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How to pick up a shy girl ?

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By AggiePublished about a year ago 3 min read

Disclaimer: The following article is intended for entertainment purposes only. Please do not take the advice given seriously as it is not intended to be used in real-life situations.

Ah, the elusive shy girl. She's the object of many a man's affections, but she's also a challenge to approach. If you're one of the brave souls who has set your sights on a shy girl, fear not! I'm here to provide you with some expert advice on how to pick her up.

Step 1: Dress to Impress

The first step to picking up a shy girl is to make sure you're looking your best. Put some effort into your appearance, and she'll be more likely to take notice of you. Wear something stylish and groom yourself properly, because nothing says "I'm not worth your time" like looking like a slob.

Step 2: Make Eye Contact

Once you've caught her eye, the next step is to make eye contact. But don't stare her down like a predator, or she'll run for the hills. Instead, try to catch her gaze for a brief moment, smile, and then look away. This shows that you're interested, but not overly aggressive.

Step 3: Break the Ice

The hardest part of picking up a shy girl is breaking the ice. But fear not! I have a foolproof way to get her talking. Walk up to her and say, "Excuse me, miss. I seem to have lost my phone number. Can I have yours?" She'll either find it hilarious or cringe-worthy, but either way, you'll have her attention.

Step 4: Listen More Than You Talk

Shy girls tend to be introverted, so they're not going to be the most talkative people in the room. But when they do speak, they have something important to say. So when you're talking to a shy girl, make sure you're listening more than you're talking. Ask her questions about herself, and really listen to her answers. This will show her that you're interested in her as a person, and not just trying to make a move.

Step 5: Make Her Laugh

Humor is the universal language of love. If you can make a shy girl laugh, you're well on your way to winning her heart. But don't be too over-the-top with your jokes. Keep them light and playful, and don't be afraid to make fun of yourself. This will show her that you don't take yourself too seriously, and you're not just trying to impress her.

Step 6: Be Patient

Picking up a shy girl takes time and patience. She's not going to open up to you right away, so don't try to rush things. Take your time getting to know her, and let her set the pace. If you try to push her too hard, she'll just retreat further into her shell. But if you're patient and persistent, she'll eventually come around.

Step 7: Respect Her Boundaries

Finally, it's important to respect a shy girl's boundaries. If she's not comfortable with something, don't try to force her into it. And don't take it personally if she's not ready to take things to the next level. Shy girls tend to be more cautious when it comes to relationships, so it's important to be understanding of their feelings.

In conclusion, picking up a shy girl requires a bit more finesse than your average pickup. But with a little bit of patience and persistence, you can win her heart. Remember to dress to impress, make eye contact, break the ice, listen more than you talk, make her laugh, be patient, and respect her boundaries.

how to

About the Creator


3in1 - a writer, a teacher and a mom :) what else? ...crazy, impatient, curious, inquisitive MS fighter

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