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How to Make an Abstract Painting Using a Sponge

Learn How to Create Beautiful Home Decorations

By AlgiebaPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Do you love painting and you dream of decorating the home yourself? We cannot imagine a world without color. Colors are enriching our lives and influence our mood. For example, color combinations that are dark can make us sad and melancholic, while bright colors seem joyful and give us a sensation of happiness. To influence the feelings of those who watch your paintings, you should understand color combinations and the way the human brain interprets them. For that purpose, you can use the color wheel, which will guide you, regarding the colors and color shades that can be combined in order to create beautiful color harmonies. Painting is a way of expressing your feelings and emotions and has a deeply relaxing effect on the human psyche. It is a type of hobby that does not require great investments. A piece of paper, some colors, and a brush are generally enough if you plan to start painting. The only limit to what you create is your imagination. Painting offers you unlimited ways to express yourself.

There is a great variety of mediums to choose from. Pastels, oil painting, acrylic colors, watercolors, or glass paints are just some examples of mediums that can be used. You can take your inspiration from great masters of painting. Painting has a lot of benefits for your health and the health and well-being of your brain. Just like other hobbies, painting promotes a sense of well-being and gives a purpose to your life. It reduces stress and anxiety because it is a form of emotional relief. When you finish a painting and watch your creation, you have a feeling of accomplishment and that increases your sense of well-being. It stimulates your creative mind and allows you to express yourself. Painting activates the visual center and memory, thus having a positive effect on the functioning of your brain. In the long term, it prevents the development of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's, because it trains your brain functions. Just like a muscle that is permanently trained, if your brain is trained, it will lose its function more slowly. By painting, you will also train your motor skills, which will also help you perform other activities more accurately. It increases the mobility of your hand and fingers and gives you greater precision in your moves.

There are many approaches to painting abstract art. There is a great variety of tools that can be used. From flat brushes, round brushes, fan brushes, Filbert brushes, to tools like painting knives, sponges, paper tissue, or ear pads, all these are tools that will help you express your creativity. Even if you haven't studied art, in each of us there is a certain amount of artistic talent. Patience and attention are key to creating beautiful paintings that will decorate your rooms and give a touch of color to the walls.

Here is an easy painting technique, which enables you to create a beautiful abstract painting, that you will love and your friends and family will admire.



Painting palette



Water bowl

Start applying the light blue paint on the top side of the canvas using the sponge.

Wash the sponge with water and continue by applying the dark blue color

Continue by also applying some small spots of green color to the canvas.

Wash the sponge again in water and apply the white color, and create a galaxy like area in the middle of the painting.

At the end also add gold to your painting.

Let the painting dry and you can enjoy decorating the wall of your favorite room with your own creation.


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