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Brochure Design Tips: Things You Should Never Do While Designing a Brochure

Certain things you should keep in a mind while designing a brochure for your business.

By Pegasus DesignPublished 3 years ago 2 min read

A problem that many business owners encounter while creating brochures is failing to avoid the common brochure designing mistakes. If you end up printing a brochure boasting a design filled with mistakes, it will not only stop you from attracting new customers, but will also waste your money. Thus before sending newly designed brochure for print, you should make sure that it does not contain the common brochure design mistakes. The section below will educate you about the errors that should never be committed while designing a brochure.

- Your brochure should not come with too many details. In other words, you should never fill the brochure with too many graphics and images for making it appear more attractive. Overcrowding instead of making the brochure design impressive will make it look extremely constrained. It’s true that a brochure must have some creative features; however, there should be the limit to the number of creative elements the brochure possesses.

- You should avoid using fonts of different sizes and types. Brochures that have their texts done in extremely fancy fonts or a mix of different font styles mostly appear clumsy and distasteful. A good brochure designer will always use one particular text style that other than being simple is also readable; using such fonts make the design of the brochure neat, professional and uniform. If you check the brochures of successful businesses, you will find them using professional fonts such as Tahoma, Times New Roman or Arial.

- Often we forget to use white spaces while designing a brochure, which is absolutely wrong. Adding white spaces is extremely important for ensuring that the person reading the brochure does not suffer from eyestrain as a result of checking all its pages. In addition to that, adding white spaces is also important for making giving the brochure a sophisticated look.

- You should also be extremely careful while picking colors for the brochure. The color you pick should not be too bright or two shabby. They must be bright enough for attracting the customers, but should also have a matte appeal for ensuring that they don’t end up irritating the eyes of your prospective clients.

If you want the design of your brochure to be free from all the above mentioned mistakes, you must get it designed by a reputable graphic design service provider. Brochure design services are offered by the majority of the top designing firms offering letterhead, envelope, business greeting cards and business cards design services.

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About the Creator

Pegasus Design

Pegasus Design is a Digital Marketing Agency providing services for Website Design, Graphic Design, SEO, Social Media Marketing, and many more. for more information visit:

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