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Gift Guide

The perfect place to shop

By Mia Kronhøj McShanePublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Handmade Huon pine bowel

This is the gift guide 2020, where we should all be buying handmade, sustainable and locally Australian made.

But this is also the story of my partner Ian who is exactly all of the above, making home-made sustainable and locally made products : bowels, platters, knifes and ice cream scopes.

“Creating quality wares with the best timber Tasmania has to offer.

Hello and welcome to my shop my name is Ian, I have a passion for Tasmanian timbers and I’m so glad I can share my work with you.

Everything in my shop is crafted with great care and pride, I hope you enjoy looking at my work or even finding something you would like to have in your home.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.


- This year for 2020 I really hope everyone is buying from local shops, local sellers, the lady next door, a small shop next to the franchise or even from a friend who is trying to make some petty cash at home.

2020 has taught us all So many lessons but also so many important has taught us how important sustainability is and it has taught me more saw than ever how much work goes into handmade products.these aren’t just mass produced, quickly made, or someone just turning them out to get a sale.there is so much work and love going into these.

Please see above photos of some of the amazing products that my partner is selling.he’s got plenty more and can make more or change these to order.

This year of 2020 all about helping each other in anyway we can. small businesses have struggled and a lot have close their doors.

As seen above my partner shop off IV Woodturning, It’s just a shop like so many others but it is so unique by the pure quality of his work and the amazing timbers that he goes to long length to find.

No order is too small or too big and I have a request is ever have trouble. He is happy to alter any product that he can or even can take requests.

I truly hope that everyone else on this page will look up and love his products as much as I do and all of his customers till date.I think it says a lot about his quality work but also him as a person when you go through and look at the amazing reviews people are giving him .

Gift guides Can sometimes be hard to find good ones even harder but I think, I know myself, when I read through and I can feel the passion and heartfelt effort People have put into their products it stands out.

2020 is definitely the year home-made sustainable and love.let’s all get from the heart and quality presents, home-made, over quantity.

I know this year I am searching online for other family businesses like my partners to give.

This gift guide has been used myself and my own father is receiving one of these presents (can’t say which one in case he reads this), But I can say that he will love it just as much as I know everyone else has of the products my partner supplies because he is a perfectionist and would Work longer to ensure the product is perfect then send something out that is 99% there.

I hope all of Australia and the world are turning to small business and family run “hobbies”.

think the biggest guide that we all need to remember when buying presents this year is to support each other. Support friends and families.

#BuyLocal #FamilyIsImportant


About the Creator

Mia Kronhøj McShane

I am a dual citizen from Denmark living in Tasmania, Australia.

I am a mother, single parenting of 2 amazing girls with my new partner.

I want to use this forum to tell my story and o hope to inspire other people and help anyone

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