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How to Spot Hail Damage on the Roof

Hail damage to the roof can escalate if overlooked. However, since sometimes discovering hail damage from the ground can be hard, engage the professional to examine your roof in the best possible way. This post demonstrates a few ways to identify hail damage.

By Foam Experts Co.Published about a year ago 3 min read
Hail can Damage the roof

Homeowners who encounter severe hailstorms comprehend the damages that hail can inflict. Trivial hail particles accompanied by fierce winds may cause enormous roof damage. Since most hail damage is hard to trace, it often goes overlooked until shingles or other roof components degrade over time, causing severe roofing predicaments in the future. However, if you experience some telltale signs of roof damage, consider engaging a roofing company in Redding before it escalates. Hail damage to the roof can escalate if overlooked. However, since sometimes discovering hail damage from the ground can be hard, engage the professional to examine your roof in the best possible way. This post demonstrates a few ways to identify hail damage. Let's begin to know the tips you can follow to spot hail damage on your roof. Read the article to learn about these ways to identify hail damages.

How to Identify Hail Damage

While the following are some simple visual tests that any homeowner may accomplish, for a more comprehensive roof inspection, hiring professionals who know what to look for and how to fix any damage identified while examining your roof for hail damage is imperative.

• Cracked tiles or Split Shingles:

Heavy hails can produce cracks in roofing tiles varying in size from microscopic to extremely large. Inspect for dents of whatever size and cracks in the shingles.

• Damage to the Chimney Cover:

Since metal sheeting is highly vulnerable to dents of various sizes, examine the metallic chimney covers for hail protrusions. If you don't find any dents but believe the chimney cover was damaged, brush a piece of chalk sideways over the cover's surface to disclose them.

• Missed or Curled Shingles and Damaged Siding:

Assess for splatter marks, dents, fractures, paint chips, or holes in your siding that might indicate hail damage to your roof. Heavy hail damage, whether in a single storm or over time, can eventually pull shingles entirely off or make them curl up like dried-out leather. Call a commercial roofing Redding contractor to inspect your roof comprehensively since climbing the roof, especially in winter or rain, is perilous.

• Affected Gutter Guards or Vents and Granules in Gutters or Downspouts:

Since after hail damage, gutter guards may demonstrate denting and scratch marks, inspect the roof for damaged paint on guards, and denting on any protruded vents. Ice pellets are the most probable culprits if you discover shingle particles in gutters and downspouts.

• Satellite Dish Damage and Shingles on the Ground:

Roof-mounted satellites are good predictors of hail hits. Evaluate the dish for dents, paint peeling, loose components, and broken or misplaced pieces. Furthermore, detecting shingles in the yard might indicate that the hailstorm probably damages your home.

• Garage Doors, Lawn Furniture, and Lighting Damage:

Glass or metal light fixtures in your back or front yard, lawn furniture, and garage doors are susceptible to hail damage. Hence, inspect for hail damage in those areas.

• Dropboxes With Chipped Paint:

Inspecting your mailbox might notify you whether or not hail has damaged your roof. However, metal and wood boxes tend to display indications of direct hail ball strikes.

• Pool Issues and Interior Hail Damage Signs:

If your pool pump exhibits symptoms of damage after a hailstorm or if you notice fragments of debris floating in the water, it indicates roof damage. Ceiling stains, discoloration on walls, pools of water in basements or garages, mold development in attics, damp insulation, and any peculiar spots around light fixtures and fire sprinklers necessitate inspection. These are all possible symptoms that hail has damaged your roof to the point where it no longer prevents water from accessing the interior.

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Foam Experts Co.

Foamexpertsco is a family-owned business that is in the industry for over 30 years. We are working with the hones and experienced workers for several years now. Visit our website to accumulate more stuff. Visit -

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