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Learn a simple, EFFORTLESS trick to improve your House Aesthetic and overcome mundanity, so that you no longer need to feel embarrassed when inviting people over!

Upgrade your social status and mental productivity with this simple household environmental change!

By CyrusPublished 2 months ago 11 min read
Red house aesthetic

Dear friend, have you ever wanted to invite your friends, colleagues, or even your dates over to your place for a party, but just couldn’t due to the embarrassment you knew you would face when they see your poorly-made house aesthetic?

Or have you, perhaps, had someone over before and they just started acting differently around you the next time you met them, due to the poor impression they got from your mundane and messy house setup?

Oh, and worse still, have your children ever asked you about why their friend’s parents owned a nicer house than yours right after they went over for their friend’s birthday party?


If that’s what you’re facing right now, you most definitely aren’t alone! And don’t blame yourself too harshly for it either, it’s not your fault…

You see, most people have no idea what to do when it comes to decorating their own house, and choosing an aesthetic that creates a unique vibe. (By most people I mean me as well…sigh)

In fact, people also often tend to overlook the importance of having a nice house aesthetic, as many do not understand the fact that mundane colour tones can psychologically affect your mood and mental state in a negative way!

Yes. This means decreased productivity in work output, or even depression and low energy!

In fact, here’s a list of Negative psychological effects caused by mundane colours, that has been backed by scientific research:

  • Depression and Low Energy: Monotonous or dull colours like beige or grey contribute to feelings of depression or low energy, as they lack stimulation and create a sense of lethargy or sadness. (Boo…)
  • Boredom and Lack of Creativity: Mundane colours evoke feelings of boredom and routine. When surrounded by uninspiring colours, people often struggle to feel creative or motivated!
  • Stress and Anxiety: Some mundane colours, particularly certain shades of white or beige, feel sterile or institutional, leading to feelings of stress and anxiety. (Ughh!)
  • Dullness and Lack of Vitality: Colours lacking vibrancy or richness make a space feel lifeless and uninspiring, causing a lack of vitality and enthusiasm in occupants.
  • Monotony and Predictability: Mundane colours contribute to a sense of monotony and predictability in a living space, making the environment feel stale and uninteresting, leading to a decrease in overall satisfaction and boredom!
  • Decreased Productivity: In work or study spaces, mundane colours hinder productivity by failing to stimulate the mind. Without visual interest or variety, people struggle to focus or maintain long periods of focus. (Basically me last time!)
  • Emotional Disconnection: Mundane colours create a sense of emotional disconnection from one's surroundings. Without colours that evoke positive emotions or reflect personal preferences, individuals may feel detached or disengaged.
  • Shocking, right?

      When I first did my research on this topic, I didn’t even know how much negative effects colours could have in our lives. ESPECIALLY when they are in the very homes we live in!

      In fact, these colours may be the very reason why I often feel bored, and couldn’t be productive in my work while I’m at home!

      After finding out about this, I knew that something had to change.

      That's when I found out about the “Crimson Catalyst” effect-

    An effect that changed my life in a matter of DAYS.

    You see, after I started implementing these changes in my own house, my house aesthetic started to look a little more…vibrant, and spiced up!

    In fact, my home started to look and feel so good to the point that I ended up not wanting to leave the house at all, as the office and cafeterias started looking more mundane than home! (Which is the way things should be!)

    In fact, my productivity levels actually spiked- The amount of work I got done compared to last time was…simply INSANE!

    Before the change, I was only able to put in 2 hours of focused work a day before getting distracted or bored, but after the change, it went up to 4 and a half hours! (Which might still be bad to some of you, but do you see the huge difference?)

    There was even this occasion where I had to invite my colleagues over (Including my Boss!), and they couldn’t have given me more compliments for the sudden “makeover” my house had! (Considering how low-effort the makeover was, I’m guessing I must have set the bar pretty low with my previous house setup LOL)

    Oh, and there was also this one time when I invited a date over to my place, and let’s just say…It went splendid!

    So without further ado, let me help you guys by spilling the secrets of the Crimson Catalyst effect!

    The Crimson Catalyst effect is basically a psychological effect that occurs in your brain when objects of a certain hue of red are placed within your living space.

