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How to Sanitize Ice-Making Equipment

Here are six easy steps to follow to efficiently clean an ice maker.

By Lizzie HowardPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Image from Unsplash

Ice-making equipment is commonly used in businesses, such as restaurants, bars, and hotels, to provide customers with cold beverages. However, if the equipment is not properly sanitized, it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria, which can cause foodborne illnesses in your customers and even your staff members.

Sanitizing your ice-making equipment is not only essential for maintaining good hygiene but is also required by law. Therefore, we want to discuss the importance of sanitizing ice-making equipment and provide some tips on how to do it effectively.

Why is Sanitization so Important?

Sanitizing ice-making equipment is crucial for ensuring the safety of your customers and staff. Bacteria and other microorganisms can easily contaminate the ice if the equipment is not cleaned and sanitized properly. These microorganisms can cause illnesses such as gastroenteritis, which can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration.

Therefore, if a customer or staff member becomes sick after consuming contaminated ice from your establishment, it can damage your reputation and potentially lead to legal action. The last thing you want is to cease operations because of an issue that could have been avoided by simply cleaning and sanitizing your equipment.

Six Steps to Follow

It is essential to clean and sanitize your commercial ice makers correctly. Failure to maintain the equipment could result in damaging the machine or continuing to make contaminated ice.

Use the following steps to ensure your commercial ice-making equipment is properly sanitized.

Step 1: Turn off the Ice-Making Machine

Before you begin the sanitization process, you need to turn off and unplug the ice-making machine. This way, you can ensure there is no electrical hazard while cleaning and sanitizing it.

Step 2: Remove All of The Ice

Empty the ice-making machine and discard any remaining ice. Of course, it is important to wear gloves while handling the ice, as it may be contaminated with bacteria.

Step 3: Clean the Ice Machine

Use a soft cloth or sponge and a solution of warm water and mild detergent to clean the inside and outside of the ice-making machine. Pay particular attention to areas that come into contact with ice, such as the dispenser and ice bin.

Step 4: Rinse the Ice Machine

Once you have cleaned the machine, rinse it thoroughly with clean water to remove any remaining detergent. Otherwise, it could leave a bad taste on your ice, plus it could make your customers and staff sick.

Step 5: Sanitize the Ice Machine

Prepare a solution of warm water and an approved sanitizer, such as chlorine bleach or quaternary ammonia. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the correct sanitizer and dilution rate. Using a soft cloth or sponge, apply the solution to all surfaces of the ice-making machine, including the dispenser and ice bin.

Step 6: Let the Ice Machine Dry

After sanitizing the machine, allow it to air dry completely before turning it back on and using it for your business.

Steps may Vary per Ice Machine

While the above tips focus on manually cleaning the machine, the steps may vary per ice maker. Some ice machines feature a cleaning cycle, while other machines require you to remove specific components before cleaning. It is important to check the manual to determine the best method of cleaning your ice machine.

Frequency of Sanitizing Ice-Making Equipment

The frequency of sanitizing your ice-making equipment depends on how often it is used. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), ice-making machines should be cleaned and sanitized at least once every six months. However, it is recommended to sanitize your machine more frequently, especially if it is used often or in high-traffic areas.

Additionally, if you notice any unusual odors or discoloration in the ice or machine, it should be cleaned and sanitized immediately.


Proper sanitation of ice-making equipment is essential to maintaining good hygiene and ensuring the safety of your customers.

By following the steps outlined in this post, you can effectively sanitize your ice-making equipment and prevent the spread of bacteria.

Remember to clean and sanitize your ice-making equipment regularly and discard the leftover ice. By doing so, you can provide your customers and staff members with clean and safe ice, which helps to protect their health and your reputation.

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