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Stay forever young on a budget

The best tips and advice to slow down aging affordably

By DimitriosTPublished 10 months ago 5 min read

You may have heard of Mr.Bryan Johnson and his team of 30+ doctors that help him reverse aging and stay young forever.Mr.Bryan Johnson spends around 2million$ a year for medical investigations and interventions,let alone personal trainers and paramedical staff.

Mr.Bryan has taken the notion of eternal youth to another level.It is said that he has a special customized device that measures the number of erections he has every single night..This numbers lowers as man grow older(and wiser hopefully).

There is nothing wrong to it if you ask me but Mr.Bryan would fire a couple of medics if that happens frequently!

Mr.Bryan Johnson and his routine

I definitely like Mr.Bryan because of his own unique personality and for his desire to share all of his medical data with the world.I am sure that some interesting research results will come out and used to the benefit of the human kind.He is definitely a courageous person that does not care about criticism and pangs of jealousy in social media.

Last week I was scrolling in a nearby park and witnessed something rare to the eyes.A beautiful,middle aged woman dressed in a thin yellow summer long dress was embracing the huge trunk of a huge 200 years old pine tree.

The lady was pretty as a butterfly!Definitely a nature lover as myself,I thought.

She stayed there still,chin up and eyes closed,almost meditating,for around five minutes before finally slowly walking away.

I am lucky to have witnessed such an event

What a pity butterflies don’t live forever,I said to myself and became saddened.We have to fix this somehow,I pondered and started sinking into my own thoughts for days in a row.

Now it is the moment to share with you and the world how to outperform Mr.Bryan without spending a fortune.This is definitely doable as Mr.Bryan’s doctors are sincere and admit to have reversed aging for their client for only 5 years.I am sure you and I can double this number by taking responsibility for your overall lifestyle.I want to increase not only your lifespan but your health-span as well.

We can do it as other people are already doing it(without intending to sometimes) and have done it before.

You can reach 100+ and still enjoy the benefits of youth.Here is my advice!


Take it really slow.No more rat race and high level of cortisol.You don’t have to check the damn cellphone every 5 minutes and you don’t need to answer that e-mail right now.

Please disable 99% of the notifications on your phone and check it 3 times a day or when it rings only.

Try to go without your phone on weekends.

Give your mind finally some peace!


People are not the best of all species definitely.They have caused huge ecologic disasters,they have caused huge amounts of pain to each other,they have invented the nuclear energy that cam mean the end of humanity in some day and they can make your life miserable every so often.

You may have heard of SadhGuru,the founder and head of the Isha foundation.Well, SadhGuru has grown the seed of divinity that lies within all people and is closer to the God than any other human being right now,in my opinion of-course.

Doctors claim that at the age of 65 years old has the cells of a 25 year old!He doesn’t care about the number of his erections and advises us not to become sad or angry with people because everyone is a unique idiot.

By taking that as granted(and it is)you can reduce your stress levels enormously and find ways to get along with the other people.

Mimic the Sardinia centenaries!

Slow and easy to live more and better.

In Sardinia live some vibrant old people.They eat hi quality organic food,they exercise a lot in the free air and go almost tech free.Their diet and lifestyle is as natural as it can get.

Exercise unlocks the body’s regeneration and repair systems.It balances your hormones and will detox your body and mind.You may think you have only one heart but you actually have 3!

But where are the other two, you may wonder!

Well,they lie just above your feet,within your calf and are called the gastrocnemius muscle that has two heads,one lateral and one medial.Your calf muscle sits in the back of your lower leg. It starts below your knee and extends to your ankle. It allows you to walk, run, jump and flex your foot. It also helps you stand up straight.

Your calf muscles are the heart of your lymphatic system.Briskly walking or jogging will move the lymph and clean-detox body and brain together.

Turn that router off!

I personally prefer the old trusted internet cables for my internet connection.The connection is faster,safer and better for my health.I still have a WiFi router but I turn it off when I sleep and it stays in a separate closed space away from my desk and bedroom.

The router generates some damaging electromagnetic frequencies that can interfere with the quality of your sleep.Try to use your bed for sleep and sex only and don’t eat after 6 pm.

Drink some tea and lot’s of water daily and drink only decaf coffee,especially in the evening.Your mind and body repair themselves while you sleep and it is your responsibility to optimize your sleep routine.

Bring meaning to your life!

Search positive feelings and people

This is what I am doing right now and I am happy you have learned who sad Guru is.I am happy you have also learned of the Sardinia people.

I know that this blog-post will remain here forever(hopefully) and even if it is devoured by some AI algorithm,It is still worth it!Try to bring connection with people,especially in real life.

Volunteer,help them,offer and receive support and love.Invest in real life quality relationships that will pay huge dividends that unlike the” real” money dividends ,will last forever,until your last breath.

But what are those dividends?

Those dividends are the sweet memories from the quality time you spend along with family and friends,just like the Sardinia oldies.

Use strong-natural supplements

One of my favorites

Never before in the past has our food quality fell so low!The food is almost toxic and poor in vital nutrients.Few people take the time and effort to cook their own food and even when this happens,food quality may still be low.

What can you expect for genetically modified plants full of pesticides and heavy metals?

The solution is afford and eat organic food as well as the use of super supplements.Those premium supplements are not cheap and neither is the organic food.You should definitely try to increase your income and buy super supplements or manage your budget better and wiser.

My suggestion is to become a member of the Duolife Club by accepting my invitation here

If you do,you will buy at a discount all the time and you can generate income if you promote the Duolife products as I do right now.You should promote the way that works for you the most.

Blogging is the best for me but everyone is different and many have used Facebook,Instagram,Youtube and TikTok with great success.

Take care of yourself and our planet!

By Guillaume de Germain on Unsplash

how tohealth

About the Creator


I am a doctor and herbalist.I enjoy sports.

I am from Greece but I have learned many more languages.

I love helping people.Wealth is nothing without health.

I also have an interest in finances, human relationships,pets and ecology.

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