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Easy interior painting? Learn 5 simple ideas for painting walls

What should you know about wall painting?

By Praveen KumarPublished about a year ago 7 min read

Wall painting is a process that requires a lot of patience and commitment. Not sure where to start? Maybe you have problems with stains and paint dripping off the walls? Learn some easy tricks and discover the secret to effortless renovation and simple room painting ideas! Check how to paint a wall and get rid of unattractive stains and other annoying problems.

What should you know about wall painting?

Painting walls means covering the surface with a painting material of a chosen colour. The paint can be used to cover walls, but also ceilings. Wall painting is one of the most common activities performed during a room remodel, in addition to plastering and wallpapering. To paint a room, you can use regular acrylic paint or magnetic paint, or choose latex paint that forms a special layer with "breathing" properties.

5 wall painting techniques and tips to help you with interior painting

Painting walls does not necessarily mean that you have to be a professional. All you need is to use some specialist recommended wall painting tips and techniques. This way, painting walls will be easier and less intimidating.

Painting walls... how to start?

Start painting your walls by mixing the paint well. Then, using a roller or brush, paint over the surface along the boards and into the corners, covering all the smaller surfaces. The last step is to paint all the remaining large spaces.

It is important to move the brush or roller in the correct direction. Apply the paint from bottom to top, and then along the same line from top to bottom. Remember to apply several coats of paint, distributing it evenly. This method ensures that the wall color looks solid.

Brush or roller? wall painting techniques

If you paint large surfaces, the most universal and convenient tool is simply a traditional roller. It helps to distribute the paint evenly and with the same intensity at each point. There are three types of multi-nap paint rollers:

  • Short-nap roller - 6 to 10 mm (ca. 1/4 to 3/8 inch) in length,
  • Medium nap roller - 13 to 15 mm (ca. 1/2 to 2/3 in) in length,
  • Long-nap roller - 19 to 30 mm (ca. 3/4 to 1 in) in length.

The first type is perfect for painting smooth textures. The medium nap should be used for wallpapers and plaster, while the long nap is for rough surfaces.

Apart from the length of the nap, the quality and material of the cover is also important. Before you buy a roller, make sure it doesn't lose fibers, which could stick to the painted surface.

Painting walls in narrow and difficult-to-reach spaces? A brush is a perfect tool for that. To avoid dripping, dip the brush more often, taking less paint each time.

Paint the walls against the humidity of the room

The best temperature for interior painting is 5 to 25 degrees Celsius. The most suitable humidity level for paint is below 80%. Too high a temperature and excessive dryness can cause problems, especially if walls are painted with water-soluble paint. This type of product dries much faster than traditional paint. The painting of the walls must be done at the proper pace, otherwise the paint will leave stains on the surface.

If the humidity level is too low or the temperature is too high, it could thin the paint. This makes applying the first coat much easier. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions printed on the package.

How to avoid stains? Wall painting techniques "Wet on wet"

To keep the surface looking even and to avoid smudges and smudges, join the painted fragments using the “wet on wet” technique. How do you paint a wall with this method?

It is a technique recommended by professionals. It consists of applying the paint with superimposed strokes. The easiest way to achieve this effect is by painting the walls in a "V" shape. First, paint the outer lines, and then start filling in the space between them. Thanks to this method, the product is evenly distributed on the wall.

With at least two people painting the walls, the risk of staining is much lower. For an even smoother surface, ditch the brush and grab a roller, which is easier to use.

What to do with the tools after finishing painting?

If you're done painting the walls, take care of the tools and other products you've been using. On the other hand, if you're just taking a break and plan to continue painting the next day, put the dirty brushes and roller in an airtight plastic bag.

Remember to thoroughly clean each tool after you finish painting. Close the paint containers, otherwise they will dry out and you will not be able to use them again.

Quick ideas for painting rooms - painting walls with a paint sprayer

Painting the walls with a paint sprayer involves the use of a special unit that spreads the paint on the surface under high pressure. It is a very interesting and unusual method for interior painting, although it can be problematic for some people.

Before using the sprayer, you need to prepare it, pour the paint into it in the right amount. Be sure to test it before applying the paint to the wall. It is important to maintain the correct pressure level (around 3 bar) while working, as well as to maintain a suitable distance (15-20 cm/6-7 inches). Otherwise, the paint could cover the walls unevenly, causing unsightly-looking stains.

Painting walls with a spray gun typically requires only one coat of paint - this method is sufficient. When finished working, clean the sprayer thoroughly with water and solvent.

How do you paint a ceiling?

If you plan to paint the entire room, the best method is to start at the ceiling. To do this, use a roller with a long handle to apply the paint to the ceiling. It is definitely an easier method to cover the roof quickly.

Start by applying the paint next to the window, gradually moving the roller toward the center of the ceiling. As you paint the ceiling by the window, drag the paint in the same direction as the sun's rays. This way you can minimize stains.

Looking for room painting ideas? The most popular ceiling paint color is white in various shades and temperatures. It makes the room look bright and is not tiring. In some interiors, such as bedrooms, the color of the ceiling paint is the same as that of the walls. In this way the room appears darker, which could improve the quality of sleep.

To make the room appear larger, drag the paint color from the ceiling to the side walls. A small white stripe at the top of the wall will create an optical illusion, making the room appear larger.

Wall painting - price

The price of painting a room by a specialist painter varies, depending on different factors. The main element that influences the expenses is the type of wall paint. There are many different paints on the market, so you can decide between cheap, medium or expensive products. You should also buy other materials, such as primer.

The total cost of painting a room also depends on the tools you use. If you paint the walls for the first time, you should equip yourself with the appropriate accessories. This increases the cost of renewal. If you take good care of your brushes and rollers, all the tools can be reused.

Wash the walls before painting, why is it so important?

Dirt on the walls has a negative impact on the adhesiveness of the paint, therefore it is crucial to wash them before painting. It should become routine when preparing the walls before remodeling a room. In some cases, washing the walls is absolutely necessary if you want to obtain lasting and really fresh results.

When is it necessary to clean the walls?

It is advisable to clean the walls before painting, especially if there are grease stains on the surface. It happens more often in the kitchen, since the oil used for cooking spreads easily on the walls. It is also suggested to wash the walls before painting the children's room - children like to touch the walls with their hands, which are not always clean.

Washing the walls before painting prevents the paint from peeling. You should also if you notice the following:

  1. Fungus and mold,
  2. Yellow stains and cigarette smoke marks,
  3. Stains of various liquid substances, for example: disinfectants, air fresheners or perfumes,
  4. Other visible dirt, for example: colored pencils and mud.

How to wash the walls before painting?

Choose wall cleaning products according to the intensity of the stain and the type of it. If it's only light soil, a solution of warm water and detergent (for example, dish soap) should be effective enough.

Such a solution may not be enough for large, very greasy stains or mold and mildew. In this case, washing the walls with sugar soap before painting could be quite effective. To do this, dilute the appropriate amount of soap in water, as indicated in the instructions. Then wipe the walls with a sponge. After finishing, rinse the surface with clean water to avoid a soapy residue.

Before you start painting the walls, think about choosing the right colors. Check the trendy colors of the room and choose the one that you like the most.

How much does wall painting cost?

The price depends on the size of the surface to be painted and the cost of the materials. You can have a professional do it for you, although the price will be higher. Painting walls yourself is much cheaper.

How to paint a wall in my room?

Start by securing the room and remove furniture and other objects from it. Prepare the wall, clean it and make sure the surface is even. After applying the primer you can start painting - for best results use a paint roller.

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