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Home Remedies for Constipation

Constipation treatment doesn't have to involve drugs. Learn about some more-natural alternatives.

By event zeePublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Constipation is a common gastrointestinal condition that affects both children and adults globally. Basically, it is a result of poor dietary and lifestyle choices. When over-the-counter laxatives are used to treat this disease, the patient frequently develops a dependence on the medications. There are natural ways to cure constipation. Constipation can be treated effectively using natural treatments that make use of readily available materials.

What is constipation?

Constipation is the inability to pass soft, moist stool or to have regular bowel movements. Low fiber diets or dehydration are the main contributors to constipation. Children, older people, and expectant women frequently experience constipation. Each person has a unique pattern of bowel movements. Constipation can cause a variety of symptoms, including bloating, discomfort, and sluggishness. Constipation is often not a major issue. Constipation can be avoided by knowing the root cause.

Common Causes of Constipation Low fiber diet

  • Low fluid intake
  • Lack of exercise
  • Pregnancy
  • Slimming
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Anxiety
  • Weak bowel muscles
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Certain medications
  • Excessive intake of calcium or iron.

Constipation in Infants, Toddlers, and Children: Home Treatments

Children's constipation symptoms are simple to spot. For instance, they can have fewer bowel movements than three in a week. Toddlers under the age of 2 will struggle, withhold, or experience painful defecation when passing hard or pebble-like feces. Children may even have abdominal pain, discomfort during bowel movements, or blood in the stool. Incontinence of the feces or urine is also rather prevalent.

"Stool withholding movements could be mistaken for straining." Back-arching in newborns and older infants/toddlers, as well as standing on tiptoes, stretching the legs, or rocking back and forth to prevent anal relaxation, are common characteristics. Some kids may crouch or stand stiffly in a corner to conceal themselves "pediatricians from the NHS Trust in England, so they say."

If your child is under four months old or the constipation is severe, get medical attention. Home remedies are a simple and effective way to treat mild and moderate constipation. Among the methods for treating constipation are:

1. Fruit juices that soften the stool include those from prunes, pears, and apples. Even diluted prune juice shouldn't be given to babies since it irritates their stomachs. Give 2 to 4 ounces of the other juices once daily, and for larger infants, 4 to 6 ounces. Never dilute apple or pear juice. You can dilute prune juice at a 1:1 ratio. With the exception of prune juice, juice is not very beneficial for kids older than 3 since their intestines are more effective at absorbing the majority of the sugars in the juice.

2. Foods high in fiber can ease bowel movements and relieve constipation. Whole grains, apricots, sweet potatoes, pears, prunes, peaches, plums, beans, peas, broccoli, and spinach are a few examples of such foods. Avoid carrots and applesauce since they can cause constipation.

3. Toddlers who consume dairy products or processed carbohydrates may experience constipation. "If any milk is given to a child or newborn, avoid giving them cow, buffalo, or goat milk. If the infant is formula-fed, substitute water for one feed for a week or add sporadic water sips in between feedings. When the water content of feeds or stools decreases or the phosphate content increases, stools become harder "says Mumbai-based pediatrician Dr. S. Kondekar.

4. Drinking enough fluids is vital to get rid of constipation. Make sure kids are getting enough water. However, drinking too much water won't be of any benefit.

5. Encourage and motivate your child to use the restroom. Having a regular toilet habit is crucial. Ask older kids to use the restroom once a day for 10 minutes, preferably within 30 minutes of eating breakfast or dinner.

6. Steer clear of baby foods containing rice cereal or a high casein content. Your infant may become constipated with these formulas. Iron-rich formulas are useful for reducing constipation.

Best Home Remedies Book : Get It Here

Constipation Home Remedies for Adults and Adolescents

Prevention is preferable to treatment. Constipation in adults and teenagers can be easily treated with this. If you tend to be constipated, you can try some of the home cures listed below.

1. Include fiber in your diet on a regular basis. For example,

Add flax seeds to your morning cereal or drink warm water with them in it first thing into morning.

Grind sesame and sunflower seeds in equal parts, and take one tablespoon of this concoction once a day for a week.

Eat oranges each day. Both fiber and vitamin C are abundant in them.

2. To treat constipation, soak a few dates in milk, mash them into a paste, and drink milk with it every day for a week.

3. Ayurvedic doctors often recommend triphala churna, a combination of amla, haritaki, and bibhitaki, taken with honey twice daily to treat constipation.

4. An age-old Indian traditional cure for constipation involves consuming a teaspoon of ghee along with a glass of hot milk before going to bed.

5. Before retiring to bed at night, boil a few figs (fresh and ripe or dried) in a glass of milk. Because of their high fiber content, figs can relieve constipation quickly.

6. Half a cup of cabbage juice, consumed twice daily, may aid in constipation.

7. You can get relief from even severe constipation by drinking half a glass of spinach juice mixed with half a glass of water twice daily for two to three days.

8. To improve bowel movements and keep your body hydrated, drink at least 3 liters of water each day.

9. Limit alcohol, tea, and coffee consumption because these might make constipation worse.

10. Consistent physical activity is essential for healthy bowel movements. Yoga and pranayama are also advantageous. There are various yoga poses that can aid with constipation, including balasana, ardha matsyendrasana, and supta vajrasana.

Best Home Remedies Book : Get It Here

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event zee

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