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Small Kitchen Space Saving Hacks

Small House Kitchen Headache Enders!

By Hope MartinPublished 8 months ago Updated 7 months ago 4 min read

I have a rather large family. With 7 people living together, you'd think we'd need a rather large space to cohabit happily. But that's not true. We're a close family and while our house is very small, we feel like it's rather blessed.

Oddly enough, I think all of the grown-up's biggest complaints are that we have things... So, so, so many things in such a small space. And it can make even a clean house feel and seem dirty. It can really dampen our spirits, especially since we're not dirty people - but our house is small so it tends to get very much cluttered.

But, we have discovered that if we do things correctly, we can make our small house organized and picked up if we just install the right storage hacks. Take, for example, the kitchen.

I am a cook-meals-from-scratch, homemade feast, novice dessert baker extraordinaire. I don't do the premade lasagna aisle in the grocery store. I enjoy cooking and making things from scratch. That's part of what makes my home the happy home it is, is my cooking. I learned this as a child, with Mama's cooking.

So I often ran into the issue of: I have only 20 sq feet of space for a kitchen, I have a lot of things I need in this kitchen, and it has almost no counter space. So where do I put my spices? I have dishes. Pots pans, it was a MESS. The frustration got the better of me one too many times. I was on the verge of a homemaker meltdown.

So I brainstormed, researched, gathered, installed (or had my man do it...), and led a full-on war with my storage issues in my kitchen. And I won, damn it. So without further adieu. Here are my tips and tricks on how to make a small kitchen a happy kitchen.

Storage, Storage. Storage.

I was blessed with what seemed to be like a lot of cupboards. But they are older so they aren't built for today's standards, and keeping things organized is a hassle. So I had odd tall items I never knew what to do with, and they'd get thrown on the counter and take up my very limited counter space. Not to mention, my pantry is also my laundry room, so my washer and dryer, laundry soap, and stuff need to be in there. It's all about storage space.

How do you make space where there is none? Or organize space, that has nothing to assist with?

First, I created space.

I batted my eyes at Chris and caught it when it was on sale, and was gifted the gift of this amazing magnetic spice rack, hook, and shelf set for the fridge. It's amazing. It's strong and best of all I now have an easy-to-reach, easy-to-see, easy-to-maintain area for my spices and my cooking utensils.

I also bought a magnetic paper towel holder with an extra spice rack to hold my husband's tea (we buy loose-leaf tea in bulk, so we have a whole tea station). The organization and easy access to the things I use every day is quite frankly, sexy. When I get a new fridge, it'll be even sexier.

I also installed hooks under my cabinets in the void space to make more room for dishes. I hang my coffee mugs up by the coffee machine, and on the other side of the sink, I have my pans. There are a few DIY hacks in my kitchen too, such as using pieces of ceiling fan blades to make a rolling pin holder.

I also used my Vocal funds to purchase some airtight food storage containers so that I could organize my food cupboards in a way that didn't require a bunch of boxes that are extremely difficult to keep organized in a small space. And as for my pots and pans? They were also given a special storage unit for their little home, helping me keep them neatly placed so that they didn't fall out and didn't have to be stacked up with tons of other pots and pans.

A small space is something that needs a lot of organization - even a small amount of clutter can make a tiny house look and feel overwhelming and cramped. And my kitchen is literally the tiniest. Any wall space I could spare for storage, I've used it. Even the insides of cupboards are not sacred, as I have found a useful tool in small baskets on the inside of the cabinet I keep my Tubberware in.

My food cupboards got a makeover with adjustable organizers too, so I was able to help the chaos of that aspect of my life too. It made keeping things much more organized, and it's easier to keep track of everything I have. I use them for the pantry, cupboards, laundry stuff, bathroom stuff... literally, these little guys could invade your home if you let them.

Anything else I found in my kitchen that I didn't need, I ended up purging. I had way too many dishes, but once I was able to get my little storage hacks installed, I was able to minimize down to only what we needed and was able to spare room for things that needed a home. I wouldn't say I'm Marie Kondo, but it really does feel good to get rid of things.

I hope this gave you some ideas on how to utilize a small space to your advantage! Subscribe for more articles on how to make a tiny house work for you and your family.

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Time is precious, so thank you for giving my article some of yours to read. I hope you enjoyed it, and please feel free to subscribe!

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About the Creator

Hope Martin

Find my fictional fantasy book "Memoirs of the In-Between" on Amazon in paperback, eBook, and hardback.

You can also find it in the Apple Store or on the Campfire Reading app.

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    Hope MartinWritten by Hope Martin

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