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Know the right way to eat pineapple, there will never be tingling in the mouth

right way to eat pineapple

By SanaPublished about a year ago โ€ข 3 min read
Know the right way to eat pineapple, there will never be tingling in the mouth
Photo by Pineapple Supply Co. on Unsplash

Pineapple is a tropical fruit that is enjoyed around the world for its sweet and tangy taste. It is also rich in vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that offer many health benefits. However, some people may experience a tingling sensation in their mouth or on their lips after eating pineapple. This sensation can be uncomfortable and even painful, but it can be prevented by knowing the right way to eat pineapple. In this article, we will discuss the right way to eat pineapple, so you can enjoy its delicious taste and health benefits without any discomfort.

Why does pineapple cause tingling in the mouth?

Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which is responsible for breaking down protein molecules. This enzyme is found mostly in the stem and core of the pineapple. When we eat pineapple, the bromelain enzyme comes into contact with the proteins in our mouth, causing a chemical reaction that can lead to a tingling sensation.

How to eat pineapple without experiencing tingling in the mouth?

There are several ways to eat pineapple without experiencing a tingling sensation in the mouth. Here are some of the ways:

Cut off the stem and core

As mentioned earlier, the bromelain enzyme is mostly found in the stem and core of the pineapple. Therefore, cutting off the stem and core before eating the fruit can help reduce the amount of bromelain that comes into contact with your mouth.

To cut a pineapple, first, remove the top and bottom of the fruit with a sharp knife. Then, cut off the skin from top to bottom, making sure to remove any remaining โ€œeyesโ€ or spots. Finally, cut the fruit into slices or cubes, discarding the stem and core.

Rinse the fruit

Rinsing the fruit with cold water can also help remove some of the bromelain enzyme from the surface of the fruit. This can reduce the amount of bromelain that comes into contact with your mouth when you eat the fruit.

Cook the fruit

Cooking pineapple can also help reduce the amount of bromelain enzyme in the fruit. This is because the enzyme is heat-sensitive and can be destroyed by cooking. Grilling, roasting, or baking pineapple can all be great ways to enjoy the fruit without experiencing a tingling sensation in the mouth.

Pair with dairy products

Pairing pineapple with dairy products, such as yogurt or cottage cheese, can also help reduce the tingling sensation. This is because the proteins in dairy products can bind with the bromelain enzyme, preventing it from coming into contact with your mouth.

Health benefits of pineapple

Aside from its delicious taste, pineapple also offers many health benefits. Here are some of the health benefits of pineapple:

Rich in vitamins and minerals

Pineapple is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, manganese, and potassium. These nutrients are important for maintaining a healthy immune system, strong bones, and healthy blood pressure.

Anti-inflammatory properties

The bromelain enzyme in pineapple has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation in the body. This can be beneficial for people with inflammatory conditions, such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.

Digestive benefits

The bromelain enzyme in pineapple can also help improve digestion by breaking down protein molecules in the stomach. This can help reduce symptoms of indigestion, such as bloating and gas.

Immune system boost

The vitamin C in pineapple can help boost the immune system and protect against infections and illnesses.

There are several ways to eat pineapple without experiencing a tingling sensation in the mouth. By cutting the fruit properly, rinsing it thoroughly, chilling it, pairing it with other foods, or cooking it, you can enjoy the sweet and delicious flavor of pineapple without any unwanted side effects. So the next time you reach for a juicy slice of pineapple, try one of these tips to make your eating experience more enjoyable and satisfying.

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