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Signs Your Ex Is Manifesting You

Don't ignore these signs

By Rudy FlowersPublished 8 months ago 5 min read
Signs Your Ex Is Manifesting You
Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash


Breakups can be devastatingly jarring. They wreak havoc with your emotions, leaving you reeling with all sorts of questions and thoughts about whether the relationship was ever truly lasting - leaving a trail of questions behind that just won't seem to go away.

And let me be blunt here - breakups don't end when the party does! But rest assured - everything will work itself out eventually if only given time!

Sometimes it may appear as though your ex is trying to come back into your life, even after they've left for good.

We have you covered: here we outline 15 signs your ex might be trying to reconnect and we help you understand their motivations behind doing so.

Before we get too deep into what manifesting means for relationships, let's briefly define it and its implications. Simply put, manifestation means believing that your thoughts and wishes can actually bring things into fruition.

An ex may still have feelings for you and hopes of reconciliation; that could indicate they still think about you, though perhaps only subconsciously.

1. Your Phone Is Buzzing Regularly

A sure sign your ex is thinking about you is their constant texting or calling activity - more likely than not they're on your mind than usual and taking an interest. If your phone starts vibrating more than usual it could well be them!

2. They Are Looking Backward

When an ex begins recalling special memories and jokes from when you were together, this could be a sure sign they miss the good times with you and are trying to bring you back into their life subtly.

3. Stalk Your Socials

Are you keeping tabs on the activities of an ex on social media? If they appear frequently like, share or commenting your content, this could indicate they want to reconnect somehow.

4. Tell It All Out Mutual Friends!

Your mutual friends could serve as valuable allies when it comes to spreading news that an ex is still interested in talking about or asking about you, making clear they still see potential in you as potential interest from their perspective.

If they tell anyone how often he/she asks them questions about you or talks about you it could indicate they remain aware that there could be interest present for reuniting!

5. Spotting Your Ex Everywhere

Do you keep running into your former flame every where? Those "chance" meetings might not be so random after all; many experts believe manifestation is responsible.

6. Dreams About You

Your ex may confide that they've been dreaming about you; dreaming about someone is often seen as an attempt at reconciliation between lovers.

7. Locking Eyes

If an ex-lover keeps staring into your eyes longer than usual when meeting, that could be an indicator that there may still be feelings and they desire a reunion.

8. Playing Apology Games

When your ex reaches out with an apology for past transgressions or to make amends for things from the past, that could be an indicator that they want you back in their lives and want a fresh start with you.

9. Subtlety through Flirting

When someone teases you playfully or gives compliments without explicitly asking, they could be sending subtle signals that something's amiss in your relationship - perhaps to see if sparks still fly!

10. They Want Your Advice

Reaching out for advice is often seen as an indicator that someone values your opinion and wants you back in their lives.

11. Display of Interest for Your Hobbies or Activities

If an ex suddenly shows interest in one or more of your hobbies or activities out of nowhere, this could be their attempt at reconnecting and finding mutual ground.

12. Making Plans

If your ex initiates plans with you or suggests dates to spend time together, that could be seen as evidence that they're making efforts to bring you back into their world.

13. Showering You with Compliments

If your ex is constantly giving compliments and showing appreciation for who you are, they may be trying to reignite an emotional bond between themselves and you.

14. Discussing Plans or the Possibility of Reunion

If they start discussing future plans together or even talk about getting back together again, chances are good they're looking towards creating one with you.

15. Your Ex Included You in Their Social Circle

If your ex starts including you in their social plans or making introductions between themselves and friends, that could be an indicator that they'd like you back in their lives.


Although all these signs might suggest your ex is trying to lure you back in their life, take extra caution in how you approach this situation with communication and trustworthiness.

Every relationship is different, and to successfully assess an ex's true intentions requires having an honest dialogue about your feelings and expectations before deciding if giving another try would make sense for either party.

Does manifestation work to bring back my ex-partner?

Manifestation can vary significantly for each individual; while some swear by it and some don't trust its power to deliver what's promised to them, trust your instinct and make decisions that align with your personal beliefs and values when making any decisions about manifestation.

How long should I wait before my ex manifests himself/herself back into my life?

There's no set timeline for manifestation, so focus on your personal growth and happiness rather than waiting on someone else's move if reconnecting is meant to happen naturally. But what if my ex is manifesting me but I am no longer interested?

Honesty is key here - be upfront with your ex and explain that while their intentions were admirable, you have moved on and there may be risks involved rekindling based on manifestation.

Rekindling an estranged relationship through manifestation can be challenging. Make sure all issues causing its breakdown have been resolved, and both partners genuinely wish for another try at love.

Can I manifest my ex back into my life?

Manifestation techniques vary, with some believing it can have an effect on their relationships.

But keep this in mind: relationships require effort from both parties involved; communicating will allow both sides to gain an insight into one another's feelings and desires more accurately.

Don't pass up this chance to unlock the secrets of manifestation. Start learning the craft now - access a FREE training now and begin shaping your destiny - click here now for more.

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About the Creator

Rudy Flowers

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