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Beauty and the Beast

True Love

By Eze Kelvin Ogarabe Published about a month ago 3 min read
Beauty and the Beast
Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

A beast dwelt deep within the enchanted forest, in a forgotten corner of the realm. Alistair was his name, and he was cursed with a terrible form that made it impossible for anybody to look upon him without being repulsed and filled with terror. Beneath his intimidating demeanor, however, lay a lonely, lonely heart that yearned for the touch of another human being.

Alistair came onto a clearing where a lovely girl named Evelyn was sitting and reading under the shadow of a massive oak tree one day while wandering the forest in quest of comfort. In the soft sunlight, her hair gleamed like spun gold, and her laughter filled the peaceful glade, resonating with Alistair's ears like melodies.

Evelyn was first frightened by the creature in front of her, his razor-sharp teeth and shining claws glistening in the sunlight. But when she gazed into his eyes, she noticed something she had never noticed before: a glint of melancholy and longing that made her soul tingle. With a heart full of love and compassion, she instinctively held out a quivering hand to the beast in front of her.

She was surprised that Alistair did not attack her as she had thought he would. Rather, he lowered his head in respect, doubt and optimism mixed together in his gaze. A connection was formed between the beast and the beauty in that instant that went beyond look and form.

Weeks passed, and Evelyn visited Alistair in the jungle, bringing food, company, and a tranquility he had never experienced before. He listened closely, his heart exploding with a love so deep it almost took him over as she shared with him her hopes, worries, and desires.

But even as their love for one another grew, Alistair understood that as long as he lived in his cursed form, he would never be genuinely with Evelyn. He decided to leave her in order to save her the suffering and anguish that would undoubtedly result from loving a beast, but he did so with a heavy heart.

Deep in the woods, Alistair discovered a wonderful spring while wandering alone through the woodland, his heart heavy with longing. According to legend, the waters could break any curse and change even the most terrifying animals back into their original forms. Alistair dove into the glistening pool without thinking, his body submerged in a dazzling glow.

When Alistair surfaced from the water, Evelyn was left speechless as he changed from being a guy she could not believe existed to one of such exquisite grace. The beast had been defeated, the curse had been lifted, and in his place there stood a man who truly loved her.

When Evelyn saw Alistair in his full form, her heart leaped, her love for him becoming stronger by the second. Under the oak tree's shade, they shared an embrace, their hearts intertwined in a bond that would never break. They realized then and there that they were meant to be together, to love and cherish one another forever.

Alistair and Evelyn realized they had discovered true pleasure in each other's arms as they strolled hand in hand through the enchanted forest, encircled by the splendor of the natural world and the magic of their love. Their love had gone beyond form and appearance, demonstrating that genuine beauty is found in the hearts of people who love without conditions rather than in external appearances.

Thus, the narrative of Beauty and the Beast—a tale of love that overcame all challenges and triumphed against all odds—became a legend in the realm. For everyone who heard the story of Alistair and Evelyn, their love glowed brilliantly, serving as a reminder that genuine love knows no boundaries and can triumph over the most difficult challenges.

And Alistair and Evelyn knew they had found their happily ever after in each other's arms as they danced under the stars, their souls entwined in a love that would never die and their hearts full of delight.

The End.

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Comments (1)

  • angela hepworthabout a month ago

    Aww what a beautiful story!

EKOWritten by Eze Kelvin Ogarabe

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