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Embracing Simplicity

Why I Switched from a Smartphone to a Basic Phone

By Keep Walking Lad!Published 11 months ago β€’ 4 min read
Embracing Simplicity
Photo by Jonas Leupe on Unsplash


Living in a world where technology dominates our lives, I made a significant change by saying goodbye to my fancy smartphone and opting for a basic phone instead. This decision has had a profound impact on my life. In this blog, I will share my personal journey, explain the reasons behind my choice, and discuss the unexpected benefits I have experienced since making the switch.

Why I Switched

I decided to simplify my life and take a break from the constant distractions that came with owning a smartphone. While smartphones offer numerous features, such as social media, games, and apps, I found myself becoming easily distracted and constantly seeking instant gratification. As a solution, I made the switch to a basic phone that only allowed me to make calls and send texts. Here are the main reasons behind my decision:

1. Taking a Break

I needed a break from the overwhelming notifications and the urge to constantly check my phone. Using a basic phone allowed me to disconnect from the digital world and focus more on the present moment. I wanted to regain control over my time and reduce the reliance on technology.

2. Boosting Productivity

Smartphones come with a multitude of distractions that can hinder productivity. By switching to a basic phone, I eliminated those distractions, enabling me to stay more focused and accomplish tasks more efficiently. This newfound productivity has positively impacted both my personal life and professional endeavors.

3. Reducing Screen Time

Excessive screen time has become a concern, affecting mental well-being and interpersonal relationships. Using a basic phone significantly reduced my screen time, allowing me to engage more meaningfully with people and activities around me. I sought to reclaim the moments I used to spend mindlessly scrolling and redirect them towards real-world interactions.

Unexpected Benefits

Since embracing the use of a basic phone, I have encountered several unexpected benefits that have enhanced my overall well-being and quality of life. Here are some of the most significant changes I've experienced:

1. Being More Present

Without the constant bombardment of information and social media updates, I have learned to be more present in my daily experiences. I now savor conversations, appreciate the beauty of nature, and immerse myself fully in the present moment. By reducing distractions, I have found greater joy in small moments and enhanced my overall mindfulness.

2. Improved Sleep Quality

My smartphone used to be the last thing I checked before bed, affecting my sleep quality. Since switching to a basic phone, I have replaced the habit of screen time with more calming activities like reading a book or engaging in relaxation techniques. This change has helped me wind down and enjoy more restful nights of sleep.

3. Building Authentic Connections

Using a basic phone has shifted my focus to face-to-face interactions and genuine conversations. Instead of relying on digital communication, I prioritize connecting with people in real life. This has led to deeper and more meaningful relationships, as I can give my full attention to those around me. By removing the virtual barrier, I have learned to appreciate the value of authentic connections.

4. Cultivating Patience

In a world of instant gratification, using a basic phone has taught me the value of patience. With limited features and slower communication, I have become more patient in waiting for messages to send or receiving responses. This newfound patience has extended to other areas of my life, helping me appreciate the beauty of waiting and embracing the present moment without constantly seeking immediate results.

5. Rediscovering Hobbies and Focus

My smartphone often consumed a significant portion of my time, leaving little room for hobbies or deep focus

. By switching to a basic phone, I have regained precious hours in my day. I now dedicate more time to activities I enjoy, such as reading, writing, and pursuing creative endeavors. With fewer distractions, I have also noticed an improvement in my ability to concentrate on tasks, allowing me to accomplish more and experience a greater sense of fulfillment.


The decision to switch from a fancy smartphone to a basic phone has had a transformative impact on my life. Embracing simplicity, I have reclaimed my time, fostered meaningful connections, and experienced a heightened sense of presence and contentment. Choosing to disconnect from the digital noise has proven to be a rewarding journey towards a more balanced and mindful existence.

Keep Walking!

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About the Creator

Keep Walking Lad!

I create blogs related to motivation, career, lifestyle, finances & simple living tips to inspire and empower you. Explore easy-to-understand articles for a better life.

Keep Walking!

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