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History of Hitler

By vocal creater Published about a year ago 3 min read

In the year 2100, the world had changed in ways unimaginable to previous generations. Technology had advanced beyond measure, and the once-distant dream of colonizing other planets had become a reality. But despite all the progress humanity had made, some things never changed. One such thing was the legacy of Adolf Hitler, a man whose name was still spoken with dread and disgust by those who remembered the horrors of the past.

In the year 2100, there were few who remembered Hitler firsthand. The last survivors of the Holocaust had long since passed away, and the youngest veterans of World War II were in their nineties. For most people, Hitler was a distant figure from history, a monster whose deeds were taught in schools but whose face was rarely seen. But even though Hitler was long dead, his legacy lived on in the world he had left behind.

The world of 2100 was a very different place from the one Hitler had known. The nations of Europe had come together to form a single federation, with a common currency, a common government, and a common defense force. The United States had merged with Canada and Mexico to form a North American Union, and South America had formed a similar federation. Asia was divided into several regional blocs, but there was a sense of cooperation and mutual respect among them. Africa had finally achieved its long-awaited unity, with a single government and a single army. And in the midst of all this, humanity had begun to spread out into the stars.

But despite all these changes, there were still those who longed for the world Hitler had tried to create. They were a small minority, to be sure, but they were vocal and dangerous. They called themselves the New Nationalists, and they believed that the only way to save humanity was to return to the old ways, to the days when nations stood alone and the strong ruled the weak.

The New Nationalists had many leaders, but none were more charismatic or more dangerous than a man named Hans Richter. Richter was born in 2065, nearly a century after Hitler's death, but he had been raised on a steady diet of Nazi propaganda. His parents had been members of the original New Nationalist movement, and they had instilled their beliefs in their son from a young age. By the time Richter was a teenager, he was already a committed fascist, and he had a burning hatred for all those who stood in his way.

Richter's rise to power began in the 2080s, when he joined a small group of like-minded individuals who called themselves the New Reich. The New Reich was dedicated to the overthrow of the European Federation and the restoration of the old nations. At first, they were dismissed as a fringe group, a bunch of fanatics with no real power. But as the years went by, their numbers grew, and their message began to resonate with more and more people.

By the early 2090s, the New Reich had become a force to be reckoned with. They had established cells in every major city in Europe, and they had a sophisticated propaganda network that reached millions of people. They had also begun to carry out acts of violence and sabotage, targeting government buildings, military installations, and even civilian targets.

The turning point came in 2096, when the New Reich launched a series of coordinated attacks on the European Parliament and several other key government buildings. The attacks were devastating, killing hundreds and injuring thousands. For a few hours, it seemed as though the New Reich might actually succeed in their goal of overthrowing the government.

But then something unexpected happened. As the smoke cleared and the wounded were taken to hospitals, a group of young people came together in the streets of Brussels. They were from all over Europe, and they spoke

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vocal creater

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