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Is Silence Golden? Not Anymore! Combat Hearing Loss Naturally.

Natural Cure to Hearing Loss

By saeed subhani (SS)Published 3 days ago 4 min read
Is Silence Golden? Not Anymore! Combat Hearing Loss Naturally.
Photo by Mark Paton on Unsplash

Is Silence Golden? Not Anymore! Combat Loss of Hearing Naturally


"Silence is golden, they say. But what if you can't even hear the sound of gold clinking? That's right, I'm talking about loss of hearing. It's not exactly a topic that people like to talk about, let alone make jokes about.

But let's face it, sometimes laughter is the best medicine. And if you're someone who's struggling with hearing loss, you might want to listen up - or read on, rather. Because today, I'm going to share some natural remedies that will have you saying 'What? I can hear you perfectly fine now!' in no time. And who knows, you might even start enjoying those awkward silences at family gatherings.

Intrigued? Well, let's dive into the world of curing deafness with a touch of humour and a sprinkle of unconventional methods."

Ear Yoga - Because Your Ears Need a Workout Too

Oh, you thought yoga was just for those flexible enough to touch their toes or meditate on the meaning of life while standing on one leg? Think again! Welcome to the world of ear yoga, the unsung hero for your auditory limbs that you never knew needed a good stretch. Now, I know what you're thinking, "How on earth do you make your ears do the downward dog?"

Well, it's not about your ears touching their toes (because, newsflash, they don't have any), but rather, engaging in exercises that improve blood flow and energy circulation around your ears. Imagine gently massaging your ears as if they're dough, and you're trying to make the world's softest bread. Or performing neck and shoulder stretches that make you look like you're trying to subtly escape an awkward conversation. These movements can actually help in potentially easing the symptoms of hearing loss.

It's like telling your ears, "Wake up! We've got sounds to listen to and people to eavesdrop on at cafes!" No, ear yoga might not turn you into a superhero with ultrasonic hearing (sorry to burst that bubble), but it’s a step towards embracing the quirks of natural healing. And let's be honest, it gives a whole new meaning to listening to your body. So, why not give it a try? Your ears might just thank you by picking up the faintest sound of the biscuit tin being opened from the other room.

The Magic Concoctions in Your Kitchen

Your kitchen holds more than just ingredients for your meals—it also contains natural remedies for your ears! A few simple items can alleviate ear discomfort and improve ear health. Garlic, known for its antibacterial properties, can be a lifesaver. Warm some garlic oil and apply a few drops into the ear to combat infections.

Similarly, onion juice can also provide relief due to its antimicrobial properties. For those suffering from earwax buildup, a mixture of warm water and hydrogen peroxide can gently soften and remove excess wax. Olive oil is another fantastic option; a few drops can lubricate and loosen stubborn wax.

Don't overlook the power of ginger and tea tree oil. Ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties can reduce ear pain, while tea tree oil, diluted with a carrier oil, can fight infections. Next time your ears need care, look no further than your pantry for safe, effective solutions!

The Sound of Silence - Meditation Techniques

The Sound of Silence: Meditation Techniques for Your Ears In our bustling modern world, finding a moment of true silence can be a rare treasure. "The Sound of Silence" isn't just a poetic phrase—it's a powerful meditation technique that invites us to tune into the quiet that often goes unnoticed. Begin by finding a calm space and closing your eyes. Focus on the ambient sounds around you.

It could be the faint hum of the air conditioner, distant traffic, or even the soft rustle of leaves. Gradually shift your attention from identifying these noises to simply acknowledging their existence without judgement.

Next, delve deeper into this auditory awareness by embracing moments of silence between the sounds. These pauses, however brief, are gateways to a serene mental state. Practicing this technique regularly can enhance mindfulness, reduce stress, and cultivate a deeper connection with the present moment. Embrace the sound of silence and let your ears guide you to inner peace.

Cranking Up the Volume with Supplements

In our fast-paced, noisy world, hearing health often gets overlooked until issues arise. However, just like our bodies, our ears can benefit from a little extra care. Enter the world of ear health supplements. These aren't your average vitamins; they're specifically formulated to support auditory function and protect against damage.

Key nutrients like magnesium, zinc, and vitamin B12 play crucial roles in maintaining optimal hearing. Magnesium helps protect the delicate hair cells in your inner ear from noise-induced damage, while zinc supports overall ear health and can even help with ear infections.

Vitamin B12 deficiency has been linked to hearing loss, making it a vital component of any ear health regimen. Incorporating these supplements into your diet can be a proactive step towards preserving your hearing. Whether you're a music lover, a concert-goer, or just want to safeguard your ears for the future, cranking up the volume on your ear health with the right supplements might be the soundest decision you make.

If you want my Personal Remedy that reversed my Loss of hearing, Click Here.

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    SS(Written by saeed subhani (SS)

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