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Connect Led Strip Lights To Power Supply: A Step-By-Step Guide

Connect Led Strip Lights To Power Supply

By Start A DealsPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read

There are many benefits to using led strip lights in areas of your home.

They can be used for decorative purposes, such as adding ambiance or a festive atmosphere, or they can also be used during the holidays when you need additional lighting.

These lighting fixtures are becoming increasingly popular because they are so easy to set up and maintain.

Here is a step-by-step guide for easily connecting led strip lights with an electrical outlet.

What are Led Strip Lights?

Led strip lights are a unique type of light fixture that is powered by an outlet.

They can be used in any room of your home or even outdoors, as they can provide supplemental lighting.

Led strip lighting fixtures offer many benefits, such as being energy efficient and inexpensive to operate.

How to Connect Led Strip Lights

You will need to connect the led strip lights with an electrical outlet. There are two ways you can do this.

One option is using a power strip. This includes connecting the power strip to an outlet and then connecting your led strip light to the power strip.

The other option is connecting them directly without a power strip. To do this, you will need to plug in one electrical cord from the outlet into each of the connectors on each side of the led strip light fixtures.

What is the Difference Between LED and Fluorescent Lights?

LED lights are low energy and offer long life. They are also more environmentally friendly than traditional lights, as they use a fraction of the power that fluorescent light does.

LED lights can last anywhere from 20,000 to 50,000 hours or more.

How to Install Led Strip Lights

Step 1: Find the right outlet

The first step is to find the right outlet. To do that, you'll need to know where your power supply will be.

The outlet should be near an accessible area of your home such as a window or a door.

If it's not near an accessible place, you may want to consider rewiring your home for this project in order to quickly and easily access your power supply.

Step 2: Locate the led strip lights

You'll need to find the led strip lights on each side of the outlet. They'll have a wire and plug for each side.

Step 3: Connect one side at a time

Connect one side of the led strip light with the power supply on one end and then connect the other end with your socket that's already plugged into the outlet plug on your wall.

Make sure that you don't touch either of them while they're connected because you could start a fire!

Safety Considerations for Installing Led Strip Lights

Safety is always a priority. Connecting led strip lights to the power supply can be complicated and dangerous if you don't follow the instructions outlined in this guide.

Before connecting led strip lights, make sure you take these safety precautions:

  1. Turn off your power source.
  2. Make sure that there are no other electrical sources on the same circuit as your led strip light.
  3. Turn off any switches or outlets that control the current to your led strip light's outlet.
  4. Make sure that all furniture or objects are clear of potential hazards near where you are installing your led strip light.


Led strip lights are the perfect addition to any space that needs a more modern, yet budget-friendly update.

So before you decide to install led strip lights, be sure to learn about the safety considerations and know how to connect to power supply.

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