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Golf Swing Drills For Beginners

Some of the best golf swing drills for beginners

By Angelina ReenPublished about a year ago 2 min read
Golf Swing Drills For Beginners
Photo by Courtney Cook on Unsplash

Golf is a sport that requires a lot of patience, practice, and dedication. One of the most important aspects of playing golf is having a good swing. If you're a beginner and you want to improve your swing, you need to focus on some essential golf swing drills that will help you develop the right technique and build the muscle memory required to hit the ball consistently.

Here are some of the best golf swing drills for beginners:

The grip

The first thing you need to do is ensure you have the correct grip on the club. The grip is the foundation of your swing, so it's essential to get it right. A good grip should be comfortable, secure, and not too tight. You can practice your grip by holding the club with your left hand, then adding your right hand. Ensure your thumbs point down towards the shaft and the grip lies in the fingers of both hands.

The stance

The next thing you need to focus on is your stance. A good stance is crucial for maintaining balance and generating power. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and position the ball in line with the inside of your left foot (for right-handed golfers). Bend your knees slightly and tilt your upper body forward from the hips, keeping your back straight. This will help you get into a comfortable and balanced position.

The takeaway

The takeaway is the beginning of your swing, and it's important to get it right. Start by moving the clubhead away from the ball slowly, keeping it low to the ground. Your left arm should be straight, and your shoulders should be turning. The club should be pointing at the target line.

If you want a powerful and repeatable golf swing then this is for you!

Rory McIlroy’s Coach Reveals

Simple “10-Minutes-Per-Day” Technique

To Your Perfect Swing

The backswing

By Lo Sarno on Unsplash

The backswing is where you generate the power for your shot. Turn your shoulders away from the target, keeping your left arm straight and your right arm bent. Your weight should be shifting onto your right foot, and your left heel should be coming off the ground. The clubhead should be parallel to the ground at the top of your backswing.

The downswing

The downswing is where you transfer the power you've generated in your backswing into the ball. Start by shifting your weight onto your left foot and turning your hips towards the target. Keep your arms close to your body and swing the club down towards the ball, making sure to strike the ball with the clubface square.

The follow-through

The follow-through is the final part of your swing. It's important to finish your swing correctly, as this will help with accuracy and distance. Turn your body towards the target and extend your arms towards the sky. Your weight should be on your left foot, and your right foot should be up on the toes. Your clubhead should finish high and over your left shoulder.

In conclusion, improving your golf swing takes time, patience, and practice. By focusing on the above golf swing drills for beginners, you can develop a consistent and reliable swing that will help you enjoy the game and improve your scores. Remember to practice regularly, seek professional guidance when needed, and enjoy the process of improving your swing.

If you want a powerful and repeatable golf swing then this is for you!

Rory McIlroy’s Coach Reveals

Simple “10-Minutes-Per-Day” Technique

To Your Perfect Swing

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Angelina Reen

Penning down my thoughts, stories, and lessons to inspire and bring joy. Join me on my journey of self-discovery!

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