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Clearing Chakras through Tibetan Throat Singing:

A Harmonious Journey from East to West

By Rosemary Charlotte AppletonPublished 7 months ago 8 min read
Tibetan Throat Singing Monks

Tibetan traditional throat singing, also known as "overtone singing" or "Harmonic Chant," is a unique and ancient vocal practice that has garnered global attention for its mystical qualities and spiritual significance. This article explores the intriguing connection between Tibetan throat singing and the clearing of the seven chakras, as perceived through the lens of Western anatomical terminology and the Hertz (Hz) scale. This fusion of Eastern and Western philosophies offers a fascinating insight into the potential for vibrational healing through this centuries-old Tibetan tradition.

Understanding Chakras

Before delving into the mesmerizing world of Tibetan throat singing and its relation to the chakras, it is essential to comprehend the concept of chakras in the context of Eastern spirituality and their corresponding Western counterparts.

Chakras are energy centers or wheels located along the human body's subtle energy system, often associated with the yogic and Ayurvedic traditions of India. There are seven primary chakras, each aligned with specific parts of the body and associated with certain psychological and spiritual attributes. In the Western anatomical framework, these energy centers can be related to the body's endocrine glands and major nerve plexuses:

Root Chakra (Muladhara):

Location: Base of the spine

Western Equivalent: Sacral plexus

Associated Sound: "LAM"

Musical Note (Hz): 194.18 Hz

Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana):

Location: Lower abdomen, just below the navel

Western Equivalent: Gonadal plexus

Associated Sound: "VAM"

Musical Note (Hz): 210.42 Hz

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura):

Location: Upper abdomen, near the solar plexus

Western Equivalent: Celiac plexus

Associated Sound: "RAM"

Musical Note (Hz): 126.22 Hz

Heart Chakra (Anahata):

Location: Center of the chest

Western Equivalent: Cardiac plexus

Associated Sound: "YAM"

Musical Note (Hz): 136.10 Hz

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):

Location: Throat

Western Equivalent: Pharyngeal plexus

Associated Sound: "HAM"

Musical Note (Hz): 141.27 Hz

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna):

Location: Between the eyebrows

Western Equivalent: Carotid plexus

Associated Sound: "OM"

Musical Note (Hz): 221.23 Hz

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara):

Location: Top of the head

Western Equivalent: Pineal gland and pituitary gland

Associated Sound: "OM" (Higher octave)

Musical Note (Hz): 172.06 Hz

Tibetan Throat Singing and Chakra Harmonization

Tibetan throat singing, often performed by Tibetan monks, serves as a powerful tool for channeling energy and promoting healing within the body. This ancient art form harnesses the resonant frequencies generated by the human voice to harmonize the chakras and promote overall well-being. Each chakra is associated with a specific sound, which corresponds to the frequencies produced during throat singing. Let's delve into how these two seemingly distinct traditions can work together in a harmonious synergy:

Root Chakra (Muladhara):

The root chakra represents stability and grounding. The low-frequency sound "LAM" resonates with the base of the spine, aligning the chakra. In Western terms, this chakra's energy center is akin to the sacral plexus, and the vibrations help release tension in this region.

Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana):

The sound "VAM" corresponds to the sacral chakra and the gonadal plexus. The vibrations produced by Tibetan throat singing here can stimulate creative and emotional energies, promoting a sense of pleasure and balance.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura):

"RAM" resonates with the solar plexus chakra and the celiac plexus. This sound promotes feelings of self-confidence, personal power, and motivation while clearing blockages and stagnant energy.

Heart Chakra (Anahata):

The heart chakra, represented by "YAM," is associated with the cardiac plexus. Tibetan throat singing can enhance feelings of love, compassion, and empathy, allowing the heart to open and release pent-up emotions.

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):

The throat chakra is directly related to the pharyngeal plexus, and the sound "HAM" helps individuals express themselves more clearly and communicate effectively.

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna):

The third eye chakra, associated with the carotid plexus, is attuned to the sound "OM." This sound is believed to enhance intuition, wisdom, and insight, opening the mind to new perspectives.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara):

The crown chakra, linked to the pineal and pituitary glands, resonates with the higher octave of "OM." The vibrations here are thought to connect individuals to higher consciousness and spiritual realms, promoting a sense of oneness and enlightenment.

It's important to note that Tibetan throat singing is not a guaranteed method for chakra clearing. The effectiveness of this practice varies among individuals and is influenced by factors like intention, practice, and receptivity. It is often recommended to work with experienced practitioners or sound healers to ensure safe and effective chakra harmonization.

The Western Hz Scale and Sound Vibration

To gain a deeper understanding of how Tibetan throat singing corresponds to the Hz scale of Western music, let's examine how these frequencies align with the chakras. In the Western musical scale, each chakra's associated sound can be translated into specific Hz frequencies:

Root Chakra (194.18 Hz):

The note G corresponds to the root chakra's sound "LAM." This sound can be likened to the deep, grounding vibrations of a drumbeat.

Sacral Chakra (210.42 Hz):

The note G# corresponds to the sacral chakra's sound "VAM." These higher vibrations resonate with the body's creative and emotional energies.

Solar Plexus Chakra (126.22 Hz):

The note B represents the solar plexus chakra's sound "RAM." This lower frequency helps to clear blockages and restore a sense of personal power.

Heart Chakra (136.10 Hz):

The note C corresponds to the heart chakra's sound "YAM." These vibrations promote love, compassion, and emotional release.

