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Interior plants - Find the best indoor plants of 2022

How to take care of indoor plants?

By Praveen KumarPublished about a year ago 8 min read

Culture plants in pot in your home? There are certain species that not only look beautiful, but are also very easy to grow. Learn what species you should add to your plants collection and find out how to take care of them. Check what are the most popular interior plants of 2021.

Interior plants, what should you know about them?

The potted plants have many names: indoor plants, indoor flowers and so on. They are grown on Earth placed in several containers. Interior plants are an easy way to introduce the natural environment into closed interiors, which affects the decoration and mood of anyone who is there. They also allow to maintain contact with nature, especially in winter.

Interior plants can be perennial or annual. They normally form traditional flowers with petals or develop vines. They can also take forms of miniature trees.

The plants chosen to be cultivated in pots usually have a high aesthetic value, showing interesting colors and shapes or an unusual way of flourishing. The great variety of plants of this type makes it easier to choose the one that fits their individual taste.

How to take care of indoor plants?

As each type of domestic plant is different, they have several needs. For this reason, when choosing certain types of plants in pot, be sure to provide them with the best conditions for their correct growth and flowering. There are some general rules that can help you take care of your indoor plants.

One of the most basic rules of plants' care is regular irrigation. It is important to water the plants according to the needs of each species. Most potato plants require intense irrigation in spring, since it is the time they flourish.

Spring is the station where pots in pot require more attention. March and May is the best time to fertilize. It will help your plants flourish and encourage existing outbreaks and roots. Spring is also a good time to replant interior plants that are too large into larger containers, or divide them in smaller parts.

Take care of plants in pot in autumn and during the heat season

You must keep the leaves of clean interior plants throughout the year. Spray its surface with clean water weekly, especially in winter when the air is drier due to central heating.

Keep your plants in good condition in autumn too. It is the best time to prepare them for your winter break. Avoid fertilizing indoor plants in autumn, you must wait until spring.

What indoor plants are worth having?

The best pots in pot that can grow at home are those that do not require too much attention and daily care. This is an easy way to make your interior plants a magnificent decoration, putting the least possible effort or if you forget to water them.

Before making a decision on which interior plants choose, pay attention not only to your appearance, but also to its practical properties that you could use. See the most popular interior plants that are absolutely essential in 2020:

Geranium is one of the most popular ornamental flowers. It is an interior plant, even if you put it out. It is typically grown on balconies and potters. Geraniums are not only aesthetically pleasant, since they flourish in beautiful and intense colors, but also have many practical uses. The essential oil found in the leaves is used for therapeutic massages, inhalations and bathrooms. It has antibacterial and anti -inflammatory properties.

You can also use a geranium in the kitchen, for example adding its chopped leaves to tea or meals and desserts.

Dracaena - A very popular interior plant. It requires a minimum of attention and care, so it is recommended for those who do not have time to take care of plants every day. It is a perfect potpie plant for occupied or forgotten owners. Being careless is not a problem for her, unlike other interior plants.

Fern - very common in the past, today the fern has been somewhat forgotten. Now come back. This popular indoor plant has a calming effect on the human organism, thanks to its intense green color. Also, its leaves work as a natural air purifier. This potted plant neutralizes the signals emitted by electronic devices in the room. It is an ideal indoor plant for a living room or an office.

Peace lily - a unique houseplant that can act as an air purifier replacement. The plant naturally filters the air, absorbing harmful toxins from the air. Peace lilies are perfect houseplants. They are highly recommended for people who suffer from respiratory problems such as asthma.

Aloe vera - is a houseplant, often praised for its many uses. Aloe vera juice is rich in vitamins and minerals, and has healing properties. Fresh aloe juice helps with swelling, insect bites, as well as acne. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it also helps treat the gastrointestinal system. It is an indoor plant that is definitely worth having in every home.

You can use your own aloe vera plant to make soothing cosmetics with a good natural makeup.

The substances contained in the leaves of the peace lily are potentially harmful to people and pets. If you have a puppy or cat that likes to chew on plants, make sure they don't have access to the lily.

Anthurium - is an unusual impressive-looking indoor plant. Although it has been used only as part of bouquets for a long time, today it is an indoor plant in many homes. Proper care of this plant is very important. For this reason, one must learn how to grow anthurium to achieve the best results.

Indoor plants that are always in fashion

There are certain potted plants that have been very popular for many seasons and it doesn't look like the trend is going to end. What indoor plants should be chosen to create a stylish and elegant interior? Below you will find some suggestions.