    Meaning that by putting the right kind of red objects around your house, and perhaps even painting a few walls here and there with a specific red accent, you will be able to harness the power of this colour by triggering your brain to feel less monotone and dull, and spur productivity!

    In fact, here’s a list of benefits of the Crimson Catalyst effect that has been backed by scientific research:

    • Energising and Stimulating: Red is often associated with energy, passion, and excitement. Introducing red into certain areas of the house, such as the kitchen or dining room, can help stimulate appetite and conversation, making it an excellent choice for social spaces where you want to encourage interaction and lively energy!
    • Warmth and Comfort: Red can create a sense of warmth and cosiness, especially in cooler or dimly lit rooms. Using red in living rooms or bedrooms can evoke feelings of comfort and intimacy, making the space feel inviting and snug.
    • Enhanced Focus and Attention: Red is a highly stimulating colour that can increase alertness and concentration. Incorporating specific red accents or elements into home offices or study areas can help boost productivity and focus, making it easier to stay on task and engaged in work or study activities.
    • Stimulates Creativity: Often associated with creativity and passion, having red elements in spaces designated for creative pursuits, such as art studios or crafting areas, can inspire and motivate individuals to explore their artistic abilities and express themselves freely!
    • Promotes Confidence and Assertiveness: Red is often associated with confidence, power, and assertiveness. Using red in areas where you want to feel empowered, such as home gyms or personal dressing areas, can help boost self-esteem and motivation!
    • Creates Visual Interest: Red is a bold and attention-grabbing colour that can add drama and visual interest to any room. Whether used as an accent wall, furniture upholstery, or decorative accessories, red can serve as a focal point that draws the eye and adds personality to the space.
    • Fosters Passionate Relationships: Red is also known as the colour of love and romance. Incorporating red into bedrooms or intimate spaces can help create a romantic atmosphere and enhance feelings of passion and desire between partners! (Psst…You know what colour your bedroom needs now!)

    So now, I’m pretty sure you know what to do!

    To harness the full power of the Crimson Catalyst effect and its full benefits, here’s 5 ideas that you can implement, to make your dream house become a reality!

    Products (at their best value) are linked in the guide so you do not need to go through the hassle of searching for them yourselves- Simply click on the product names to be redirected!

    1) Repaint Your Front Door for Instant Curb Appeal

    Notice how a red door creates contrast!

    First impressions matter, and your front door sets the tone for the overall exterior aesthetic! Give your entryway a facelift by painting the door with a fresh Red that will instantly energise and excite the minds of whoever steps through your door! I personally love THE ONE Paint and Primer’s red paint, but for a more classical tone, The Monarchy all in one Red paint stands out too!

    If you have a porch or small entrance area, enhance it further with potted plants or a Charming doormat to create a welcoming ambiance! Personally this artificial red bonsai tree works for me, but if you prefer to plant your own real plants, this ceramic pot would work for the aesthetic!

    2) Add red furniture in the right spots of your home to create contrast with existing monotone colours!

    Look at how this red sofa stands out again-Imagine if it was a boring colour like grey...Wouldn't work as well!

    Have you ever stared into a spot of your house that only consisted of colours like white, grey, or beige and felt like yawning? Well, let’s fix that with some pops of red, to create a contrasting, mind stimulating effect that will aid productivity and work output!

    Firstly, we could start by laying Balta’s checkered rug on your living room floor, and then adding a minimalist chenille sofa for maximum comfort when resting! You can also go a step further by adding a swivel armchair, or even a sturdy armchair that you will definitely enjoy your afternoon tea on! For a nice finishing touch, having this red lamp as a nightlight will make your living room vibrant, yet cozy and snug!

    3) Enhancing the dining table

    Red wine glasses for a twist!

    Who said dinner has to be boring? If you’ve ever taken your date to an aesthetic restaurant before, you’ll know that plenty of times, you aren’t really paying for the food, but for the ambience of the place. But you wouldn’t have to do that anymore, if your own dining room had the same ambience too, would you? *wink*

    For starters, a red wine glass is always a good idea, as the vibrant red hue adds a festive touch to your table setting and creates a captivating visual appeal! Each glass is meticulously crafted to mimic the essence of the holidays, making them a unique choice that will spark conversations and delight your guests!

