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Instagram Hashtags: Unlock the Power of Instagram Hashtags

Supercharge your Instagram Strategy

By instagram_hashtagsPublished 11 months ago 5 min read

The significance of a basic Instagram hashtag should never be underestimated. Instagram hashtag plays a crucial role in expanding your reach on the platform and fostering the growth of your followers.

The utilization of hashtags essentially involves gathering conversations or content related to a specific topic, simplifying the process of content discovery for individuals interested in that particular subject.

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What Exactly is an Instagram hashtag?

A hashtag is typically a word or concise phrase, typically consisting of one to three words, preceded by the [#] symbol. These hashtags are employed on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to classify posts based on specific topics.

Hashtags are clickable and searchable on Instagram. They are grouped under pages within Instagram that you can even follow to stay updated with the latest content under that hashtag.

The Purpose of Using Instagram Hashtags

Hashtags serve the purpose of facilitating content grouping, allowing you to categorize your posts and images with others who share similar content. These can either be widely adopted general hashtags, resulting in the grouping of your content with a broader community of users.

Alternatively, many businesses create niche hashtags to develop interest and consolidate posts relating to a particular product or campaign together.

Most Instagram users like growing their fan base. However, having someone who has completely opposite interests from yours follow you serves little use.

When using relevant hashtags with your content, you are making your posts available to people who have an interest in the same subjects.

How Do Instagram Hashtags Work?

Using hashtags on Instagram is essentially a method for classifying and organizing your material. They then assist Instagram in serving your posts to the right users.

Additionally, Instagram's algorithm refers to hashtags in order to categorize your material and recommend it to users who it believes may find it of interest.

How many hashtags to use on Instagram

There’s a major difference between how many hashtags you can use, how many Instagram recommends using, and what your account insights say.

On a regular post, you can use up to 30 hashtags, and on a story, you can use up to 10. Your remark or caption won't post if you try to include more.

However, just because Instagram allows for so many hashtags doesn't mean you should. There’s no right number of hashtags for every business or even for every post by the same business.

Benefits of Using Hashtags on Instagram?

Utilizing hashtags on Instagram provides a lot of advantages. There is a #dvantage for everyone, regardless of your social media objectives.

Using the "right" hashtags will bring you in front of people you want to reach, even if they haven't interacted with you before.

1. Increases exposure & discovery

The biggest reason for using hashtags is the increased exposure and discovery. When you tap on a hashtag on Instagram, a gallery of the most popular and most recent posts using that hashtag appears.

2. Encourages audience interactions

When you use branded hashtags and encourage their use, it becomes another form of engagement. Tagged feed posts are saved in search results, and tagged story posts are saved for the duration of the story.

3. Competitor analysis

In your market, how much digital real estate are your rivals occupying? Your social media voice analysis is aided by hashtags. Given that they're industry- and location-specific, there's a good chance that you and your rivals will use the same hashtags.

4. Content research

Using hashtags can assist you in finding new content ideas, much like you would do with SEO keyword research. Take the hashtag #naturalskincare as an example. Let's say you wish to speak up more.

5. Links digital and IRL campaigns

Nowadays, if you go shopping in any retail establishment, you probably will run upon a marketing initiative that includes a hashtag.

Here's what you should be aware of regarding Instagram hashtags.

Using relevant hashtags is an important step in increasing the visibility and engagement of your Instagram posts. Making sure hashtags are appropriate for the subject of your post is the key to using them properly.

Within Instagram, each hashtag gets its own page, so you can see every post that has ever used that hashtag sorted by Top, Recent, and Reels. Hashtag pages are a great way to direct a new audience to relevant content, especially if the post is in the ‘Top’ section.

How to Optimize Your Hashtag Strategy on Instagram

The process of ongoing trial and error is what creates an efficient hashtag strategy. We're big on experimenting, Lindsay explains. We continuously experiment with brand-new specific and general hashtags to determine which ones drive the most interaction.

One of the best methods to determine whether your experiments were successful is to examine the performance of your hashtags.

Without analytics, you won't be able to tell what's working and what isn't, which means you could miss out on opportunities to change your approach and engage with new audiences.


Don't forget to engage with the hashtag community. Interact with other users who are using the same hashtags as you, liking and commenting on their posts.

Hashtags don’t offer an instant solution for low reach or engagement. But by adding the right Instagram hashtags to your content, you can get your posts, reels, and stories in front of the ideal audience.

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About the Creator


Hashtags are a fantastic way for people interested in a particular topic to locate more accounts to follow since, from there, you can explore all the connected articles.

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