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My Fiskars Scissor Craft

Can't live without scissors!

By Tayler TezaPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

The craft I am passionate about is plastic canvas, I can make anything from 3D figures, landscapes, picture scenes and even toys! I can literally make anything I want with it; all I need to do is know the dimensions for what size I want it and then I make it. I made a whole log cabin for my sister and it took time and skill but the outcome was incredible. The plastic canvas is flexible and easy to work with and the yarn gives it color and foundation. There were a few picture scenes I made that have so much color and life that even I was surprised at how well they came out. The yarn really helps hold it together and give the canvas form and a realistic look. I recently made a bird cage and I tried to make it with just the canvas and no yarn and it literally kind of fell over, so if that isn't proof enough that the yarn gives the canvas support, I don’t know what is.

How the project works you ask, well I’ll tell you! So, the canvas itself comes in different colors, shapes and sizes. There are some precut canvas’ and some already prepared project packages, the project packs are fun and great unless you want to use your imagination and create something of your own. What you need then is the plain canvas sheets. My favorite kind is the 7-mesh canvas but they come in 5 mesh, 10 mesh and several other sizes. So, my 7 mesh canvas sheets also come in different sizes which only matter depending on the size of the project. To the heart of the story, Scissors! The scissors are a very important part of the project because you have to cut the canvas into pieces that you're going to use in the making of the project. I also use the scissors to cut the yarn I use for the project, without scissors there would be no way to make anything with plastic canvas. They play such an important role in this that there were times I couldn’t find my scissors and I ended up not doing anything at all. Plastic canvas is fun and simple and if you’ve never done it you should start. The things you can make with it is literally amazing.

Now how I do plastic canvas is I find the project I want to make and I prepare all the colors of yarn and as many plastic canvas sheets as I think I am going to need. Then I take a permanent marker and I trace out the pieces that I am going to need, so that when I go to cut them, I know I have the right dimensions. Plastic canvas involves a lot of counting, because if you have the wrong numbers or you count wrong the whole thing becomes slightly more complicated. If you count wrong it will throw off all the other pieces. When I have the pieces, all counted and traced I begin to cut them out! A few months ago, I made little Minecraft sheep I made about 8 of them and they are absolutely adorable, but what I did is I cut out the little pieces for only one at a time so that I didn’t get them confused or lose any of them. So, after they were all cut out, I began to fill them out with their colors and piece them together.

I am very passionate about this craft because it gives me a chance to share something with my family and friends, it also makes great gifts and it is fun. Plastic canvas allows me to use my imagination to make something amazing. I’ve made many things such as book marks, pictures, a sewing box, wall hangs, cup holders and many other things. With plastic canvas you can make anything you want and that’s what I like most about it. I hope this story inspires others to take up this craft because believe me it's worth your time.


About the Creator

Tayler Teza

I am happy to have finally found a place to pursue my writing, I am grateful for all the support

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