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Easy Eye Exercises That Keep Your Eyes Healthy

Take care of your eyes which is the most importan

By Your Daily Care (Daily Beauty Tips)Published 3 years ago 6 min read
Need some exercise for eye health.

The eyes are one of the most important organs in our body through which we can see this beautiful and colorful world. But we are not so much aware of eye health. You do nothing to keep your eyes healthy unless you have an eye problem.

Today our lives are occupied with devices like computers, laptops, mobile phones. From waking up in the morning to sleeping at night, we look at the screen of these devices. The light coming out of this screen is very bad for the eyes. Overuse of these devices can lead to problems such as digital eye strain in many people.

What is Digital Eye Strain?

The problem of digital eye strain is due to excessive use of devices like mobile phones, computers. Exiting the screen of these devices is harmful to the eyes. Digital eye strain is also known as "Computer Vision Syndrome". This problem is more common in people who spend many hours looking at a digital screen and have to work all day on the computer. Let us now see what the symptoms of digital eye strain are.

Symptoms of Digital Eye Strain:

  • Headache
  • Excitement in the eyes
  • Dry eyes
  • Blurred vision in the eyes.
  • Neck and shoulder pain.
  • Increasing the sensitivity of the eye to light.
  • Eye irritation or itchy eyes.

With a few simple eye exercises, we can avoid problems like digital eye strain.

How will these eye exercises keep your eyes healthy?

The exercises we will see in this post are so simple and straightforward that you can do them anytime and anywhere. There is no need to take any equipment or go to the gym for these exercises. We can keep our eyes healthy by spending only 20 to 30 minutes in 24 hours of the day.

These exercises will not be useful for eye problems caused by aging or some serious eye diseases. But these exercises are definitely beneficial in some common eye problems like eye irritation, aches, and headaches. Just like we exercise every day for a healthy body, if we do it for the eyes, after a few days you will see good results in your eyesight.

Exercises for healthy eyes:

  • Eye Blinking: Eye Blinking is the blink of an eye. This is a simple but very effective exercise. The surface of the eye is clean when we blink. Blinking of the eyelids retains moisture in the eyes. When you are looking at a computer, mobile phone or TV screen, your eyesight is very low. As a result, the eyes become dry and the eyes begin to feel tense. In this case, take a short break and blink your eyes so that the eyes get rest.

The following steps should be taken while doing this exercise.

⃟ Sit comfortably and look straight ahead.

⃟ Close your eyes slowly. Keep your eyes closed for 1 to 2 seconds.

⃟ Slowly open your eyes.

Do steps 2 and 3, 20 times.

Blink your eyes time to time

  • Palming: Palming is another simple exercise for the eyes. This exercise helps to reduce eye strain and relaxes your eyes. Eye irritation starts after working on computer for a long time or using mobile for a long time. At such times, rubbing your palms against each other and placing them on the eyes gives rest to the eyes.

Take the following steps to exercise palming.

⃟ Sit comfortably and look straight ahead.

⃟ Rub your palms on each other so that they are warm.

⃟ Close your eyes. Then place the palm over your eyes. Do not press or rub the eyes with your hands. Just put your hands over your eyes and feel their warmth. Leave on hands and eyes for 2 to 3 seconds.

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  • Figure 8: Figure 8 is also known as Infinity Loop. Doing this exercise strengthens your eye muscles. This exercise increases the flexibility of your eyes.

Follow the steps below to exercise Figure 8.

⃟ Sit comfortably and look straight ahead.

⃟ Choose an imaginary point 10 feet away from you. And imagine the number eight (8) in English there. Notice that figure (8).

⃟Now roll your eyes in that English eight (8) shape in one direction for 2 minutes.

⃟Now focus on that imaginary English eight (8) again and roll your eyes in the opposite direction (8).

  • Eye Press: Eye press means pressing the eyes or massaging the eyes. Like body massage reduces stress on your body and makes you feel better if you massage the eyes with the eyes. After doing stressful work on the screen or reading for a few hours, you should massage your eyes by pressing. Massage improves blood circulation in the eyes and promotes eye health.

Follow the steps below to do this exercise.

⃟ Sit comfortably and look straight ahead.

⃟ Close your eyes. Slowly press your eyes with your fingers.

⃟ Press every corner of the eye. Do not rub the eye or press too hard. Then slowly open your eyes.

  • Change Focus: The name of the exercise suggests that you have to focus on one thing while doing this exercise. This exercise is also known as zoom exercise. To do this exercise you need to focus on your fingertips or pencil.

Follow the steps below to do this exercise.

⃟ Sit comfortably and look straight ahead.

⃟ Hold one of your fingers in front of your face.

⃟ Notice the tip of that finger. Now slowly move the finger away from the face. Do not divert attention from the tip of the finger while moving the finger away.

⃟Slowly bring your finger back to your face. Do not divert your attention while doing this.

Do the above steps 4 and 5, 10 times.

  • Eye Roll: Rolling your eyes is also an eye exercise and this is called eye roll. When we roll our eyes, the muscles in our eyes get exercised. Regular exercise strengthens the eye muscles and helps to keep the eyes healthy.

Do the following steps to do this exercise.

⃟ Sit comfortably and look straight ahead.

⃟Now move your eyes to the left and then to the top. Follow this movement with your eyes down and then move. And complete this circle on the left. Repeat this eye roll movement 10 times in a clockwise direction.

⃟ Do the step twice with the opposite direction which is 10 times counterclockwise.

  • Directional Eye Movement: Moving your eyes from left to right and from right to left is called directional eye movement. This helps to improve eye health. These eye movements increase the strength of the eye muscles.

Do the following steps to do this exercise.

⃟ Sit comfortably and look straight ahead.

⃟ Move your eyes to the left. Then move the eyes to the right. Do this eye movement 10 times.

Some more tips for healthy eyes:

⃟Vitamins A, C, E is good for eye health. You can eat greens, eggs, citrus fruits to get these vitamins.

⃟ Quit smoking. We have read many times that smoking is harmful to health and it is bad for the lungs and heart. But smoking is also harmful to other parts of the body such as hair, skin, teeth and eyes.

⃟To protect your eyes from infections and germs, avoid touching the eyes with your hands. Wash your hands before touching the eyes.

⃟The sun's ultraviolet rays are harmful to the eyes. So, when going out in the sun that will protect your eyes from the sun rays.

⃟Get enough sleep every day. Getting enough sleep keeps your eyes fresh and healthy.

Take a short break to relax your eyes while watching TV or working on the computer or reading.

⃟If your work is on a computer and you spend a lot of time on the computer, then using anti-glare glasses will also be helpful.


About the Creator

Your Daily Care (Daily Beauty Tips)

Stay tuned for the latest health and beauty information. Our responsibility is to take care of your daily life.

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