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Detailed Guide to Consultation with Cardiologist in Kolkata

See the best cardiologist in Kolkata immediately for the most effective care and the quickest possible recovery.

By Reshma SharmaPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

Cardiovascular consultation is an important element of your overall medical care. Patients can voice their concerns about their cardiovascular health, get guidance on addressing them, and begin the path toward a better way of life. The pre-and post-operative steps, risks, and problems of the operation, as well as the treatment options and surgical process, are all clarified. See the best cardiologist in Kolkata immediately for the most effective care and the quickest possible recovery.

Guide to Consultation with Cardiologist

Anxiety is common among patients who go unprepared for their initial visit to the cardiologist. Your first visit to the cardiologist might be less nerve-wracking if you know what to expect from the consultation and take the necessary precautions.

Your primary care physician is responsible for your overall health and wellness. However, if your doctor suspects that you have a cardiac problem, you will be sent to a cardiologist for further evaluation.

What to Expect

The points of each consultation are unique. Your initial visit with the cardiologist in Kolkata will be an opportunity to ask questions and learn more about your heart health. Get ready to do the following actions:

1. Analysing Your Health Record: Your cardiologist will likely inquire about your health, symptoms, and any previous cases of heart disease in your family.

2. Conduct a Physical Examination: Your cardiologist may do some kind of physical exam. Weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, and other potential heart disease indicators should all be checked.

3. Initiate Diagnostic Procedures: The cardiologist may recommend further testing to determine the cause of the patient's symptoms. Getting a full and accurate diagnosis requires more tests.

4. Treatment Suggestions: Before prescribing any medication, your cardiologist will want to review the results of the necessary tests. They will prescribe medication, recommend changes to your lifestyle, or send you to a cardiovascular surgeon based on the findings of your tests.

What Should You Do When Your Appointment Is Over?

Making an appointment with the best cardiologist in Kolkata is crucial to treating your heart issue. You can get the most out of your time with the doctor if you are well-prepared. It's possible, however, that the steps you take after your consultation are more crucial than those you take before. Do the following after seeing your cardiologist:

1. Improve Your Way of Life: If your cardiologist recommends that you adjust your lifestyle, such as giving up cigarettes or beginning an exercise routine, do so without delay.

2. Schedule All Upcoming Appointments: You must follow your cardiologist's instructions and attend all scheduled visits.

3. Know Your Medication: If you have any concerns or questions regarding your medications, see your cardiologist in Kolkata. Know the recommended dosage, how frequently to take it, any potential adverse effects, and what to do if you forget to take a dose.

4. Take Precautionary Measures: Your primary care doctor should be consulted if you or a family member has high blood pressure, diabetes, or any other condition that raises your risk for heart disease.

5. Recognise Heart Attack Symptoms: Call 911 immediately if you are experiencing dizziness, chest discomfort, nausea, shortness of breath, or pain in your jaw, arm, or back. These might be warning signals of a heart attack.


The heart is very important, and you must know this. Likewise, if you don't care for it, you might end up in much pain or even die. There are more warning signs than those given above that should prompt you to get a cardiologist online consultation at Livlong. However, most of them are manageable by making little adjustments to one's way of living. You need to make some major adjustments if you aim for a healthy life.


About the Creator

Reshma Sharma

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