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Chores for a Better Morning

How to Wake up to a New Day by Finishing Everything the Day Before!

By Sapphira S.Published 7 years ago 3 min read

I very much believe in "finishing the day" before going to sleep so that you can start the next day fresh without any lingering, incomplete tasks. Lingering tasks can be frustrating and will set you back in terms of time management and getting projects done (both during and after college). By practicing good time management you can finish the day with accomplishment and satisfaction.

This applies to jobs, college, and home life. Always finish the day, but long-term project steps can be done over several days, of course (have a schedule for the steps of long projects!). To-Do lists help with this, and then you can easily track your progress if you have trouble completing certain tasks.

Since I graduated college, I complete the day by finishing all the chores for the day and leaving the house tidy and "put away" for the night. Here's what I make sure to do:

1. Do All the Dishes

Dirty dishes in the sink all night is no fun, and then you'll have to look at them in the morning... also no fun. Have a clean sink!

2. Put Away Laundry (If Any)

I don't like piles of clothes, and since I organized my wardrobe, I easily know where everything goes. Now, next day, I don't have to put anything away!

3. Take Care of the Pets

I have three (!) cats, so I make sure their litter is scooped, food bowls are filled, and water is replaced.

4. Pick Out Clothes for Tomorrow

This was mostly in college, but it helps with jobs as well! I work in a very casual farm store so I don't need fancy outfits at the moment... but this saves you the time of potential outfit indecision. Read on for how to get your clothing organized effectively!

5. Do a Last Sweep & Make Sure Everything's in Order

Couch pillows, clutter piles, mail, etc. Make sure it's all organized, sorted, put away, straightened out, etc. In the morning, you can look at a tidy space and take a deep breath, knowing you can start the day anew. It's worth it!

All of this makes for a better morning. It might take some time at night, but if you plan your day to automatically include these things it shouldn't take unnecessary time or keep you up all night organizing and cleaning. It's like procrastination: leaving things until later is easy, but it's impractical and not any better. Make a better morning for yourself and complete the day's tasks!

I know that it can be hard to change a routine or take time for chores. But chores are just something you do during the day, so time is automatically allocated to them with that new mindset. Besides, if you're upset with all those unfinished chores, and a dirty sink every morning... then... do the chores! Guess what? They're DONE. And eventually you'll settle into this new routine.

BONUS: Organize Your Wardrobe!

Here's a way to invest some time at first so that you SAVE time later on, especially when you're finishing up the day. Here's how to get your wardrobe in order so that you can easily pick out outfits for the next day.

I'll cover a couple of ideas about clothing organization in your closet (and drawers!). I have an extensive wardrobe collection, so I need to organize it effectively. If any of you have a lot of clothing and have trouble storing it all, hopefully this will help!

Here's what I do to organize my clothing: basically, I designate certain categories to either the closet or drawers.


  • Jackets/ blazers
  • Hoodies
  • Cardigans/ open sweaters
  • Flannels/ button-down/ collared shirts/ blouses
  • Tank tops that are hard to fold/ bodysuits
  • Rompers/ jumpsuits/ dresses/ overalls
  • Skirts


  • Easily folded tank tops
  • Crop tops/ tees/ long sleeve tops
  • Crew-neck sweatshirts/ pullover sweaters
  • Shorts
  • Leggings/ pants/ jeans
  • Socks/ underwear

I organize it this way because folding everything is impractical and can create unnecessary creases in things like dresses and skirts. Definitely hang those things! I fold what's practical being folded and won't get ruined if it's in a folded pile for a while. If it's impossible to fold into a nice square, like a chiffon blouse, hang it. I also can't fit everything bulky in cardigan might take up a whole drawer! It's pretty intuitive for me.

I also hang and fold everything in a specific order, but that's mostly because my wardrobe is a very important collection to me. I have heavier things leading into lighter things, and each category is kept together. If I wear something, I know exactly where it goes back into my closet and drawers!

Extra folding tip: I fold jeans and pants into thirds rather than fourths; it's fewer creases and fits in the drawer much better. Try it!

Now you can pick out outfits at night, and complete the other chores for a better morning.


About the Creator

Sapphira S.

I believe in organization, emotional health/intelligence, and personal renewal. Organizing your space is a perfect way to start living a fuller, simpler life. Find emotional freedom and the benefits of less with these stories!

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    Sapphira S.Written by Sapphira S.

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