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How To Get Your Man Back - The Complete Guide Guaranteed To Get Your Man Back Fast

I know that a breakup can be a very emotionally trying time and I understand if you feel like curling up in a ball and crying yourself to sleep.

By Alsong DunstanPublished about a year ago 9 min read
How To Get Your Man Back - The Complete Guide Guaranteed To Get Your Man Back Fast
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Chances are you've come to this page right now because you want to know how to get your man back. Well you've come to the right place. I admit this article is quite long but if you just invest the ten minutes of your time that it will to read this... not only will I answer the question how to get your man back, I will also give you an awesome tool that you can use that will have your man begging for you to come back to him. Now before we get going, I want to warn you that some of the information that I'm going to be sharing with you is very unconventional. Definitely not the same generic advice you will get from some so a called "Relationship Expert" who spent so much time with his or her head in a text book and going to school that they never even experience a real relationship in their life. I don't know about you, but I'd much rather take advice from someone that actually knows what I'm going through first hand, and can share knowledge with "been there, done that" experience. Alright, shall we get started?

I know that a breakup can be a very emotionally trying time and I understand if you feel like curling up in a ball and crying yourself to sleep. But you and I both know the truth behind that, which is that it's not going to do anything positive or productive. So the first matter that we're going to attend to is.... you! If your too busy feeling bad for yourself and don't have the correct state of mind that we're going to talk about later on, then there is no way that you'll be able to figure out how to get your man back. The key to answering the question, "how to get your man back" is all in gaining control! Through this whole process I want you to notice the steps we take to secure the control. So how do you get the control? Don't worry we will get to that in a bit, but I'll give you a hint... it starts between your ears!

Now depending on the details and how recent your breakup was, you still could be going through the "shock phase". This is when you still can't believe that the whole thing even happened. If that sounds like you don't worry because that is very common. Whether you are in the "shock phase" or not you still need to do the opposite of what most so called "experts" would tell you to do. In the first 24-48 hours following the breakup there are two things that you need to do. The first one is to focus on the breakup, and we'll get to the second thing you need to do in a bit. If it pains you to focus on your break up... keep doing it! We're only doing it for the first 1-2 days because this is your time to come to grips with the breakup. Many people struggle with breakups for months or even years because they spend so much time avoiding it and trying to deny its reality.

By Candice Picard on Unsplash

Think of it as standing up to a "breakup bully" if you continue to try to ignore it or pretend its not there, it's just going to continue to harass and torment you. But just like a real bully, if you stand up to the "breakup bully" in the first 24-48 hours it will be a whole lot easier to deal with from then on. Believe it or not, this is the first step on how to get your man back. Now if it's already been more then 48 hours its still OK, know why? Because you said so, and your the one in control and making the rules right? Right! So take some time to fight the "breakup bully" whether its been one minute or one year since the breakup.

Remember I said there were two things that you needed to do immediately after a break up? Well lets talk about the second step, which is an important part of how to get your man back. After you've faced the "breakup bully" the next thing you want to do is agree with the breakup. I told you some of these methods were unconventional... but they work! So listen up. The reason you want to agree with the breakup is because it does two very powerful things. The first thing it does is take away any power your man felt by ending things. Or maybe your the one that broke up with him and suddenly you've had a change of heart and want to know how to get your man back. Then in that case by agreeing with the breakup you will keep the power. So regardless of your situation, this is the best move.

The second thing that agreeing with a breakup does for you is remove any appearance of being desperate or needy. Those are two very unattractive traits that you need to have nothing to do with if you want to have any shot of discovering how to get your man back in your life. Remember that we want you to have the control, coming off as needy is the best way to throw away all of the control. So no matter how hard it is to hold back tears some nights you need to keep your control. I know it may be difficult because everything reminds you of him... but you must keep the control. Even if tomorrow would have been your guys' anniversary and you just want to call him and tell him how much you love him and miss him... you must keep the control! Got it?

By Anna Selle on Unsplash

It would be even better if you could agree with the breakup as soon as the breakup took place. But I understand this can be extremely hard to do that early in the game, which is why we deal with the "breakup bully" first. So now you've taken action on the first two steps, whats next? Still wondering how to get your man back? Simple... you go into business. Yes I said that right, the 3rd step is all about going into business for yourself. Taking some time and investing in By that I mean taking time to focus on the most important factor of this entire process, which is you. Now this is a step that you may have had suggested to you by a friend or family member because it works. But only if you've done the first two steps correctly already. If you haven't then this could come back to bite you.

