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How to whiten your teeth without toxic chemicals!

White teeth can change your life.

By Sania MitzelPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

Did you know the color of your teeth has a direct effect on your personal (and professional) relationships more than any other part of your appearance?

New studies show a whiter smile... gives you a 58% greater chance of being hired for your dream job. And makes you 53% more likely to earn a generous salary.(1)

Not only that...

A recent survey found 96% of single men and women call a white smile a “dealbreaker”... (2)and those with whiter teeth are twice-as-likely to land a second date. Maybe the most shocking is how according to a new study... white teeth can make you look up to 10 years younger... and 20% more attractive (3). So it’s no surprise why teeth whitening treatments are a hot trend among Hollywood movie-stars... movers-and-shakers in the business world... social media influencers and the wealthy.

See most teeth whitening solutions only focus on “external yellowing” which are the surface stains your teeth get over time from coffee… wine… juices and soft drinks. Even healthy foods like strawberries, blueberries and pomegranates can strip away your shine and make your teeth look dull.

Plus most whitening products you’re likely using are a danger to your health. Because even the most trusted and popular whitening strips and kits contain toxic chemicals. Including the same chemicals found in commercial floor cleaners!(4)

Once these toxins touch your gums your blood vessels shuttle them around throughout your body like a taxi service. Spreading toxins that disrupt your cell accelerate the aging of your skin(5) and according to a recent publication in the journal, Free Radical Biology and Medicine can raise your blood pressure and increase your risk of heart disease.

Now... you’ve maybe heard of Blue LED light to whiten teeth and if you haven’t— I’ll get to more on that in a minute...

But first, let me tell you what Red Light does that Blue Light can’t. Red light heals the dentin layer of your teeth it’s the ONLY LED light that does this. Plus— Red LED light eliminates bacteria that cause “internal yellowing” not just on your teeth… but in your gums, too. It’s Like A Complete Mouth Detox! So you won’t just get a whiter smile… but healthier teeth. Several expensive trips to the dentist can’t clean your mouth like this Red Light can…

Because it heals the dentin layer of your teeth and restores health to your gums, which eliminates sensitivity. This Red light is so gentle you won’t feel any pain whatsoever when you use it, even if you have really sensitive teeth right now.

With Blue Light even Harvard has been raving about how it removes plaque and whitens teeth. (6) (7)

Which is super important because if you have plaque on your teeth, there’s no amount of bleaching that’ll give you a white smile. It’s like putting a coat of paint on a piece of wood, without sanding the wood first. You’re whitening plaque. Nothing more. But with Blue Light you’ll lift plaque from your mouth, so you can clean the surfaces of your teeth without any gunk standing in the way and enjoy a truly healthy mouth and a whiter smile!

But as impressive as Blue LED light is astudy from Sao Paulo State University in Brazil found Red Light enhances the effectiveness of whitening treatments.(8). Meaning when you pair Red and Blue LED lights together you’ll get faster and better whitening results than you ever could using just one or the other.

No other whitening solution goes to such lengths to reverse years of plaque buildup and ugly stains and give you the smile you always wanted. Plus— you’ll have a CLEAN mouth… not just a pretty one.

  • 16 RED lights improve wound healing, relieves pain, improves tissue repair and prevents mouth sores.
  • 16 BLUE lights lift plaque and whitens your teeth to get you smiling more.
  • 32 RED/BLUE lights lift plaque and whitens your teeth to get you smiling more, relieves pain, improves tissue repair and prevents mouth sores.

Get your whitening kit here!:









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About the Creator

Sania Mitzel

hiii, i am sania and this is my blog where i write about various things, there is probablysomething for you too!

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