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Psychological Facts That Will Change your life

How to Hack your mind

By MunnemPublished 8 months ago 3 min read


The field of psychology is a treasure trove of insights into the human mind and behavior. It delves into the mysteries of why we do what we do, and the quest for answers has led to some truly mind-blowing discoveries. In this article, we explore 15 intriguing psychological facts that will not only pique your curiosity but may also change the way you perceive the world.

Plan B Can Sabotage Plan A

Ever had a backup plan that seemed like a safety net? Surprisingly, thinking about a Plan B can hinder your success in Plan A. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found that participants who considered backup plans performed worse than those who didn't. This phenomenon aligns with Expectancy Theory, where your motivation is influenced by your expectations of success.

Yawning for Connection

Yawning is known to be contagious, but did you know it could help us bond with others? The act of catching a yawn is not just a physiological response; it's a sign of empathy. This explains why you might find yourself yawning in solidarity with a colleague during a boring meeting.

One Face Over Millions

In a University of Pennsylvania study, researchers discovered that people are more likely to donate when they see an individual's suffering rather than when presented with overwhelming statistics. It's a testament to our innate desire to make a tangible difference.

Memory Bookends

Have you ever noticed that you tend to remember the beginnings and endings of events more clearly than the middle? This phenomenon, known as the Serial-Position Effect, explains why you might recall the start and finish of a presentation but struggle to remember the details in between.

Balancing Positivity and Negativity

Our brains have a built-in Negativity Bias, which means we pay more attention to negative experiences. To maintain a positive outlook, aim for a ratio of five positive experiences to counteract one negative experience. Practicing gratitude can help balance your perspective.

The Outsourced Flavor

Ever wondered why food prepared by someone else always tastes better? Research suggests that it's because when you prepare a meal for yourself, the anticipation builds up, and by the time you sit down to eat, the excitement has waned. So, savor those home-cooked meals others prepare for you.

The Dreaded "We Need to Talk"

Uncertainty can be unsettling. When faced with uncertain outcomes, we tend to worry and overanalyze potential consequences. Knowing something bad is coming, even if it's not pleasant, can be less anxiety-inducing than the ambiguity of the unknown.

The Rebellion Against Rules

Reactance is a psychological phenomenon where people tend to break more rules when they feel their freedom is being restricted. This is particularly evident in teenagers, who may engage in risky behaviors as a form of rebellion when grounded.

Cute Aggression

Have you ever felt the urge to squeeze something cute, like a puppy or a baby? This phenomenon, known as Cute Aggression, is a natural response to overwhelming positive emotions. It's our brain's way of balancing intense feelings, so we don't inadvertently harm adorable beings.

Confirmation Bias

We tend to seek information that aligns with our existing beliefs, and we're prone to reject contradictory information. This cognitive bias can explain why people with different viewpoints often consume news from sources that confirm their perspectives.

Musical Nostalgia

The music you loved during your teenage years has a unique impact on your emotions. Studies show that we connect more strongly to the music we bonded with during adolescence than any other time in our lives.

Memory as a Collage

Memories are not like precise snapshots but rather pieces of a puzzle. False memories can easily creep in when our brains fill in gaps with what seems plausible, emphasizing the importance of critical thinking and careful recollection.

Finding Faces Everywhere

Pareidolia is our tendency to see faces in random patterns, from clouds to inanimate objects. This phenomenon is rooted in our social nature, where recognizing faces plays a vital role in our survival and interactions.

The Pygmalion Effect

High expectations can lead to improved performance. This psychological phenomenon suggests that when teachers or mentors have high expectations for students, those students are more likely to excel and meet those expectations.

The Allure of Short-Term Deadlines

Our brains tend to prioritize short-term deadlines over long-term ones, often leading to procrastination. This bias towards urgency can impact our productivity and time management.


Psychological facts like these provide a glimpse into the fascinating intricacies of the human mind. By understanding these aspects of human behavior, we can gain insights into our own actions and those of others, ultimately enriching our interactions and decision-making processes. These 15 facts may indeed change the way you perceive the world and the people in it.


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  • Alex H Mittelman 8 months ago

    Great work! Good job!

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