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How to Achieve Better Sleep at Night

A good night’s sleep can make all the difference!

By KevinPublished 4 years ago 6 min read

After a long day, there is nothing quite like taking a warm bath, changing into your favorite soft pajamas and snuggling up under your fluffy covers, only to be met by a restless night of tossing and turning. Everyone has experienced a night of uneasy sleep but when it becomes a regular occurrence, it can start to take a toll on your body and daily routine. If you are ready to finally get a good night’s rest, read on to learn about some of the things that may be triggering your sleepless nights and what you can do about it.

Poor Diet

A poor diet can have numerous negative impacts on your body and its functions, including impeding your ability to sleep. For example, if you have one cookie before bed, this likely will not impact your ability to sleep. However, if you have 4 cookies, two scoops of ice cream and half a candy bar, chances are you will get hit with a sugar rush as soon as you are ready to call it a night. Try to avoid lots of sugar before bed.

Additionally, watch out for foods that cause bloating, such as beans, asparagus and greasy foods. Eating these foods can cause discomfort, which will only make sleep more difficult to achieve. While you can still enjoy these foods, keep an eye on your intake at dinner time and try not to have a bunch of gas-inducing options. Start monitoring what you eat before bed and see if cutting back on these foods improves your ability to sleep.

Consider investing in a supplement to ensure your body is receiving all the nutrients it needs and therefore functioning at peak performance. A great example is Thrive by LeVel. Thrive patches are similar to nicotine patches but deposit nutrients into your body instead. Thrive side effects include better sleep and aiding in stomach pains, both of which can be beneficial when you are trying to get a good night’s rest.


Though it may be beneficial to have a cup or two of coffee to get going in the morning, it certainly will not help drinking some before bedtime. Keep the caffeine intake limited to the morning. If you like having a cup of joe or tea before bed, make sure it is decaf. Otherwise, the caffeine intake will have you rolling in bed well into the night.


While electronics have become an essential part of everyday lives, they can have a negative impact on your ability to sleep. The lights from electronics slows the creation of melatonin in the brain; this hormone helps us sleep at night, so electronic use at the end of the day makes it more difficult for sleep to occur.

So while you might be tempted to binge one more episode of your favorite sitcom before bed, you should turn off all electronics an hour or more prior to when you go to sleep. This means no TV, no laptops and no sneaking a peak at emails on your phone. Get all your online to-due items done at least an hour before bedtime.


Another factor that impacts the quality of your sleep is stress. When you are worried or anxious about something, your brain tends to think about those items long into the night. While you want to turn your mind off, emotions make that hard to do.

Take some purposeful steps to decrease the stress in your life. Read a book before bed to get your mind on a different topic. Try a few minutes of quiet mediation or take a walk before you turn in for the night. Talk to a loved one about what is troubling you; oftentimes, just getting your thoughts out there can bring relief. Plus, your friend or family member may have some advice about what is worrying you. See a therapist if you are really struggling to overcome your anxiety.

Old Furniture and Accessories

Something else to consider if you cannot get a good night’s sleep is the quality of your furniture. Poor quality furniture can make it more difficult to get rest. Is your bed frame squeaky or missing any slates? Take the necessary steps to fix it or replace it. Pillows should be changed on a regular basis, typically every one to two years. However, if you invest in a first-rate down pillow and treat it with care, it can last 10 to 15 years. Hair, oils and cells from your face get trapped in your pillow, even with a pillow case, and can cause allergic reactions. Consider purchasing a protective case to help prolong the age of your pillow. Wash the pillow regularly, about every six months or so.

Mattresses should be replaced every ten years or so, depending on the type of mattress. As you age, your body becomes more sensitive to pressure. So the older you get, the more often you will likely have to change your mattress to prevent waking up with back pain.

While old sheets and comforters might not aggravate any back pain, it is simply more cozy sleeping on sheets that are not filled with holes and tears. It is recommended sheets be replaced every two years or so, though this can vary depending on the quality and care. Comforters tend to last longer, anywhere from 15 to 25 years. Again, the quality and your maintenance treatment will have a big impact on the comforter’s lifespan. Wash your sheets on a regular basis. Comforters will likely need to be washed by a professional or at a laundromat with extra-large washers and dryers.

Irregular Sleep Schedule

Having an irregular sleep schedule can be another reason you are struggling to get quality sleep. Many people are guilty of it. Some weeknights you stay up late getting things done, other weeknights you get to bed at a decent hour and during the weekend you let loose, maybe nap during the day and then stay up into the wee hours of the night. All the irregularity can have a negative impact on your sleep cycle; it becomes more difficult to fall asleep because your body has no baseline.

Establish a sleep schedule and do your best to stick to it. Especially during the weekdays, go to bed at the same time every night. While weekends may vary, try to go to bed around the same time you normally do. That way you will not be lying awake in bed until midnight Sunday night.

A good night’s sleep can make all the difference in how you feel during the day. If you are struggling to get quality sleep, consider the above factors. Review these recommendations and see what changes can be made in your daily habits to help you get a good night’s rest.


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