you choose, keep an eye on it! Make sure everything is still in good shape and there aren't any holes or gaps that birds could sneak through. You want to keep your panels working great and the birds safe too.


So, with a few easy tricks to keep birds away from your solar panels, you can:

  • Help those feathered friends stay happy out in the wild - By deterring them from nesting under your panels, you're giving them a chance to build their nests in a safer spot, away from potential dangers like electrical wiring and scorching hot panels.
  • Keep your solar system rocking it out - Bird droppings and nesting materials can block sunlight from reaching the panels, reducing their efficiency. By keeping your panels clear, you'll be maximising the clean energy your system produces.
  • Enjoy all the benefits of switching to solar energy, including clean power and reduced energy costs.

Score! Solar panels humming, power bills chilling, and no surprises under your panels. You'll be helping the environment in two cool ways: using clean solar energy and giving birds a chance to do their thing in nature.

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    DPWritten by Duane Pinta

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