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Passive Passions

Creating peoples dreams, from their passion slates. This activity found within the hearts and minds activated through a duplicatable processes which encourages maximum growth potential. The massive leverage of potential power conquering an unleashed finding of their inner truth with courage beyond normality.

By Derrick EdwardsPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

How to Get Big Results by Believing Big

By Bram Van Oost on Unsplash

How many of us can picture ourselves living in the house of our dreams or driving our dream car (Ferrari, Benz, Tesla, sky’s the limit)? How many of us allow ourselves to even consider getting out of our mundane, penny-pinching lives and living the life of our dreams?

By Spencer Davis on Unsplash

Dreaming big is an important part of success for anyone whom factors this formula. Allowing ourselves to dream big and believing wholeheartedly in those dreams is what separates the winners from the losers. Just look around you and see the proof in those that dream big and get better results as compared to people who dream small, or don’t allow themselves to dream at all. Think what a tragedy it is that some people don’t think it’s worth it to visualise a better life for themselves and as a result, never have the chance to live their dreams.

By Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

The other important part of achieving success is being willing to work to make those big dreams a reality. For people who dare to dream big and are willing to work hard, success can become a definite reality.

By Frederik Löwer on Unsplash

How much success we can achieve in life is limited only by how much we believe we can achieve through outlets of success. Don't be afraid to set your sights high - you can achieve anything that you want and more!

By alex bracken on Unsplash

Just think of how much you can achieve simply by believing that you can. A life that offers you financial independence, the ability to make your own decisions and life goals, all that you want both materially and all the time and freedom to do what you want.

By AR on Unsplash

So many people feel trapped in their lives of tiny dreams, of getting by, of constantly craving more and yet thinking themselves undeserving of more. Is this how you want to live your life? Open your mind, your imagination, expand the size of your thinking and your drive for success and get to work. Think big and make those dreams happen!

By Sylvie V on Unsplash

5 Keys to Build Confidence and Destroy Fear

We have all faced times when the lack of confidence in ourselves makes us lose something that we want. This low self-confidence and self-esteem may show up as fear or as simple inaction. Confidence needs to be built slowly, one small step at a time. Here are five key steps which will help you bust through that fear and destroy the limitations and self-doubt that have been holding you back from your true potential.

By Igor Flek on Unsplash

1. Action cures fear. Identify and isolate your fear and take constructive action. Scared of public speaking? Make a toast at a friend’s wedding. Inaction strengthens fear and corrodes confidence.

By Mason Kimbarovsky on Unsplash

2. Exude positivity. Make a conscious effort to deposit only positive thoughts in your memory bank. Do not dwell on negative experiences or allow negative thoughts to morph into mental monsters. If you feel good about yourself, you will become more confident.

By Daniel Salcius on Unsplash

3. Keep things in perspective. Remember that people are more alike than different. Get a balanced view of the other person and try to develop an understanding attitude, particularly when you are in an uncomfortable situation. This builds confidence when talking to new people.

By Fionn Claydon on Unsplash

4. Practice. The experience of failure makes it easy for us to give up, letting fear and self-doubt win. But if you persevere and keep striving for your goals, you will be able to destroy your fear of failure and push past your limitations. Practice does make perfect.

By Oksana Taran on Unsplash

5. To think confidently, act confidently. Research has shown that faking confidence can actually lead to the real thing. The more scared and unconfident you feel, the more confident you should act. David Schwartz recommends five specific behaviours we can use to build confidence: sit in front, make eye contact walk faster, speak up (offer your opinion) and smile

By Shairyar Khan on Unsplash

The Power of Belief

Have you ever really thought about the power of belief? It is an amazing thing.

By Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Take the placebo effect for example. The placebo effect is when people are split into groups and given ‘medicine’ to help with a disease or symptom of a disease. One group gets the real medicine and the other people get the placebo. Amazingly, some people who get the placebo react as if they got the real medicine, simply because they believed in the medicine.

By Robert Lukeman on Unsplash

The things that we believe in are very powerful, and by extension, the things that you believe in should be the kinds of things that set your life on the right path.

By chris liu on Unsplash
By Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

If you believe that you’re terrible with money, or you will have no willpower, or that you’ll never have a million dollars in your bank account…. chances are you are right. But conversely if you believe that you’re going to be successful, get out and stay out of debt and be in great financial shape … you will.

By Gabe Pierce on Unsplash

When a person believes wholeheartedly that he will succeed, he is able to do better than he knows. He becomes more relaxed and is able to focus his emotional energy on reaching for the probable rewards of success instead of focusing on the possibility of failure. Believing in yourself brings out the best in yourself and is essential for personal success.

By kike vega on Unsplash

Another thing to consider is that the size of our success is limited only by the size of our belief. Dreaming big is an important part of achieving success for anyone. Often people are scared to think big because they are scared, or they think they are undeserving or incapable of success. But remember this, big dreamers achieve big results. Allow yourself to achieve your full potential by believing that you can and will succeed.

Sleepless From Linear And Dream More of Passive

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About the Creator

Derrick Edwards

We are an agency that is passionate about video and create visually stunning, emotionally compelling, intellectually engaging videos that captures the hearts, minds and most importantly the attention of your soul targeted audience.

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