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Follow the Signs

They're all around you

By Erin MixonPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

Have you noticed freakish sightings of random repeating numbers over and over again showing up in your life??

Did it weird you out?

Well if so, I can relate.

Hopefully, I can help to shed some light on this incredibly strange, spooky phenomenon and what it means…

What are Universal Signs and Synchronicities?

Synchronicity is a term coined by famed Swiss psychologist Carl Jung.

In an article titled Carl Jung on Synchronicity featured on, synchronicity is defined as “coincidental, yet meaningful events in the external world that do not have an obvious cause.”

Possible synchronicities include: angel numbers, recurring themes (often on the radio or TV), recurring dreams, and chance meetings or conversations.

Angel numbers are among the most common forms of synchronicities.

Angel numbers are a phenomenon where people see repeating numbers randomly, over and over again in various, unexpected ways.


Although I see various types of synchronicities, the most common type that I always seem to see are angel numbers.

I first started seeing angel numbers about 5 years ago. The first number that I saw was 11:11, followed by 111, then 222…and so on.

It was scary at first. It really freaked me out.

After doing some research on Google, I realized that I wasn’t the only one seeing these numbers.

In fact, as more and more of the collective of humanity begins to wake up, more people are beginning to see these numbers.

Plus, after doing my research, I was assured that the numbers were a good thing.

The numbers, for the most part, were a sign that I was “waking up” and “on the right track” as far as the direction I was taking in my life.

My Experience

Lately, I’ve been doing my best to stay positive and keep a high vibration.

Having a high vibration simply means that I am feeling good and happy and giving off a positive light.

So as a result, the universe has been smiling on me and for the past week.

I have been seeing different variations of 88 numbers. It would be 885, 886, or 887. But for the past 2 days, I’ve been seeing 888 like crazy.

I have a history with 888, and I know it’s a very good number to see.

Through past research, I know that 888 has to do with abundance and universal rewards.

It’s not always financial abundance (but it can be). It can signal abundance in terms of love and happiness.

The way that I’ve been seeing this number is crazy freaky and gives me goosebumps every time.

Two days ago I went to the McDonald’s drive-thru. My total was $8.87. I thought what are the odds of that??

The very next day, I was scrolling on Youtube. When I liked a message from the Community page, it went from 887 to 888!

It gets even better…

A few hours later, I was on a live chat on Youtube.

The number of people in the chat is displayed at the top. I looked down for a minute or two, when I looked back up, there were 888 people in the live chat!

But what makes it even freakier is that the live chat numbers are usually constantly changing.

Most of the time the number gets bigger and bigger, but 888 lingered for the longest time…it was at least five minutes. I’ve never seen that happen before.

Yet it gets even crazier.

About an hour after this time, I got in my car and after driving a few minutes, I looked up and saw 888 on the odometer!

I’m not finished yet — this one you won’t believe …

When I pulled up to the Taco Bell a few minutes later, I gasped, and shouted, “What?!?!” when the cashier at the window told me my order total was $8.88!!!

I have the pictures to prove it!

Note: The time in my car was actually 10:26 (I never reset my clock after the daylight savings change).

A Taco Bell receipt showing the order total of $8.88.

Crazy, right!

My car odometer showing the mileage set at 10,888.

The universe is speaking. Are you listening?

What I Think it Means

When it comes to synchronicities, you have to be able to interpret what it means for you.

As far as angel numbers are concerned, there are certain universal known meanings, but you have to make a personal connection as well.

As I stated earlier, 888 is known for its association with abundance.

In an article on titled Five Secrets Why You Are Seeing 888, it states that 888 means that “you are in the flow of abundance.”

It goes on to further state that the number is associated with “self-reliance, wealth, and a positive kind of abundance.”

As far as what it means for me personally, I think it is a sign that things are coming together for me as far as my work and life purpose.

As I embark on this journey of writing (freelancing) for a living, it’s what I absolutely love to do, but it’s not always easy.

The reason being is that the money is not always consistent, so it takes a lot of faith to keep at it.

I take the 888 sightings as a sign that everything is alright and that God and the universe have my back…and I’ll continue to not only survive, but eventually, I’ll thrive.

As you can imagine, this is an incredibly reassuring and comforting message, and it gives me the motivation to keep going.

How You Can Use Synchronicities

First of all, be aware.

There are so many people that miss these amazing signs on a daily basis because they are not tuned in.

Take some time to slow down and become aware of your surroundings.

When you notice the numbers, start by looking them up on Google for the most common meaning.

Once you have a general sense of what it means, you can then begin to explore what it means for you personally.

Begin to look at what is currently going on in your life as it relates to the general meaning of that number.

Once you put the two together, you can figure out the personal meaning for your life.

And when you are clear about the personal meaning, you can begin to use the numbers to improve your life.

Use the numbers to increase your level of faith and motivation.

Sometimes the numbers are telling you to keep going in the same direction, but sometimes the numbers are warning you to change directions.

You just have to tune in to what the number means for you personally.

Closing Thoughts

Angel numbers are one of the ways that the universe speaks to us and provides us with feedback on the direction that we are taking in life.

Believe it or not, the universe is always speaking to us.

Whether it be the sinking feeling you get in your stomach when you walk into that job everyday, or the urging that you feel to try that thing you’ve been desperately wanting to do for years, even though you keep putting it off.

It’s all communicating to you. But do you have the faith and courage to listen?

I hope so.

The end result could be miraculous.

But if you ignore the signs and choose not to listen, the end result could be disastrous.

It’s your choice.

Tune in, listen, and heed the signs…

Or tune out, ignore, and suffer the consequences.

Which will you choose?

It is my hope for you that you will choose to slow down, listen, and follow the signs on the wonderful path that they lead you down.

When you do, prepare for life to get exciting!

Comment below if you have been seeing certain signs and synchronicities. How do you use these signs in your own life?

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About the Creator

Erin Mixon

I am a blogger and inspirational writer.

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