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Don't Freak Out!

It's not worth it!

By Timothy TrimblePublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Markus Spiske from Pexels

Really! Regardless of how much you feel you want to freak out in a high-pressure situation or crisis, it is not the best course of action. Why?

It's a poor use of your time.

When you're freaking out, you're not accomplishing anything. You are thinking about what went wrong, where to place blame, what to do for revenge, and you're facing significant anxiety or a possible panic attack. Usually, this is not just a few minutes. It could ruin your entire day or more. Ask yourself, "What else can I be doing with this time?" How could you be more productive or do something beneficial for yourself or others?

It makes you look bad.

If you're not clear thinking enough to hide in a closet or the bathroom while you have your freak out, then chances are others are watching. If it's a close friend or family member, they will come to your aid and help you calm down. But now, you're not only wasting your time but theirs as well. If your workmates, associates, or schoolmates are watching, can you imagine what is going through their heads? Are they going to want to be near you in future high-stress situations? Will they seek you out as a team member?

It's not healthy!

Science has proven that getting mad, angry, stressed out, and freaking out is not healthy. It raises your blood pressure, puts stress on your heart, and increases the acidy in your digestive system—people who are chronically stressed end up having strokes, heart attacks, and significantly shortened life-spans.

You can't think clearly.

If you're in a situation causing you to freak out, you're usually facing a difficult decision. And if you're stressing out, you are not going to be thinking clearly. Any choices you make while in this mode are not going to be your best. That leads to regret and more opportunities for additional stress. Which leads to:

You'll say something you'll regret!

If your freaking out session is during a conversation, chances are you are going to say something harsh that you'll regret later. While you can always come back and appologize, you can't take back words that have already been stated.

So, what can you do about it?

Take a deep breath!

I wish I could remember where I read this, but if everyone took an extra six seconds to pause and reflect before reacting, the world would be a much nicer place. One way to do this is to take a deep breath. Fill your lungs, hold it for a few seconds, then blow it out slowly. This action forces your body to slow your heartbeat. More oxygen is delivered to your brain, and your blood pressure drops. Your thinking becomes more precise, and you're calmer.


Stretch out your legs and arms. Wiggle your fingers and toes. Rotate and extend your neck. All of these actions increase blood flow, oxygen delivery, and makes you focus on something other than the issue causing you stress.

Make a cup of something.

In many outdoor survival handbooks, one of the recommended steps to take when you're lost is to start a fire and make a cup of tea. The goal is not to sip and drink tea. The goal is to do something that requires a natural process that takes your mind off the panic-inducing fear of being lost. Taking yourself away from the stressful situation for fifteen minutes can go a long way toward providing clarity and calmness.


I used to play in a band. One night we were in the recording studio, and nothing was going right. There were technical difficulties, we couldn't get ourselves in synch with one another, and nothing was sounding good. One of my bandmates made us follow him out of the studio and out on to the street. He then had us all run a mad dash down the road. Even though we all thought he was crazy, we did it. We stumbled back into the studio, out of breath, and laughing. That turned into one of our most creative and best-sounding recording sessions. The mad dash got our blood flowing, cleared our thinking, refocused our minds, and refreshed our bodies. 

Even if you can only go for a brisk walk for fifteen minutes, it is far better than stewing in your stress and frustrations. You might think that you don't have fifteen minutes to waste. Trust me. It is not a waste. What you spend in those minutes exercising, you will regain in positive productivity.

So, do me a favor. Pass this on, then go for a walk. Remember, don't freak out! It's not worth it!

Copyright (c) 2020, Timothy Trimble    

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About the Creator

Timothy Trimble

Timothy is a published author of Science Fiction & Fantasy stories.

His latest novel, "Air Born" can be found at book stores & online. His tips and articles on the life of a writer will continue.

He can be followed at

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    Timothy TrimbleWritten by Timothy Trimble

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