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Expert Says Keeping a Clean Home Can Impact Your Health in Surprising Ways


By Healthy Lifestyle the storyPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Expert Says Keeping a Clean Home Can Impact Your Health in Surprising Ways
Photo by Boxed Water Is Better on Unsplash

Keeping your home clean is one of the best ways to keep it healthy, but that doesn’t mean it has to be an expensive process.

Proper cleaning can reduce harmful germs

Proper cleaning can help to reduce harmful germs that cause infections and spread illness, explains David Sinclair, MD, chief of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Doctors Hospital at White River Junction. In fact, many studies have shown that people who live in more cluttered homes have higher risk of getting sick. When there are fewer germs around us, our immune systems are stronger and we’re less likely to get sick. One way to increase your home’s cleanliness is to start with a thorough spring cleaning; wipe down surfaces daily with disinfectant wipes or spray cleaner as needed. Keep food out of contact with countertops by storing it in sealed containers or plastic bags—or better yet, keep perishable items outside refrigerators or pantries altogether!

Stronger immune system

In addition to washing your hands and staying up-to-date on vaccinations, keeping your home clean can also help improve your overall health. When we think about our immune system, it's not just what we put into our body that's healthy, but also what we're exposed to, says Dr. Tara Jhaveri of PureYoga + Bloom. What bacteria are you allowing to take up residence in your home? What toxins are you living with? Make sure to keep surfaces like tables and counters clear of dirt or grime by wiping them down regularly with disinfectant wipes—and don't forget about other hard-to-reach places like door handles and toilet seats!

Better sleep

The bedroom is considered one of your clean rooms, so if you've been meaning to fix that piece of your health puzzle, make it your first step. Dr. Aric Sigman, an expert interviewed by The Sun and author of The 40-Year-Old Virgin: How to Stay Fitter, Happier & Sexier for Longer, said he believes most people spend too much time indoors and exposed to artificial light sources such as computers and smartphones. He explains: Your environment can impact culture and also our overall state of mind. The number one way to get your mind off work is go home and relax. One area where you can do that without being disturbed is keeping a clean house so you have less clutter on surfaces where bacteria grows more readily.

Lower stress levels

Although it might seem like a frivolous activity, cleaning your home can have significant health benefits. A few reasons why: According to David Sinclair, professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School and author of The Healing Power of Illness , Aging is a disease, and he asserts that one way to fight aging is to avoid stress. It's not just that you feel more relaxed when you're home. You don't get invaded by stress hormones. Lower stress levels lead to lower blood pressure and fewer heart problems—which we all want when we’re still young enough to live long enough for them to become an issue!

More energy

Keeping your home clean and decluttered can give you more energy. When there are fewer things in your home, you’re not expending as much energy picking up after yourself, says Dr. Carolyn DiGuiseppi-Boakye, ND, author of The Family Thyroid Book. She adds that reducing clutter is also one of many steps women should take during pregnancy to maintain a healthy pregnancy and overall health. Before getting pregnant (or during early stages of pregnancy), be sure to schedule regular doctor appointments and keep track of any changes that could affect you or your baby's health; unfortunately, underdiagnosis is common for women with thyroid disease and reproductive issues.

Improved relationships

A home isn’t just about keeping up appearances; it’s also about mental health. According to David Sinclair, PhD, founder of Change Sciences and author of The Happy Secret to Better Work, The type of environment you create at home has a significant impact on how much you enjoy work. If your house is unorganized or if you can’t find what you need when you need it, all of that stress will creep into your workplace too.

Better health overall

We interviewed David Sinclair, who is an expert on health and changing seasons. As he says, it's important to keep your home clean because There are many connections between our homes and our overall health.


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