    Next, to add a little bit of…romantic vibes, a candlelit dinner will never go wrong with GMWD’s red glass candles! Oh, and to all the coffee lovers out there, what better way is there to get your morning energy boost prepared, than by a vibrant and energetic looking coffee machine?

    And if all these items couldn’t fit on your dining table, adding a small red butter/salt/sugar jar will also do well to add some mental stimulation to your breakfast experience!

    4) Spicing up the bedroom *wink*

    Romantic, right?

    When the weather gets a little too cold, what better way is there to enjoy it with your significant other, than snuggling up in bed with them in a cozy red fleece blanket? Having a non-slip rug will definitely serve to keep your floor warmer as well, and these battery operated romantic red candles will definitely serve to set a serene and romantic atmosphere! (Not to mention you can set a timer on them to on the same time everyday!) To go one step further, you can even turn it into a disco with this star projector night light!

    Also, for those of you who are huge fans of Vinyl records, having some romantic music in the bedroom with the Victrola retro record player would set up the mood for sure!

    5) Decorating/Introducing Accent walls

    Just look at the vibrance and energy this wallpaper brings!

    Introduce an accent wall to your living room, bedroom, or dining area as a way to add visual interest without overwhelming the space! Choose a bold red wallpaper pattern or paint colour that complements the room’s existing design elements. Be sure to prep the wall surface and gather the necessary tools such as an application brush, wallpaper smoother, or paint roller for a seamless installation. An accent wall can instantly transform a room, providing a beautiful new focal point!

    On top of that, adding a few retro posters around the house would also serve as a nice cherry on top! (Pun fully intended-Click “retro posters” to know what I mean!)


    And that’s it for my 5 tips! So right now, if you are someone who doesn’t have a nice house aesthetic and aren't happy with how mundane it is, or if you feel that your office or some random cafe looks better than your own home,

    Or worse still, if your friends often mock you for poor housekeeping/designing, and your spouse and children like other people’s house design/layout more as compared to your own setup, then all these tips are for you to follow and implement!

    On the other hand, if you’re already the kind of person that can confidently bring your dates back home and get compliments for your aesthetic house,

    Or if you are already able to stay focused and hyper productive when doing work in your own home, and if your home already looks like one of those perfect dream houses that you often see on Pinterest, then this guide would NOT be applicable to you, since you already have all those things.

    However, if your house isn’t exactly in the ideal state that you want it to be in yet, then make sure to implement AT LEAST one tip from the Crimson Catalyst guide to start making a change!

    Also, what makes this guide stand out from all the other random articles online about home renovation/decor (That are probably AI generated anyway. Disgusting.) is the fact that so much in depth research has been done regarding the human mind and how it can be affected by its environments.

    These tips have actually been proven to help people upgrade every facet of their lives (e.g. productivity, romance, status, psychological impacts, etc) , instead of solely renovating a home just for the sake of it.

    As such, make sure you implement these tips if you want these positive impacts in your own life!

    While it most certainly takes a slight bit of effort, it really isn’t as hard, or as time consuming as it is, and it’s definitely worth it as the impact it will have on you is way too valuable and life changing to pass up on!

    Also, if at any point you feel like you wouldn’t like to put in a slight bit of effort to give your house a simple makeover that will increase your productivity rates and status after getting any of the products linked above, then fret not, it’s noteworthy that all these items are eligible for Amazon’s return policy, allowing you to return, replace or even exchange them.

    (I really don’t see why you would want to miss out on this life changing house makeover though)

    So what are you waiting for?

    Stop going home every single day to a house that isn’t up to your standards, and start making a positive change for yourself by crafting your dream house with the Crimson Catalyst guide!

    P.S. Do not be surprised if some of the tools/furniture above are out of stock-They are trending on Amazon right now and may get snatched up if you don’t act fast!

    ~Discounts are for a limited period only. Catch them before they revert back to their usual price!~

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    Welcome to the fragments of my mind. Thoughts. Ideas. All once a chaotic yet artistic mess, before I expanded them into entire, complete poems.

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    Comments (1)

    • Ameer Bibi2 months ago

      You are right colours creates visual attention that enhances our interest a lot

    CyrusWritten by Cyrus

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