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causes symptoms and treatments for forgetfulness

forgetfulness memory loss treatment

By skmazeethPublished about a year ago 4 min read
causes symptoms and treatments for forgetfulness
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Typical Memory Issues

You enter a room and stand there, your thoughts suddenly feeling empty. What drew you here? You initially feel a little annoyed with yourself for this carelessness and turn around to head back in the opposite direction. You quite frequently remember when you jog your memory by going back and recalling what you were doing or thinking. One of the most prevalent sorts of memory loss issues is this short-term memory loss.

varieties of memory issues

What further causes of memory loss exist? When someone tells you something vital, and you end up not doing it at all, after reading it but being unable to recall it moments or hours afterwards. Your only reaction to their "why?" is that they never mentioned anything similar to you at all. Although it may sound scary, this frequently occurs. This might be due to your forgetfulness or the fact that you weren't listening when they were speaking to you.

However, if this occurs too frequently, you may start to worry about your forgetfulness and wonder what is the source. Is the memory loss only temporary, or is it caused by a serious condition like Alzheimer's or dementia? Concerns about your forgetting raise red flags. Sometimes it's difficult to recall someone's name even when it's on the tip of your tongue. When a separate idea interrupts the one you are trying to retrieve, this is called blocking. Older people tend to be more stressed, although getting older is not the only cause of forgetfulness.


What causes amnesia and memory loss? There are numerous causes of memory loss and impairment. These might consist of the following:

Unable to sleep

Inadequate and fitful or restless sleep, which is probably the most frequent cause of forgetfulness at any age, can also result in worry, tenseness, and restlessness. These are additional reasons for memory loss.

Stress, anxiety, and overwork

Overwork results in weariness, and as some brain connections deteriorate, this can impair memory. Your memory facility may become tense due to conflicts at work or at home. Exercise deficiency will make this worse. Additionally, stress and worry make it difficult to remember past events and impede the formation of new memories.


Some types of pharmaceuticals, such as antidepressants, anti-epileptics, heartburn remedies, non-sedating antihistamines, and bladder-control treatments, have a physiological impact on the body's chemistry that causes forgetfulness.


In addition to being bad for your overall health and wellbeing, liver disease, etc., drinking too much alcohol also seems to have an effect that is less generally known. Short-term memory loss results from it. So resist the urge to buy one more "for the road"!

thyroid dysfunction

There are certain persons who have thyroid issues. Lack of sleep and depression may result if it is not operating at its best. In turn, this causes memory impairment, which, if left untreated, can culminate in persistent memory loss.


Common symptoms of depression include a general lack of enjoyment in activities that ordinarily pique your interest, exhaustion, lethargy, a lack of motivation, and a frightening melancholy that blankets you from head to toe.

We've examined the key factors that contribute to forgetting commonplace items. The aforementioned elements are the most frequent causes of memory loss and forgetfulness.

But among other things, there are tiredness and inactivity.

Although weariness can impair your memory, chronic, severe fatigue may have a medical cause and should be assessed by a doctor. When you exercise physically, you can feel your heart beating more quickly, sending oxygen-rich blood to the brain to keep you alert and cognitively sharp. According to ongoing studies, moderate exercise stimulates the areas of the brain that are involved in memory function on a regular basis. This is likely the reason why, in comparison to persons who lead more sedentary lifestyles, physically active people age with less forgetfulness.

How to Treat Memory Loss - Fighting Forgetfulness

We need to look at some basic behavioural management strategies to help with these changes when discussing memory loss treatment or memory loss medication, particularly as a short-term memory loss strategy:

Establish a routine

Keep your everyday necessities, such as your wallet, keys, eyeglasses, and phone, in the same locations every day.

Notate everything.

Do not rely on your memory to retain dates, names, locations, specifics, etc. Use a voice recorder, a sticky note, or a pocket notepad. Use memory mnemonics, short codes that can help you remember complex material.

Maintain single-minded attention

Because the brain is only capable of doing one item at a time, "multitasking" ruins all of the tasks.

Establish memory triggers

To help you remember to take your pills after meals, keep a tiny cup for them on your dining room table.

To deal with amnesia, make a list of your everyday routines.

Do you get enough zzz's each night? Do you have sound sleep? If not, you will have exhaustion and a lack of energy throughout the day, which will affect your memory. You should speak with your doctor about possible relaxation aids.

Blood pressure medications, antidepressants, tranquillizers, anti-epileptic drugs, heartburn medications, bladder control medications, antihistamines, etc. are just a few examples of medications that can affect memory by sedating or confusing you if you are taking them for pre-existing health conditions. Your physician can recommend substitute products or medication combinations that won't

Treatment for memory loss is a subject of continuing investigation. In the interim, novel and intriguing approaches to memory retention are being developed and put to the test. The invention of a new typeface or font that eliminates amnesia by enhancing focus, learning, and memory retention is an exciting and practical tool! The new Sans Forgetica font from RMIT University in Australia has features like a slight 8-degree tilt in the backward direction and gaps in the fonts that slow reading to improve cognitive processing. This allows the reader to absorb the information more clearly without rushing through the written material. It is designed to be used as a highlighter to draw attention to crucial information.

But it must be emphasised that there are situations when merely obtaining more sleep, changing medications, and mind-training

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