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Live Happy And Control Your Life

ways to control your life and flee from depression

By Anugwa LovedayPublished 2 days ago 3 min read
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Often, people approach me and say, "Loveday, I see your success, your fancy houses, and cars," but they think it’s not achievable for them. I tell them, "You're probably right." Many don’t understand that success isn't about luxurious homes or cars, but about taking charge and finding happiness. What’s the point of having material things if you’re not moving forward in life and experiencing more joy and fulfillment?

To truly become happier and advance in life, there are three significant obstacles to overcome. The first might surprise you: it’s perfectionism. If you’re reading this, you probably have some perfectionistic tendencies. We all do. Even I struggle with this, often beating myself up over mistakes. Many people look in the mirror and criticize themselves, whether it’s for extra pounds, facial features they dislike, or minor imperfections like wrinkled clothes. How often have you done this? People often criticize their bellies and behinds the most.

My friend, are you willing to do something a bit silly with me? If you’re reading this, you want to grow, so let’s do this. Put your hands out, grab your belly, and say, "I love you, belly." Then, do the same with your behind and say, "I love my behind." If someone sees you, tell them, "I’ve got a nice behind." The way to overcome perfectionism is to love yourself more. Successful people aren’t perfect; they fail faster and learn from it. So, give yourself some love daily. Look in the mirror, give yourself a little rubdown, and say, "Hey, how you doing today?" It might feel silly at first, but it helps overcome perfectionism.

The second obstacle is excuses. How often have you wanted to do something beneficial but made an excuse? Common excuses are lack of time, money, or energy. Stop making excuses! You must choose between excuses and results. Turn your excuses into reasons to act. For example, "I’m too tired to exercise" becomes "I’ll exercise to gain energy." List your excuses, then turn them into reasons to move forward. This will empower you.

The third obstacle is inauthenticity. When I started my mentoring company, I mistakenly thought I had to appear perfect. This made it hard to reach out for help or admit mistakes. People saw through this and felt I was fake. It took me a while to realize that wearing a mask of perfection pushed people away. People don’t want mentors who seem perfect; they want authenticity. Some of my best clients came to me after I shared my bad days on social media. This doesn’t mean venting your problems online, but rather, being authentic. Remove the mask, embrace authenticity, and step into your greatness.

Practice Gratitude such as Daily Reflection Spend a few minutes each day reflecting on things you are grateful for. This can help shift your focus from what you lack to what you have. Keep a journal where you write down three things you are thankful for each day.

Set Achievable Goals, Small Steps Break down your goals into smaller, manageable tasks. Achieving these smaller goals can give you a sense of accomplishment and boost your confidence. And also Celebrate Successes: Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. This reinforces your progress and motivates you to keep going.

Learn to have Positive Self-Talk Affirmations, Use positive affirmations to challenge and overcome negative thoughts. Repeat statements like “I am capable” or “I am worthy” to yourself daily.

Self-Compassion Be kind to yourself. Treat yourself with the same compassion you would offer a friend.

Develop New Skills Learning Opportunities, taking up new hobbies or skills that interest you. This can give you a sense of achievement and increase your confidence.

Continuous Improvement, Focus on continuous improvement rather than perfection. Learning and growing are processes that enhance self-esteem.

Overcoming these three obstacles will lead to greater happiness and success. Thank you for reading. I appreciate your time.

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    ALWritten by Anugwa Loveday

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