Monstera - turn your house into a jungle

The monstera is one of the most popular and at the same time most impressive potted plants. With it you can create your own exotic garden at home.

The monstera is a perfect potted plant for everyone. Not only does it look very interesting, but it is also very easy to care for. To obtain satisfactory results, it is enough to water it once a week. Are you afraid that it is too small? The monstera is a type of plant that reacts immediately to a lack of water, and you will surely notice it. If its leaves seem a bit wilted, it means you need to provide more water.

Green plants like Monstera fit perfectly with current trends. If you're looking to create your own urban jungle, consider adding a monstera to your collection.

Potted cactus - natural minimalism in your interior

The cactus is a very popular and timeless ornamental indoor plant. Its most interesting feature is the fact that it is completely covered in spikes. The cactus is a very popular and timeless ornamental indoor plant. Its most interesting feature is the fact that it is completely covered in spikes. A cactus is a plant that grows naturally in hot, dry deserts, so it requires minimal effort. For this reason cacti are perfect for anyone who can't really take care of the plants or often forgets to water them. Due to their great ability to adapt to any conditions, homeowners often choose them to be their houseplants.

Cacti can survive being neglected very well. For this reason they are ideal for people who are not capable of taking care of plants, but who still want to have them in their home.

Orchids… potted plants that delight everyone

Orchids are exceptionally beautiful plants that are perfect for the role of potted plants. It is a very popular and praised species among lovers of indoor plants, and they are decorations in many homes. Such universal plants look fashionable in any interior, during any season.

There are several types of orchids with different colors of petals. The most popular colors are white, pink, purple and blue.

Growing orchids is not very complicated, although it does require following some rules. Putting in enough effort, the owner can enjoy its beauty for many years.

The fig tree: an elegant and noble houseplant

The Ficus lyrata or fiddle-leaf fig - that's the name of the potted plant - is one of the most popular houseplants. Although it is native to tropical forests, it grows perfectly at home in a pot. The fig tree can grow up to several meters in height under natural conditions. This height could be problematic at home, but it can be easily cut and adjusted.

What are the characteristics of the ficus lyrata? The most important:

  • relatively easy care,
  • elegant look,
  • unusual shape of the leaves.
  • Spiderwort - an unusual and unique pot plant

Spider grass stands apart from other houseplants. Some of the species are really interesting looking. In addition, it is very easy to care for and grows quickly. The plant needs an adequate amount of light, so it can be placed on the windowsill.

Since the spiderwort is a houseplant of 70 different species, everyone can choose one that meets their expectations. The most popular are:

  • tradescantia pallida,
  • tradescantia andersoniana,
  • tradescantia virginiana,
  • tradescantia zebrina,
  • Tradescantia sillamontana.

Spiderwort can be used as a pot plant as well as a garden plant. By adding this unusual looking plant, you can make your garden more beautiful.

Indoor palm tree: a timeless houseplant

Many consider palm trees to be exotic houseplants, and because of this they are afraid to grow them indoors. However, these potted plants have permanently entered home interior designs and have been gaining popularity for a couple of years.

If you decide on indoor plants of this type and you are inexperienced, be sure to choose proven and easy-to-grow species. You can choose, for example

  • canary palm tree,
  • trachycarpus,
  • dwarf banana,
  • dwarf coconut tree,
  • California fan palm.

The indoor palm is a perfect houseplant for those who love interesting and attractive looking green plants. They do not flower, keep this in mind when choosing plants for your house.

Where to buy indoor plants?

If you're looking for new houseplants, try visiting a garden store. There you can find high-quality plants for your home. Alternatively, supermarkets often offer cheap potted plants, so keep an eye on them while you shop.

How often to water indoor plants?

You must adjust the watering of your plants to their individual needs, since each species requires a different type of care. Most plants need to be watered once or twice a week. Keep in mind that in winter the air is drier, so be sure to water them more often.

How cold is too cold for indoor plants?

Anything below 15 degrees Celsius (60 F) could be detrimental to houseplants. Most houseplants are native to tropical climates, so room temperature is best for them. The cold could damage delicate potted plants.

What are the best indoor plants for low light?

If your room is dark, look for plants that grow natively in the lower parts of the forests. You could choose the peace lily or any type of fern. Other species to take into account are the dracena, the snake plant and the zamioculcas, they are very good for rooms.

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