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How to Make Money Writing on Vocal Media

Tips, Tricks & Strategies for Maximum Earnings

By Jack BrelPublished about a year ago 10 min read
How to Make Money Writing on Vocal Media
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

There are many ways to make money writing on vocal media. By following some simple tips, tricks and strategies, you can maximize your earnings.

One way to make money writing on vocal media is to choose your topics wisely. Write about topics that you are passionate about and that have a high demand. This will ensure that your articles are read by a wide audience and that you generate a lot of revenue.

Another way to make money writing on vocal media is to be strategic with your keywords. Use keywords that are popular and that will generate a lot of traffic to your article. This will ensure that your article is ranked high in the search engines and that you get a lot of views.

By following these simple tips, tricks and strategies, you can make a lot of money writing on vocal media.

1. Start by creating a profile and writing catchy headlines

2. Become a contributor and start writing articles

3. Use social media to share your articles and drive traffic to your profile

4. Check out job boards and writing contests

5. Build a fan base and expand your reach

6. Monetize your account by signing up for the partner program

7. Keep writing great content to earn more money!

1. Start by creating a profile and writing catchy headlines

By Markus Winkler on Unsplash

If you're looking to make money writing on Vocal Media, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First and foremost, you need to create a strong profile and write catchy headlines.

Your profile is essentially your online resume, and it's important that you take the time to fill it out completely and accurately. Be sure to include your writing experience, as well as any other relevant information potential clients might be interested in.

In addition to a strong profile, you also need to write catchy headlines. Your headlines are what will ultimately convince someone to read your articles, so take the time to brainstorm a few different options before settling on one.

Once you have a strong profile and catchy headline, you're well on your way to making money writing on Vocal Media.

2. Become a contributor and start writing articles

By Thought Catalog on Unsplash

If you’re passionate about writing and want to get paid for your work, then you should learn how to become a contributor on Vocal Media. As a contributor, you can write articles on a variety of topics and get paid for your efforts.

The first step to becoming a contributor is to create a Vocal profile. This is where potential employers will be able to learn more about you and your work. When creating your profile, be sure to include a brief bio, your skills and experience, and links to your previous work.

Once you have created your profile, you can start submitting articles to Vocal Media. When submitting an article, be sure to follow the submission guidelines and include a catchy headline. If your article is accepted, it will be published on the Vocal website and you will earn money based on the number of views it receives.

If you want to maximize your earnings, you can also promote your articles through social media and other channels. By promoting your articles and driving traffic to the Vocal website, you can earn more money per view.

So if you’re looking to make money writing, then become a contributor on Vocal Media and start writing articles today.

3. Use social media to share your articles and drive traffic to your profile

By Piotr Cichosz on Unsplash

As a freelance writer, one of the best ways to make money is to drive traffic to your articles and profile on Vocal Media. By using social media to share your articles, you can increase your earnings potential significantly. Here are some tips, tricks, and strategies to help you make the most of social media for your freelance writing career:

1. Use Twitter to share links to your articles.

Twitter is a great platform for sharing links to your articles. When you tweet a link to one of your articles, make sure to use relevant hashtags and @mention relevant accounts. This will help to ensure that your tweet is seen by as many people as possible.

2. Use Facebook to share links to your articles.

Just like with Twitter, you can use Facebook to share links to your articles. However, on Facebook, you should also take advantage of Facebook groups. There are many groups dedicated to freelance writers, and by sharing your links in these groups, you can reach a large audience of potential readers.

3. Use LinkedIn to share links to your articles.

LinkedIn is a great platform for sharing your articles with a professional audience. When you share a link to one of your articles on LinkedIn, make sure to write a short description of the article. This will help to encourage people to click through and read your article.

4. Use Pinterest to share links to your articles.

Pinterest is a great platform for visual sharing, and you can use it to share links to your articles. When you share a link to an article on Pinterest, make sure to include a relevant image. This will help to grab people's attention and encourage them to click through to your article.

5. Use Google+ to share links to your articles.

Google+ is a great platform for sharing your articles with a wider audience. When you share a link to your article on Google+, make sure to use relevant hashtags. This will help to ensure that your post is seen by people who are interested in the topic of your article.

By using these social media platforms to share your articles, you can significantly increase the number of people who see your articles. This, in turn, can lead to more clicks and more money for you as a freelance writer.

4. Check out job boards and writing contests

If you're looking for ways to make money writing on Vocal Media, one option is to check out job boards and writing contests. This can be a great way to get started, as you can browse through different opportunities and see what interests you.

When looking at job boards, be sure to read the descriptions carefully to see if you meet the requirements. For writing contests, take a look at the theme and rules to see if your piece would be a good fit.

either way, it's always a good idea to submit a well-written and edited piece. This will give you the best chance of being selected, and also make a good impression on potential employers or clients.

