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Good speaker

tips to become good speaker

By Kassahun Lewetegn DamenaPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Good speaker
Photo by Wan San Yip on Unsplash

Becoming a good speaker requires practice, preparation, and confidence. Here are some tips that can help you become a good speaker:

1. Know your audience: Understand who you are speaking to and tailor your message accordingly.

2. Prepare your message: Organize your thoughts and create an outline of your message. Practice delivering it several times.

3. Use visual aids: If appropriate, use slides or other visual aids to help illustrate your points.

4. Speak clearly and confidently: Speak slowly and clearly, and maintain eye contact with your audience. Use confident body language to convey your message.

5. Engage your audience: Ask questions, use humor, and tell stories to keep your audience engaged.

6. Practice active listening: Pay attention to your audience and respond to their questions and feedback.

7. Be authentic: Speak from the heart and be yourself. Authenticity will help you connect with your audience.

8. Get feedback: After your speech, ask for feedback from your audience or from someone you trust. Use this feedback to improve your future speeches.

9. Keep practicing: The more you practice, the better you will become. Look for opportunities to speak in public, such as joining a debate team, giving presentations at work, or volunteering to speak at community events.

By following these tips and practicing regularly, you can become a good speaker and effectively communicate your message to your audience.

Speaking in front of a big audience can be nerve-wracking, but with practice and preparation, you can deliver an effective speech. Here are some tips that can help you speak in front of a big audience:

1. Prepare your message: Organize your thoughts and create an outline of your message. Practice delivering it several times.

2. Know your audience: Understand who you are speaking to and tailor your message accordingly.

3. Use visual aids: If appropriate, use slides or other visual aids to help illustrate your points.

4. Speak loudly and clearly: Project your voice so that everyone in the audience can hear you. Speak slowly and clearly, and maintain eye contact with your audience.

5. Use confident body language: Stand up straight, use hand gestures to emphasize your points, and move around the stage if appropriate.

6. Engage your audience: Ask questions, use humor, and tell stories to keep your audience engaged.

7. Practice active listening: Pay attention to your audience and respond to their questions and feedback.

8. Be authentic: Speak from the heart and be yourself. Authenticity will help you connect with your audience.

9. Visualize success: Before your speech, visualize yourself delivering a successful speech to a receptive audience.

10. Stay calm: Practice deep breathing and positive self-talk to help you stay calm and focused.

Remember that speaking in front of a big audience takes practice and preparation. By following these tips, you can deliver an effective speech and connect with your audience.

There have been many great speakers throughout history. Here are some of the most famous and influential speakers:

1. Martin Luther King Jr.: Known for his powerful speeches on civil rights and equality, including his famous "I Have a Dream" speech.

2. Winston Churchill: Known for his inspiring speeches during World War II, including his famous "We Shall Fight on the Beaches" speech.

3. Barack Obama: Known for his eloquent speeches on a range of issues, including his famous "Yes We Can" speech.

4. Nelson Mandela: Known for his speeches on human rights and equality, including his famous "I Am Prepared to Die" speech.

5. Mahatma Gandhi: Known for his speeches on nonviolence and civil disobedience, including his famous "Quit India" speech.

6. Abraham Lincoln: Known for his speeches on freedom and democracy, including his famous "Gettysburg Address" speech.

7. Elizabeth I: Known for her speeches on leadership and patriotism, including her famous "Golden Speech."

8. John F. Kennedy: Known for his speeches on civil rights and global peace, including his famous "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech.

9. Ronald Reagan: Known for his speeches on freedom and democracy, including his famous "Tear down this wall" speech.

10. Malala Yousafzai: Known for her speeches on education and women's rights, including her famous speech at the United Nations.

These are just a few of the many great speakers who have impacted the world with their words and ideas.

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