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Bone Cancer: Symptoms, Treatment And Side Effects

Bone Cancer

By Dr. P. K. SHARMAPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Bone Cancer: Symptoms, Treatment And Side Effects
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Persistent pain in the bones which increases with time and persists till night. Swelling and redness (inflammation) over the bone, which can make it difficult to move the affected bone near a joint. A noticeable lump on a bone. A weak bone that breaks (fractures)...

Bone cancer, as the name itself suggests, is cancer that occurs in our bones. Bone cancer damages or weakens the bone. Its symptoms depend on the location of the tumor. Today we will get answers to some common questions related to bone cancer from Vivek Verma, Senior Consultant – Orthopedic Oncosurgeon, Max Hospital.

What is bone cancer and what are its early symptoms?

Whenever the size of any cell in our body has to increase, we call it tumor. There are two types of these tumors, one is benign and the other is malignant. Benign tumors keep growing at one place and malignant tumors spread very rapidly to other parts of the body. Bone cancer or sarcoma spreads very quickly in the body. If we talk about its symptoms, then first of all a lump appears in it. No pain is felt in this lump. Another symptom is persistent pain in any bone. The third symptom comes if the bone is broken by any minor injury. How is bone cancer diagnosed and treated?

The incidence of sarcoma is two to three percent as compared to other cancers. That's why many times even doctors are not able to catch it and when this disease increases, then it gets attention. In such a situation, if any kind of symptoms are found, first of all show them to an orthopedic surgeon. For its diagnosis, the first diagnostic test is done, in which it is seen what the problem is. After which the condition of the bone is detected with the help of X-ray. After this biopsy is done. If we talk about its treatment, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are used in it.

What are the side effects patients have to face after the treatment of bone cancer?

According to today's technology, there has been a lot of development in medical. With the help of which, after treatment, people do not have as many side effects as before, or these side effects remain for a time only. However, there are many misconceptions among people about the treatment of cancer, which does not allow them to proceed for treatment. But in reality, after any kind of treatment, the patient starts living a normal life within a few months.

What are the types of bone cancer?

Although there are more than 50 types of sarcoma, but two types of cases are seen more. Osteosarcoma and Ewing Sarcoma. Ewing sarcoma occurs exclusively in children, it affects children from 5 to 15-20 years of age. The risk of spreading it in the body is very high. Chemotherapy is first used in its treatment and sometimes radiation therapy is also used in it. Osteosarcoma is also more common in children. In today's time, implants can be placed in the body of children, which grow with their age and there is no problem of any kind in their body. Apart from this, biological reconstruction is used a lot.

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