Throat Chakra (141.27 Hz):

The note C# resonates with the throat chakra's sound "HAM." This sound aids in clear communication and self-expression.

Third Eye Chakra (221.23 Hz):

The note A corresponds to the third eye chakra's sound "OM." These frequencies enhance intuition and insight, fostering a deeper connection to one's inner wisdom.

Crown Chakra (172.06 Hz):

The note F# represents the crown chakra's higher octave "OM." These vibrations facilitate a connection to higher consciousness and spiritual realms.

Tibetan Throat Singing Techniques

Tibetan throat singing encompasses various techniques, with each style producing distinct harmonic overtones. The two most well-known methods are the "Sygyt" and "Khoomei" styles.


Sygyt is characterized by producing a high, whistle-like overtone while maintaining a fundamental note. In the context of chakra clearing, Sygyt can stimulate higher chakras, such as the third eye and crown chakras. The high-pitched overtones created during Sygyt may resonate with the frequencies of the upper chakras, helping to activate and clear them.


Khoomei is known for its deep, resonant undertones. This style may be more effective at clearing lower chakras, such as the root and sacral chakras. The rich, low-frequency vibrations can help to ground and balance these energy centers.

In a holistic approach, both styles can be used sequentially to balance the entire chakra system. However, the specific choice of technique can depend on an individual's needs, intentions, and current chakra imbalances.

Tibetan Throat Singing as a Holistic Practice

Tibetan throat singing is not limited to the chakra system alone but encompasses a holistic approach to well-being. When integrated into a broader practice of meditation, mindfulness, and energy work, it can be a powerful tool for promoting mental, emotional, and physical harmony. Here are some key elements to consider:

Meditation and Mindfulness:

Tibetan throat singing is often used in meditation to help individuals reach deeper states of consciousness. The vibrations and resonances can create a serene and focused environment, facilitating mindfulness and introspection.

Emotional Release:

Sound healing through throat singing can aid in the release of pent-up emotions and emotional blockages. As chakras become balanced, individuals may experience a sense of emotional well-being and a greater capacity to process and release past trauma.

Physical Relaxation:

The vibrations generated by throat singing can promote physical relaxation and reduce stress. These vibrations may help alleviate muscle tension and improve overall body comfort.

Energetic Alignment:

In addition to chakras, Tibetan throat singing is believed to balance the body's energy field, or aura. As the chakras align and clear, the aura may become more vibrant and harmonious, leading to improved overall energy and vitality.

Spiritual Connection:

For those on a spiritual journey, Tibetan throat singing can deepen one's connection to higher states of consciousness and foster a sense of unity with the universe. The vibrations and harmonics resonate with the spiritual dimensions of human existence.

Tibetan Throat Singing and Western Sound Therapy

Sound therapy, which includes Tibetan throat singing, has gained recognition in Western holistic health practices for its potential to alleviate physical and emotional ailments. While the relationship between chakras and throat singing is deeply rooted in Eastern philosophy, the Western world has also begun to explore the therapeutic benefits of this practice. Here are some ways Tibetan throat singing can align with Western sound therapy:

Stress Reduction:

The soothing and resonant tones of throat singing can be used as a stress reduction technique in Western sound therapy. The vibrations help calm the nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety.

Pain Management:

Some practitioners use Tibetan throat singing to alleviate pain and discomfort, particularly in the context of chronic pain conditions. The vibrations may stimulate the body's natural pain relief mechanisms.

Mental Health:

Sound therapy, including Tibetan throat singing, has shown potential in supporting mental health. It may help individuals manage conditions like depression and anxiety by promoting emotional release and a sense of well-being.

Healing and Recovery:

Sound therapy can be integrated into the healing process for physical and emotional recovery. Tibetan throat singing may aid in the healing of injuries and support individuals during illness or post-surgery recuperation.

Personal Growth and Transformation:

Western sound therapy practitioners often use sound to facilitate personal growth, enhance self-awareness, and support individuals on their spiritual journeys. Tibetan throat singing can be a powerful tool in this regard, helping individuals connect with their inner selves and explore their higher consciousness.

The Potential for Vibrational Healing

The potential for vibrational healing through Tibetan throat singing is a subject of ongoing research and exploration in both Eastern and Western contexts. While scientific evidence on the direct relationship between specific throat singing frequencies and chakra clearing is limited, anecdotal reports and experiential evidence suggest that this ancient practice can have profound effects on one's overall well-being.

In the realm of vibrational healing, it's essential to remember that each individual's experience is unique, and what works for one person may not have the same effect on another. Tibetan throat singing is just one of many tools available to explore the interconnectedness of sound, energy, and human consciousness.


The connection between Tibetan throat singing and the clearing of the seven chakras, as understood through Western Hz scales and anatomical language, offers a captivating journey into the harmonious convergence of Eastern and Western traditions. This age-old Tibetan practice provides a unique perspective on the potential for vibrational healing and alignment with the body's energy centers.

While the relationship between throat singing and chakra clearing remains largely experiential and rooted in ancient wisdom, its influence on mental, emotional, and physical well-being is undeniable. Whether one approaches this practice from an Eastern or Western perspective, the captivating vibrations and resonances of Tibetan throat singing continue to inspire and ignite the human quest for holistic health, spiritual growth, and self-discovery.


About the Creator

Rosemary Charlotte Appleton

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  • Alex H Mittelman 7 months ago

    Throat singing is cool!

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