During the third step you want to make sure that you minimize communication with your ex. Now if you are in a situation where you guys work together or you are in some type of arrangement to where you need to be in contact with him... don't panic because this could be difficult and still useful at the same time. If that is the case, make sure that you have nearly zero communication after you guys are done with your time together. For example if you guys work together from 9am-5pm make sure that is the only time during any day that he see's or hears from you. And while you guys are at work, only engage in any type of speaking if you have to.

Now in this specific situation the key on how to get your man back eventually is to not completely shut down in the event that he attempts to talk to you; Because then you lose the control. If he asks you a question during your time together, then answer his question but make it brief. And if you were talking before he came into the room, then make sure that you continue to talk when he comes in the room. Do not allow him to have any control by causing you to shut down in front of him. This situation of being forced to be around each other may actually work in your favor because he may expect to be able to talk to you after work since you guys spend time together through the day. And when he isn't able to contact you afterward this may be shocker to him, as well as a slight blow to his ego that will work in your favor.

By Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Now if you are in a situation where you don't need to be around each other then even better! Please do not read the above example and think that its a good idea to get a job with your ex or figure out a reason to be forced to communicate with him. If you can be apart from him for weeks at a time with zero communication, that is the ideal situation. But don't worry... with the things I'm going to share with you it won't even take weeks to be back in his arms. So for step three, you need to go into business and focus on, while minimizing communication with your ex.

This is also a great time to pickup a new job or hobby to occupy your time. Ever heard the saying "An idol mind is the devil's playground"? Well its sort of the same thing with your breakup, the more free time your mind has, the easier it is for thoughts of your ex to creep up. So get out the house, stay busy, but most importantly have fun! Don't fill your time up with boring or tedious chores. Stack your schedule with trips to the mall, or girls nights out. Depending on your situation, this may also be a time where you need to focus on being yourself. Life and relationships can be crazy sometimes and sometimes who we really are can get lost in the mix. This could have actually been the reason your man decided to breakup with you, because you are not the girl or woman that he initially started dating. So if the "real you" has been lost, make sure you take advantage of this time and go find her.

By taking actions on the first 3 steps you've been able to keep your control which is a beautiful thing. That is where most women mess up when they are trying to learn how to get their man back. While you hold control, you have given him the ability to miss you. This would have not been possible if you violated step 3 and constantly text or called him. When he starts to miss you things are looking very good and you are on your way to discovering how to get your man back. Lets recap our 3 steps really quick.

1. Stand up to the "breakup bully"

2. Agree with the breakup

3. Focus on, go into business

Now these steps that we discussed today are highly effective if you want to know how to get your man back. But I will be honest and tell you that there is much more detail that I'm willing to go into for those that need it. Some of you may not know what to do after these 3 steps. These 3 steps are very good and very effective but believe me when I tell you there is much more that can make the process a heck of a lot easier. Consider these 3 steps to be the foundation, which will definitely get the job done. But there is much more that can be placed upon this framework. Using these steps will open a window for many of you to get your man back. But for those that want to not only open a door instead of a window, but rip it off its hinges with opportunity to get your man back... I invite you to keep reading.

By Becca Tapert on Unsplash

Some of you may have questions past the 3 steps shared here. Others may not know exactly how they should agree with the breakup (there is a wrong way to do this step that will kill your chances), or exactly how to let their ex know that they agree with the breakup. Your ex may be talking with another woman or already in another relationship and you need detailed step-by-step instructions on what to do to get him back. And maybe some of you are just terrified at the thought of possibly doing something wrong and losing your man forever. So for those that want more information how to get your man back; information that I just didn't have time or space to share here. Please CLICK HERE so that you can be redirected to all of the information that will help you with this situation. If this article was of any help to you... please do me a favor and leave a comment and share this with your friends.

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About the Creator

Alsong Dunstan

Hi, I create informative and educational articles that cover a wide range of topics. I strive for thorough research and fact-checking to provide the highest quality content. My articles are also enjoyable and easy to read.

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