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Awesome Lifehacks for Vaseline You Never Knew You Needed

Petroleum jelly can be used for much more than just repairing skin. From fixing squeaky doors to being a single ingredient makeup remover, these lifehacks for Vaseline will be your go-to solutions for practically anything.

By Kelsey LangePublished 6 years ago 7 min read

From a beauty staple to a home renovator, Vaseline can be used in an alarming amount of ways. These are the top ten tricks that will make a difference in your life with just a single jar. You'll be surprised by the powers such a simple product can have, but unlike some fake lifehacks after reading up on these hacks, you'll never forget these easy fixes once they start to work for you.

Petroleum jelly can be used for way more than just repairing skin. From fixing squeaky doors to being a single ingredient makeup remover, these lifehacks for Vaseline will be your go-to solutions for practically anything.

Repair Even the Oldest Leather Shoes

The first of our awesome lifehacks for Vaseline is something so easily fixed, but is often overlooked as being too good to be true. Leather shoes are easily scuffed and damaged due to the material.

But the fix lies right in your medicine cabinet. For patent leather, you can add a small dab of Vaseline right onto the shoe and with a cloth or towel, rub the damaged area with the product.

Once this is completely rubbed in, the leather shoe should be wiped clean with a cloth that is slightly damp. Once complete, your shoes will look as good as new, and you didn't have to spend money on an expensive cleaner, let another an entirely new pair of shoes.

Remove a Too-Tight Ring

Most people, especially women, have been there. You easily put a ring on just to find out that it has no intention of being removed. Whether it is due to temperature, swelling, or simply just being too small, you're not stuck wearing the ring forever.

There are plenty of tips to remove a ring, but many of them include pain, lots of work, and too much stress. Instead of sticking something under the ring, running your finger under water for ages, or really any other lifehack that requires a ton of work, simply use petroleum jelly.

As one of the best lifehacks for Vaseline, simply add a bit of the Vaseline to the ring and the skin surrounding it. You will be able to slowly wiggle the ring onto the slick skin and eventually remove the ring with ease and zero pain.

Minimize the Appearance of Blackheads

Our first beauty hack with Vaseline has to do with your skin. As a way to minimize the appearance of blackheads, Vaseline acts as a pore minimizing primer. There is also a way to remove blackheads using Vaseline.

This is a very natural remedy, as it solely requires Vaseline and your skin. After a shower, apply a coat of Vaseline to your nose or other affected areas with blackheads.

After, take the plastic wrap to seal the area that is covered in Vaseline. Then cover the plastic with a damp washcloth and hold it on the area for five minutes.

This will loosen the pores as well as the blackheads. Once removed, you will be able to remove the blackheads with a soft and gentle extraction by pressing the skin.

Prevent Metal from Rusting

Petroleum jelly will keep rust off of any of your metal tools. As a great way to preserve your tools that are left in the garage throughout the winter, simply adding a layer of Vaseline to your tools will preserve them and prevent them from rusting.

As a great rust prohibitor, this is one of the best lifehacks for Vaseline. This can also be used on bike chains or even on car parts. It can also be used to prevent already produced rust from spreading. If you have a rusty spot that you don't want worsening, cover the area in Vaseline.

Fix Squeaky Doors

With this same topic in mind, Vaseline can also be used to fix squeaky hinges. From even the squeakiest door, simply remove the pin from the hinge and coat it in Vaseline.

However, this is a fix for already squeaky doors, and typically doesn't work to prevent a door from becoming squeaky. A simple and easy fix, it only takes a few minutes and will result in silent door usage each time.

Make Your Perfume Last Longer

Next on our list of the best lifehacks for Vaseline is this simple but effective tip that will make you smell great all day long. Are you tired of spraying yourself with perfume, just to discover it diminished after a few hours of your day?

This will work for both cologne and perfume, but I have found that perfumes are irritatingly lacking in the long-lasting department. To fix this, simply add a dab of vaseline on your pulse points, your wrist, the back of your neck, and maybe the decolletage.

Once you've done this, add your perfume like you normally would. The product will hold the perfume to the skin for a longer period of time, rather than when you spray it on dry skin. This is because the moisture and oils on the skin will retain the fragrance.

Tame Flyaway Baby Hairs

A simple hack, but one that will save you money, time, and is likely something already on your desk or in your bathroom cabinet. Vaseline works great to tame those crazy baby hairs and flyaways.

As a great way to slick back and ponytail, you don't need a lot of product. Simply dip a clean toothbrush into your jar of petroleum jelly, and smooth back any of the unwanted hairs that have a mind of their own.

A great beauty accessory, and one that is easy to work with, a dab of Vaseline will complete any hairstyle.

Fix Zippers That Constantly Get Stuck

Everyone has dealt with the persistent struggle that comes with a stuck zipper. As one of the best lifehacks for Vaseline, a bit of petroleum jelly on that tough zipper and it will be easier than ever to use.

Simply add a bit of Vaseline to a cotton swab and run the swab along the part of the zipper that you cannot get past. With a bit of work, the teeth of the zipper will be lubricated and will create a much easier path for the zipper.

Even if it's caught in fabric, the teeth will release the problem, and you will be able to start fresh, once it's opened.

Create Your Own Makeup Remover

Even some of the top beauty lovers will admit that Vaseline is one of the best eye makeup removers. The beauty community often purchases overpriced products simply due to the brand, the hype, and the advertisement. But this is a life hack every girl should know.

Instead of falling into this patern, reach into your cabinet, and you'll find one of the best and cheapest removers for any type of makeup. The petroleum jelly breaks down even the hardest to remove of makeup, with only a small sized amount of product.

With a cotton pad and some water, simply work the product into your face, massaging it into the eyelids and all over your skin. It will even remove waterproof mascara.

Use water to aid the process and rinse the broken down makeup off your face, and you're good to complete the rest of your skin care for the night.

Last, but not least, on our list of the most awesome lifehacks for Vaseline, we had to mention one more skincare trick. Vaseline can be used as one of the best foot moisturizers on the market.

As a perfect addition to your skincare routine, don't forget to give the bottom of your feet love as well. Everyone has dealt with rough and cracked skin, especially during the cold months.

But once you give this remedy a shot, you won't have to struggle with this anymore. Give your feet a coating of the petroleum jelly before bed and simply put some fuzzy socks on, ensuring your feet will soak up all of the healing and moisturizing features of the product.

You'll wake up with soft, smooth feet, that feel great.

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About the Creator

Kelsey Lange

Passionate about writing, animals, makeup, movies, friends, family, learning, exercising, and laughing!

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