5. Build a Fan Base and Expand your Reach

By John Schnobrich on Unsplash

The internet has opened up a world of opportunities for writers. There are now more ways than ever to make money writing, and one of the most popular ways is through online platforms such as Vocal Media.

If you’re looking to make money writing on Vocal Media, here are some tips, tricks and strategies to help you get started:

1. Find your niche

One of the best things about writing on Vocal Media is that you can write about almost any topic imaginable. Whether you’re passionate about travel, fashion, food, or something else entirely, there’s a good chance you can find a niche to write about on this platform.

Finding your niche will not only make it easier for you to come up with ideas for articles, but it will also help you to build a devoted following. Readers who enjoy your articles on one particular topic will be more likely to check out your other articles, and they may even share your content with their friends.

2. Write quality content

It should go without saying that the quality of your content is important if you want people to read and share your articles. Take the time to proofread your work and make sure it’s well-written and engaging.

If you’re not sure how to improve the quality of your writing, there are plenty of resources available online, including articles and books on the subject. You could also consider taking a writing course or hiring a editor to help you improve your work.

3. Use attractive visuals

People are more likely to read and share articles that are accompanied by visuals, so it’s definitely worth taking the time to add some attractive photos, illustrations or videos to your articles.

If you’re not sure where to find visuals for your articles, there are several websites that offer royalty-free images that you can use. You could also try taking your own photos or creating your own illustrations.

4. Share your articles

Once you’ve published an article, don’t just sit back and wait for people to find it. Share your article on social media, in forums and in any other places where your target audience is likely to see it.

You could also try emailing your article to people who you think would be interested in reading it, or even reaching out to bloggers and Influencers in your niche and asking them to share your article with their followers.

6. Monetize your Account by Signing up for the Partner Program

As a writer on Vocal, you have the opportunity to sign up for the partner program and monetize your account. By doing so, you will be able to earn a percentage of the revenue generated from your articles. In order to be eligible for the program, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Have a valid bank account
  • Have a PayPal account

In order to sign up for the partner program, you will need to go to your settings page and click on the "monetization" tab. From there, you will be able to complete the sign-up process.

Once you have been accepted into the program, you will need to place a link to your PayPal account on yourarticles. This can be done by going to the "my account" page and clicking on the "links" tab. From there, you will be able to add your PayPal account information.

7. Keep writing great content to earn more money!

By Aaron Burden on Unsplash

If you’re looking to make money writing on Vocal Media, then it’s important to keep writing great content. The better your content is, the more likely people are to read it and the more money you’ll make.

Here are a few tips to help you write great content that will earn you money:

1. Write about topics you’re passionate about.

When you write about topics you’re passionate about, it shows in your writing. Your passion will come through in your words and make your writing more engaging for readers. Plus, you’ll be more likely to stick with writing about a topic you’re passionate about, which will help you create a stronger body of work.

2. Choose a catchy headline.

Your headline is the first thing people will see when they come across your article. A great headline will make people want to click and read your article. Take some time to brainstorm a few different headlines for each article you write and then choose the one that will be most likely to grab attention.

3. Write in your own voice.

Your writing should be unique to you and reflect your own voice. This will make your writing more relatable and enjoyable for readers. Be yourself and let your personality shine through in your writing.

4. Keep it concise.

People have short attention spans, so it’s important to keep your writing concise. Get to the point quickly and don’t bore your readers with too much fluff. Be clear and concise in your writing and you’ll keep readers engaged.

5. Edit and proofread your work.

It’s important to edit and proofread your work before you publish it. This will ensure that your work is error-free and reads well. Take the time to revise your work and make sure it’s the best it can be before you hit publish.

6. Promote your articles.

Once you’ve written and published your article, it’s important to promote it to get readers. Share your article on social media and in relevant forums and groups. The more people who see your article, the more likely you are to get readers and make money.


In conclusion, if you want to make money writing on Vocal Media, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of success. First, invest time in creating quality content. Your articles should be well researched and written in a clear, concise style. Second, take advantage of Vocal Media's tools to promote your articles and build a following. Use the site's tagging system to help people find your articles, and share your articles on social media. Finally, don't be afraid to experiment. Try different strategies for promoting your articles and see what works best for you. With a little effort, you can start earning money from your writing on Vocal Media.

By following the tips, tricks and strategies in this article, you can make money writing on Vocal Media. You can use your writing skills to earn income from advertisements, affiliate marketing, and other opportunities available on the platform. With a little effort and dedication, you can make a great income from writing on Vocal Media.

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About the Creator

Jack Brel

At Vocal Media, I am excited to be a part of a platform that values creativity and original content. I am confident that my skills and experience will enable me to create impactful campaigns and bring value to the Vocal Media community

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