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Cure for the Sore Throat

Little known fix for a sore throat

By Lora DanielsonPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

Everyone has experienced a sore throat in one way or another. Whether you went out the night before to a concert and screamed for hours or caught the common cold the discomfort can be frustrating. There is so many different remedies out there from the common lozenge to cold medicines, but they usually taste horrible. Who wants to take something that tastes like the devil peed and put it into a case of death that burns to get you better? I definitely do not enjoy that, so then you start looking for other options, but unless you get the medicine that tastes bad most of the ones that do not make you want to puke are ineffective. Then you try to move to more of the home remedies, I can give all sorts of reasons to not want a hot totty even though that was always grandma's go to, but the hot totty remains a favorite for many for colds and flus. I am allergic to alcohol and to make this drink effective alcohol is the main ingredient, this also can take away the use for children unless the alcohol is removed then not only do you have something that tastes bad it does not even give them the buzz which in general is the whole reason it is effective, you forget you are sick. Then we have hot chocolate, this is a good go to however very temporary. The warmth and thickness are both soothing for the throat but only fully effective while actually drinking it. Tea with honey will always be one of the most effective. Honey is a natural healer and tea has many healing traits as well so not only does this taste good all the natural healing power should see you feeling better in no time. With all the different methods to cure sore throats, an original one has all but been forgotten. I do not know if this is because it is most likely the least healthy option or just that it was changed and marketed as junk food but I must say I can not say enough about how this secret made a horrible week a little better.

At the start of the pandemic, I ended up deathly ill. I had planned a trip to New Hampshire to meet a friend, from there moved on to Marland and then to Illinois with the final destination Wisconsin before heading home. About a week before I was leaving, I met this couple who had just returned from China. They commented on how lucky they were to get out of there just before this new Corona Virus was talked about. It was super cold at the beginning of January and by this time it had warmed up substantially, so it was deep wet snow we were clearing. By the end of the day, I was soaked from head to toe and looked like a drowned rat. My friend jokingly commented how I was going to end up sick for my trip. I told him to take it back cause now it was for sure going to happen. The day before I left, I woke up feeling like an 18-wheeler had driven over me, twice. I got up for snow removal, but the snow did not fall, my boss said he had something I could do later that morning, so I went to his place and fell asleep. When I woke up, I could barely move, barely talk so I asked him to pick someone else to take the later shift he had given me so I could go home and get packed and rested for my flight the next morning. By the end of the day, I felt even worse, I had taken whatever medicine I could find in the house and ate an edible so I could sleep.

The next day I wake up in a haze, go with my dad to take my mom to work and then have him drop me at the airport, only to get my mom there and realize I had forgotten my bank card so back home we went. I barely made it back to the airport in time and being as sick as I was, I was not even sure they were going to let me fly. I got through security and onto the flight with no issues and I was off to see a side of the world I had not experienced yet, even in Canada. I would love to say that I got there and felt great and got to see and do so much but that would be a lie. I spent 85% of my time there in bed dying. I did suck it up and do a museum trip and seen the Atlantic Ocean but aside from that I slept. So here is where I tell you my secret for sore throats and I can stand behind it 100%. I took cough medicine and Benadryl, I also sucked on a lot of Halls but none of it helped a whole lot and I found myself searching my mind for anything I could think of for relief. There was something I had seen on an app that gives random facts every time you open it and the one that always stood out to me as cool was the fact that the marshmallow was not always a marshmallow, originally the recipe was in fact a liquid for sore throats. Not only did it work but it tasted so good they decided to adjust the recipe and make it a semi solid gooey treat. So, as I laid in my friends’ bed sicker than I had been in years and ate marshmallows, I wondered how it was that people actually forgot what they were for. People love marshmallows and still only try to eat them at campfires and the odd treat. The sugar content is astronomical, and I think I probably gained 5lbs, but I was only moving off the bed to go to the bathroom. A diet made almost mainly of marshmallows for pretty much a week it could have been worse. Of all the things I did try I can say that my voice came back the best and I got the longest relief from the pain was eating them. I did go through two bags and a lot of warm liquids but at the end of the six days I was finally feeling better and getting ready for the next part of my trip. The rest of my trip I was healthy and got to enjoy all the different sites and activities we did.


About the Creator

Lora Danielson

I am an aspiring travel writer, I create websites, digital marketing professional for individuals and companies. Newly an Amazon associate please check out some of my favorite books.

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