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Experiential Marketing : 3 Steps to Do It Right

Experiential marketing is experiencing rapid growth because it allows consumers to interact directly with brands and form positive associations.

By Dean AtrashPublished about a year ago 5 min read

Experiential Marketing : 3 Steps to Do It Right

Experiential marketing is experiencing rapid growth because it allows consumers to interact directly with brands and form positive associations. Indeed, according to the findings of the Freeman Research Global Brand Experience Study, more than a third of CMOs intend to devote between 21% and 50% of their budget to experiential marketing in the coming years.

Definition of Experiential Marketing

Experiential marketing is a strategy that engages consumers and encourages direct participation with a brand and its products. Examples of experiential marketing include event marketing and street marketing. Rather than simply conveying a message through advertising, experiential marketing aims to provide consumers with a tangible experience they will associate with the brand, such as an exhibition service or a live interaction.

Do you know why experiential marketing is so effective?

This interactivity demonstrates the true nature and power of experiential marketing. A consumer will remember an event that is interactive and engaging. Of course, you don't want to overwhelm your attendees, but with the right direction and interaction placement, they will be happily engaged. Engagement is a standard of measurement for many marketing mediums, but none are as meaningful as those of experiential marketing, because the engagement is in-person, or face-to-face. Don't worry, if you use session tracking technologies, you can still return from your event with data-driven engagement results.

Solutions for Experiential Marketing?

Many businesses are turning to experiential marketing to introduce their products in spectacular presentations. Experiential marketing has no boundaries; you need creativity and ingenuity to persuade people to buy your product.

In the marketing industry, experiential marketing has been making waves—the better the presentation, the better the results. If you still need to catch on to this trend, we'll explain what it is and what it can do for your business.

Steps of doing Experiential Marketing

Eco Renewable Energy has discovered a way to strike a balance between practical and environmentally friendly marketing. We developed steps to mitigate the environmental risks of experiential marketing by taking a closer look at events and activations.

1. Prioritise Sustainable Alternatives

Committing to major changes is the first and most important step. Similarly, you must first decide to commit to practicing sustainability in all aspects of your business.

Going in with this mindset simplifies everything else. It is easier to prioritize sustainable alternatives once you have made this decision. Engaging with clients via phone or video conferencing, for example, are a viable option for reducing the environmental impact of your experiential marketing.

2. Focus on Optimistic Messages

Most people are easily put off by unpleasant or distressing messages. Instead of fear-based messages, marketers should focus on positive and empowering messages. Messages based on optimism have been found to last longer than those based on fear and negativity.

This is especially true if your company offers environmentally friendly products and services. The message of sustainability is foreboding at its core, but we should shift our focus to the optimistic rather than the pessimistic.

3. Invest in Green Branding and Sustainable Practices

Sustainability is an excellent way to set yourself apart from the competition. It also distinguishes you from competitors. Most sustainable practices aid in the recovery and healing of the planet or, at the very least, keep environmental consequences at bay.

Investing in green branding and sustainable practices will provide you with many long-term benefits and imprint your company in the minds of many people who share your values. A green brand can also lead to a better reputation, increased brand equity, and higher profits. The future is one of sustainability. Stay caught up.

So Here are some additional Steps:

4. Plan and prepare the activation

After presenting the brief response, there may be some back-and-forth, but once the client is satisfied with the proposal, it's time to flesh it out. This entails working closely with your team and your chosen suppliers to develop full-time plans and finalize the financials.

The design and production of the campaign's critical physical, creative elements can take the longest, so this must be completed as soon as possible.

It is also critical to find exemplary brand ambassadors. Rather than simply pulling them from an existing staffing pool,' it is preferable to source them specifically to meet the campaign's requirements so they perfectly reflect the brand. After that, your chosen team of brand ambassadors and influencers must be thoroughly trained.

6. Research and evaluation

The work continues when the activation is turned off. After the campaign has concluded, you must evaluate its success by measuring experiential efforts.

To determine true impact, the key metrics implemented during the campaign must be compared to the objectives. Depending on the nature of the campaign and its objectives, you may need to contact participants to assess their recall of the activation, how the experience influenced their opinion of the brand, and whether it elicited the desired response.

Experiential campaigns are often said to be challenging to measure, but if firm objectives and assessment criteria are established early on, it is easier to measure success and ROI accurately.

7. Have a ‘soft opening’

Invite your influencers to a soft opening before you open your event to the public. Allow them to interact with products and participate in activities planned for your customers.

You should agree with your influencers on how they will use their social media posts to interact with their audience during the soft opening event. You can use influencers to generate buzz and start UGC before your customers arrive.

Following your soft opening, debrief your influencers and invite them to provide feedback on the event. They can make a few changes to improve your consumer-facing experiential marketing campaign.

7. Repurpose content from the event.

When creating campaign agreements with your influencers, make sure you have the rights to their posts. This enables you to reuse content for ongoing social media and PPC marketing.

Influencer-generated content is not only more authentic, but it also costs less than hiring a design team to create ads for you. Furthermore, by repurposing content from the live event, you can extend the life of your influencer and experiential marketing.


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