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Avoid These 5 Activities in the Morning

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By Talat YusufPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo via unsplash

Many people find themselves at the end of the day feeling exhausted and unaccomplished, despite their efforts to stay busy. The reason for this dissatisfaction could lie in how they spend their mornings.

According to Daniel Handler, the first three hours of your day can set the tone for the rest of it. If you engage in unproductive habits during this crucial period, you are likely to lack the energy, motivation, and willpower to accomplish meaningful tasks later on. To make the most of your mornings and improve the overall quality of your day, it is essential to break free from certain counterproductive habits.

1. Scrolling through your phone

One common habit is reaching for your phone as soon as you wake up. This unconscious action has become ingrained in our routines, exposing us to gossip, news, and media immediately upon waking. This can negatively impact our state of mind, especially in the early hours.

Instead, try keeping your phone in another room or at a distance from your bed. Investing in a separate alarm clock can help. Start your mornings with activities that nourish your mind, such as reading a few pages of a book or journaling. Experiment with different practices, such as prayer or meditation, or simply take a moment to be present and embrace the stillness. These intentional rituals allow for a slower, more mindful start to the day.

2. Relying on caffeine

Many people believe they cannot function without a cup of coffee first thing in the morning. However, studies have shown the potential harmful effects of excessive coffee or tea consumption. While they may provide an initial boost of alertness and energy, they can leave you feeling tired and jittery after a few hours.

If possible, consider starting your day with a glass of lukewarm water, possibly infused with a squeeze of lemon and a drizzle of honey. Hydrating your system in the morning helps flush out accumulated toxins and supports your body's natural functions.

3. Multitasking

In today's fast-paced world, our attention spans have significantly decreased. We often struggle to focus on a single task and find ourselves constantly juggling between multiple activities. The constant barrage of notifications and messages interrupts our workflow, leading to shallow work that lacks quality and can be easily replicated.

To combat this, it is crucial to say "no" more often and focus on one task at a time. Once you have completed a task, you can then shift your attention to the next one. Minimize distractions as much as possible, such as by blocking social media apps during dedicated work periods. By adopting a more focused approach, you can enhance the quality of your work and improve overall productivity.

4. Failure to prioritize

Without proper prioritization, your day can quickly become a series of random tasks rather than a purposeful journey towards achieving your goals. Priorities may differ for each person, depending on their circumstances, but it is important to allocate time specifically for the most important task of the day.

To address this issue, consider planning your day in advance, preferably the night before. Create a to-do list and identify the one most important task OBG (one big goal) that you need to accomplish. By starting your day with this priority in mind, you can ensure that you allocate sufficient time and energy to tackle it. Once you have achieved your OBG, you can then move on to other tasks, increasing your sense of accomplishment and overall productivity.

5. Lack of sunlight exposure

In our modern lifestyle, many of us spend a significant amount of time indoors, whether watching TV or working under artificial lights in office cubicles. This lack of exposure to natural light can disrupt our circadian rhythms, leading to sleep disorders. Sunlight exposure is crucial for regulating hormones, promoting good sleep, and maintaining bone health.

To address this, make it a ritual to spend at least 20 minutes in the sun every day. Take a leisurely walk outside, preferably with family members or friends, or plan weekend treks to immerse yourself in nature. By embracing the outdoors and connecting with natural light, you can improve your overall well-being and energy levels.

In conclusion

The way you choose to spend your mornings can significantly impact the quality of your entire day. Mindlessly scrolling through your phone, relying heavily on caffeine, multitasking without focus, failing to prioritize effectively, and neglecting sunlight exposure are all habits that can leave you feeling unproductive and frustrated. By making conscious changes and eliminating these counterproductive habits from your morning routine, you can experience a transformative shift in your daily life.


About the Creator

Talat Yusuf

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    Talat YusufWritten by Talat Yusuf

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