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Security Best Practices for Dedicated Development Teams

Dedicated Development Teams : Security Practices

By ThescalersPublished 4 days ago 4 min read

Think about the following scenario: you're working with a dedicated development team to build the software that will shake the marketplace. You're excited about the possibilities, but you also know that one misstep in security could bring your whole project down. It's a negative thought, but don't worry - we're here to help.

In this article, we'll walk you through the essential security strategies that every dedicated software development team should have in their arsenal to keep your project safe and sound.

Lock Down Access

First things first: access control. You wouldn't give your house keys to just anyone? The same goes for your software project.

Your dedicated development team should be using role-based access control (RBAC) to ensure that only the right people have access to sensitive information and systems. And don't forget about multi-factor authentication (MFA) for an extra layer of protection.

According to Microsoft, organisations using MFA can reduce the risk of a security breach by up to 99.9% compared to those just using passwords.

Encrypt, Encrypt, Encrypt

In 2024, encrypting your data is a must. Unencrypted data is like a weak link in a chain - it only takes one vulnerability to compromise the entire system. Encryption strengthens that chain and keeps your data secure.

Your dedicated development team should be using strong encryption methods like AES-256 for data at rest and SSL/TLS for data in transit. And make sure they're storing those encryption keys separately and securely. You don't want to leave the key under the doormat, so to speak.

An IBM survey found that the global average cost of a data breach in 2023 was USD 4.45 million, a 15% increase over 3 years.

Train Your Team

Even the best security systems can be compromised by human error. That's why regular security training is a must for your dedicated development team. They need to know how to spot a phishing email, create strong passwords, and handle sensitive data with care.

The World Economic Forum's 2022 Global Risks Report found that 95% of cyber breaches involve human error, so investing in training can go a long way in keeping your project secure.

Find the Weak Spots

No software is perfect, but you can stay one step ahead of attackers by regularly assessing your applications and systems for vulnerabilities. This means scanning for known weaknesses, trying to exploit them to see how bad they could be, and prioritising fixes based on risk level.

A WhiteHat Security report found that the average time to fix a critical vulnerability is 205 days, so the sooner you find and fix those cracks, the better.

Code with Care

Secure coding practices are like wearing your seatbelt - they might seem like a hassle, but they could save your life (or in this case, your software). Your dedicated development team should follow industry-standard guidelines like OWASP Top 10, use tools to automatically scan for vulnerabilities, and conduct code reviews early and often.

A study by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) found that fixing a bug in production is 6 times more expensive than fixing it during design, so catching those issues early is key.

Stay Vigilant

Even with all these preventative measures in place, security incidents can still happen. It's like having a smoke detector in your home - you hope you never need it, but you're glad it's there when you do. Your dedicated development team should have intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS) in place, set up alerts for unusual activity, and have a clear incident response plan ready to go.

According to IBM, the average cost of a data breach in 2023 was a staggering $4.45 million, so catching and responding to incidents quickly can make a huge difference.

Trust, But Verify

When you're working with an external dedicated development team, it's important to choose a partner you can trust. But as the old saying goes, "trust, but verify."

Look for a team with a proven track record of delivering secure solutions, who follows industry best practices and holds relevant certifications like ISO 27001 or SOC 2. They should be transparent about their security measures and willing to work with you to meet your specific needs.

According to BlueVoyant, 93% of organisations experienced a data breach caused by a third party in 2021.


Building software is hard enough without worrying about security threats lurking around every corner. But by working with a dedicated development team that prioritizes security at every stage of the process, you can rest easy knowing that your project is in good hands. From access control and encryption to training and incident response, these best practices form a solid foundation for a secure software development lifecycle.

At The Scalers, security isn't just a box we check - it's woven into the fabric of everything we do. Our team of experienced developers has a proven track record of delivering secure solutions for clients across industries, and we're committed to staying on the cutting edge of security best practices. We go above and beyond to ensure that every project we take on is built with security in mind from day one.

Want to build software that will make you an industry leader? Get in touch with us today and let's make your software ideas a reality - without the security nightmares.

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