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Five Minutes

Just breathe

By Hidden secretsPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Five Minutes
Photo by Eli DeFaria on Unsplash

Today I was sitting here working as each and everyday before.

I thought it was going to suck today because I woke up late, had a million emails to answer, messages, and all the good stuff.

It didn’t suck though. Here’s why I didn’t let today suck; I told myself that it happens to everyone at least once, and it might suck, but it could be worse, and it isn’t the end of the world. I can reschedule those meetings, move those phone calls, and I can answer all those emails, and messages during the day. It happens to everyone, and it isn’t the end of the world. I can work with the time I have now.

I can work and spend the afternoon with my son before he goes to his dads for the weekend. I can make it all happen with just five minutes at a time. If I look at all that I have to do, then I will get nowhere. I can only look at it as five minutes or it will feel like too much. It will be too much.

I get overwhelmed too easily and I will have a break down if I look at all that I need to do at once. I take five minutes and turn it into a mountain moving day.

I know what it is like to feel like you have too much to do on your to-do list and you just want to break it down, but you just don’t know how to or what all you need to do, to break it all down. I know that it often feels like the mountain is just too tall for you to break it down, and maybe it is too tall, but it isn’t too tall for you to break it down to make it easier for you to take it on, it just takes a little more time.

You should always give yourself a little more time during the day to fix mistakes, or fit in a little extra time to rest, and I know it seems difficult when you have so much to do but, you need to do what is best for you that way you don’t go completely crazy.

I know we all feel overwhelmed sometimes, but we all should learn that it takes five minutes to do one thing sometimes, and if it takes longer than five minutes than work on it slowly, everything in life is a work in progress.

You are not going to accomplish all of your life goals in just five minutes or one day; but with five minutes every day spent on what you want to achieve in life in the matter of months and years you will get there, but everything in life takes time, but you have to be willing to put that time and effort into making it happen, you cannot give up when it feels like it is too much, or when you are feeling overwhelmed, just take a few minutes and breathe and then get back at it, because you can achieve anything as long as you truly want it.

If you think you cannot do it then you will not do it, but if you think you can do it you will do it. It is all about your mindset, so start being more positive towards the things you want in life, so you can achieve all the things that you want to. It won’t be easy but nothing in life worth having is easy, you must be willing to put up with the struggle, because it will be worth it if you struggle at least a little bit.


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