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How much does PRP treatment cost in Dubai?

What is PRP Treatment?

By Reveal Medical CenterPublished 11 months ago 5 min read

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) treatment is a popular cosmetic and medical procedure in Dubai. It utilizes the healing properties of a patient's own blood to stimulate tissue regeneration and rejuvenation. If you are considering PRP treatment in Dubai, it's important to understand the cost factors associated with this procedure. In this article, we will delve into the details of PRP treatment costs in Dubai, the benefits it offers, the treatment process, and tips for choosing the right clinic.

Dubai has become a renowned hub for medical tourism, offering a wide range of advanced treatments and procedures. PRP treatment is among the sought-after procedures due to its effectiveness and minimal downtime. However, the cost of PRP treatment can vary based on several factors.

What is PRP Treatment?

PRP treatment involves extracting a patient's blood, processing it to concentrate platelets, and injecting the platelet-rich plasma into the targeted area. Platelets contain growth factors that promote tissue healing and regeneration, making PRP treatment beneficial for various conditions.

How does it work?

PRP treatment works by harnessing the body's natural healing processes. The platelet-rich plasma is injected into the targeted area, where it releases growth factors and stimulates collagen production. This promotes cell growth and regeneration, resulting in improved skin texture, hair growth, or joint pain relief, depending on the treatment objective.

Benefits of PRP Treatment

PRP treatment offers several benefits for both cosmetic and medical purposes. Let's explore some of the key advantages:

Skin Rejuvenation

PRP treatment is widely used for facial rejuvenation. It can improve skin tone and texture, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, and enhance overall skin quality. The growth factors in PRP stimulate collagen production, resulting in a youthful and radiant complexion.

Hair Restoration

For individuals experiencing hair loss or thinning, PRP treatment can help promote hair growth. The growth factors in PRP nourish hair follicles, increase blood circulation, and stimulate dormant follicles, leading to thicker and fuller hair.

Joint Pain Relief

PRP treatment has shown promising results in alleviating joint pain and promoting healing in conditions like osteoarthritis. The growth factors present in PRP can help reduce inflammation, improve joint function, and enhance overall mobility.

PRP Treatment Process

The PRP treatment process typically involves the following steps:


Before undergoing PRP treatment, it's crucial to have a consultation with a qualified medical professional. During this consultation, the doctor will assess your suitability for the procedure, discuss your treatment goals, and explain the expected outcomes and potential risks.

Blood Collection

Once you decide to proceed with PRP treatment, a small amount of blood will be drawn from your arm. The blood sample is then processed to extract the platelet-rich plasma.

• Platelet Separation

The blood sample goes through a centrifugation process, which separates the platelet-rich plasma from other components of the blood. This concentrated plasma is then collected for injection.


The platelet-rich plasma is carefully injected into the targeted area, such as the face, scalp, or joints, depending on the treatment objective. The injection technique may vary based on the specific area being treated and the desired outcome.

Factors Influencing the Cost

Several factors influence the cost of PRP treatment in Dubai. It's essential to consider these factors when estimating the overall expense:

Clinic and Location

The reputation, expertise, and location of the clinic play a significant role in determining the cost of PRP treatment. Clinics located in prime areas or renowned medical centers may have higher prices compared to those in less central locations.

Expertise and Reputation

The qualifications and experience of the medical professional performing the PRP treatment can impact the cost. Highly skilled and renowned practitioners may charge higher fees due to their expertise and reputation.

Number of Sessions

The number of PRP treatment sessions required to achieve the desired results can influence the overall cost. Some treatments may require a single session, while others may require multiple sessions spaced over several weeks or months.

Average Cost of PRP Treatment

The cost of PRP treatment in Dubai can vary significantly. On average, the price for a single PRP treatment session ranges from AED 1,500 to AED 5,000. However, the exact cost depends on the specific treatment area, the clinic's pricing structure, and the expertise of the practitioner.

Comparing Prices

When considering PRP treatment, it's advisable to research and compare prices from different clinics. However, it's important to note that the cost should not be the sole determining factor. Quality, safety, and the reputation of the clinic and medical professional should also be considered.

Choosing the Right Clinic

To ensure a successful and satisfactory PRP treatment experience, it's crucial to choose the right clinic. Here are a few tips to help you make an informed decision:

Research the reputation and credentials of the clinic and the medical professionals associated with it. Read reviews and testimonials from previous patients to gauge their experiences and outcomes. Schedule a consultation to discuss your goals, ask questions, and evaluate the clinic's approach. Inquire about the clinic's hygiene and safety protocols to ensure a sterile and secure environment.

Consider the overall value rather than focusing solely on the cost. Remember, your health and well-being are paramount.


PRP treatment offers a safe and effective option for skin rejuvenation, hair restoration, and joint pain relief in Dubai. The cost of PRP treatment varies based on factors such as the clinic, location, expertise, and number of sessions. By considering these factors and choosing the right clinic, you can embark on your PRP treatment journey with confidence, knowing you are in capable hands.


About the Creator

Reveal Medical Center

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